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Krasnog's Restock Resupply Script by krasnog

Description: This script is what I run before heading out of my home. Great for inbetween your farming runs. It drops off gold onto your safe, adds magic items to recycler & vault, adds items to your stockpile, adds items to your shelf - it then resupplies everything in an organized pouch. Last, arms yourself and sets aspect in the case you are recovering from being a ghost o0o0 o0o0 o0o0o. I hope it's useful for you. Enjoy, Kras

################################################################## ## Krasnogs Restock and Resupply Script for UO Outlands ## ## release v1.3 on 5/29/24 ## ################################################################## # This script is what I run before heading out of my home. Great # # for inbetween your farming runs. It drops off gold onto your # # safe, adds magic items to recycler & vault, adds items to your # # stockpile, adds items to your shelf - it then resupplies # # everything in an organized pouch. Last, arms yourself and # # sets aspect in the case you are recovering from being a # # ghost o0o0 o0o0 o0o0o. I hope its useful for you. Enjoy, Kras # ################################################################## ################################################################## # --- SCRIPT CREDITS --- # # Shout out to Jaseowns and yagermeistertv for their scripts # # I have repurposed or learned from them to make this script. # # Dump, Restock and Organize: # Move Pouches: # Lock or Unlock Loot Box: ################################################################## ################################################################## # --- SCRIPT VARIABLES --- # # 1. Youll need to change a couple of variables with your own # # IDs so that the script will work for you. # # 2. To get the ID of your items in game, type >info and then # # select the item # # 3. Replace red variables below using your IDs and preferences # ################################################################## // Safe @setvar! mySafe 0x770EA720 // Reagent Satchel @setvar! mySatchel 'mySatchel' // Recycler @setvar! myRecycler 0x770D5CE2 // Stockpile @setvar! myStockpile 0x76F69D80 // Shelf @setvar! myShelf 0x7804F1D8 // Magic Vault @setvar! myVault 0x4149B7D3 // Repair Bench @setvar! myBench 0x450A909D // Primary Right-Hand Weapon @setvar! myBaby 0x423DF0D7 // If you use a LockBox & Key for security from Thieves @setvar! myLockBox 'Lootbox' @setvar! myLockBoxKey 'LootboxKey' // Use a lower number to speed up, higher to slow down @setvar! globalPause 1000 // color of message @setvar! myColor 55 // Global Timeout - you shouldnt need to change this @setvar! globalTimeout 400 ################################################################## # --- The Script --- # ################################################################## sysmsg 'Runnning Restock Script' # ------------------------------------------ # # Drop Off, Restock, Resupply # ------------------------------------------ # # Move any gold and dobloons to safe overhead "Depositing gold in safe..." myColor while findtype 'gold coin' backpack as gold lift gold 60000 drop mySafe -1 -1 0 wait globalTimeout endwhile overhead "Depositing doubloons in safe..." myColor while findtype 2539 backpack 2125 as doubloons lift doubloons 60000 drop safe -1 -1 -1 wait globalTimeout endwhile pause globalPause # select recycler and add items from backpack overhead "Adding magic items to recycler..." myColor menu myRecycler 1 pause globalPause # select magic vault and add items from backpack overhead "Adding known magic items to vault..." myColor menu myVault 0 waitfortarget target 'self' pause globalPause # select shelf and restock from self overhead "Restocking items to shelf..." myColor menu myShelf 0 waitfortarget target 'self' pause globalPause # select stockpile and restock from self overhead "Restocking items to stockpile..." myColor menu myStockpile 0 waitfortarget target 'self' pause globalPause # select shelf and resupply overhead "Resupplying from shelf..." myColor waitforgump 3232825965 gumpclose menu myShelf 1 pause globalPause # Repair armor if its needed overhead "Repairing armor..." myColor dclick myBench pause globalPause # ------------------------------------------ # # Ogranize Your Reagent Satchel # ------------------------------------------ # overhead "Organizing reagent satchel..." myColor if findtype "Blood Moss" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 45 65 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Nightshade" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 60 75 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Garlic" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 75 65 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Ginseng" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 90 75 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Sulfurous Ash" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 105 65 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Black Pearl%s%" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 120 75 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Spiders Silk" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 135 65 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Mandrake Root%s%" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 150 75 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Summon Fire Elemen" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 40 120 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Flamestrike Scroll" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 80 120 wait globalTimeout endif if findtype "Summon Earth Eleme" mySatchel as myitem lift myitem 999 drop mySatchel 120 120 wait globalTimeout endif # ------------------------------------------ # # Ogranize Your Supply Pouch # ------------------------------------------ # overhead "Organizing supply pouch..." myColor if findtype "pouch" backpack 0 any any as mybag setvar SupplyBag mybag // put supply pouch at top left of backpack lift mybag drop backpack 0 0 0 endif # # Organize the first Row # # Healing Pot if findtype "yellow potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 45 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Cure Pot if findtype "orange potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 55 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Refresh Pot if findtype "red potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 65 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Strength Pot if findtype "white potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 75 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Dexterity Pot if findtype "blue potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 85 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Poison Pot if findtype "green potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 95 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Explosion Pot if findtype "purple potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 105 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Magic Resist if findtype "black potion" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 115 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Bandages if findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 125 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Vet Supplies if findtype "veterinary supplies" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 135 65 wait globalTimeout endif # Recall Scrolls if findtype "recall" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 145 65 wait globalTimeout endif # # Organize the second Row (Run Supplies) # # Loot Box Key - Put at same cordinate as Rope, so rope hides it. if find myLockBoxKey backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 50 87 wait globalTimeout endif # Rope - goes on top of or Loot Box key if findtype "rope" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 45 85 wait globalTimeout endif # magic mushroom if findtype "mushroom" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 75 85 wait globalTimeout endif # smoke bombs if findtype "bombs" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 95 85 0 wait globalTimeout endif # food tray if findtype "tray" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 115 85 0 wait globalTimeout endif # sewing kit if findtype "sewing kit" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 125 85 0 wait globalTimeout endif # id wand if findtype "wand" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 135 85 0 wait globalTimeout endif # # Organize the third Row (Ship Items) # if findtype "barrel" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 45 105 0 wait globalTimeout endif # repair kits if findtype "ship repair kit" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 85 100 0 wait globalTimeout endif # boarding rope if findtype "rope" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 45 85 wait globalTimeout endif # cannon balls if findtype "cannon ball" backpack as myitem lift myitem 999 drop SupplyBag 105 110 0 wait globalTimeout endif # ------------------------------------------ # # Ogranize Pouches # ------------------------------------------ # @clearignore # Shuffle Trapped Pouches in Main Backpack while findtype "pouch" backpack 38 as item overhead "Shuffling Trapped Pouches..." myColor lift item 60000 drop backpack -1 -1 -1 wait 650 # lift item # drop backpack 0 0 0 # wait globalTimeout if insysmsg "you may pick up an item from here" // do nothing else @ignore item endif endwhile # pouches if findtype "pouch" backpack as myPouch lift myPouch 999 drop backpack 0 0 0 wait globalTimeout endif # ------------------------------------------ # # Open Pouches # ------------------------------------------ # # Open non trapped pouches dclick backpack while findtype "pouch" backpack 0 as item overhead "Opening Pouches..." myColor dclick item wait globalTimeout @ignore item endwhile pause globalPause @clearignore # ------------------------------------------ # # Lock Box # ------------------------------------------ # dclick myLockBoxKey wft 500 target myLockBox getlabel myLockBox desc if "stones" in desc overhead "Loot Box is Unlocked..." myColor // move loot box to bottom row (visual indicator of unlocked) lift myLockBox drop backpack 165 100 0 // open dclick myLockBox else // move loot box to top row (visual indicator of locked) lift myLockBox drop backpack 125 45 0 overhead "Loot Box is Locked..." 34 endif # ------------------------------------------ # # Arm # ------------------------------------------ # # Arm yourself overhead "Arming yourself..." myColor dclick myBaby pause globalPause # ------------------------------------------ # # Set Aspect # ------------------------------------------ # # Set Aspect for Wep, Spellbook, Armor overhead "Setting Aspect..." myColor say '[aspect' # weapon waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 8 waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 8 # spellbook waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 13 waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 13 # armor waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 17 waitforgump 2424293173 gumpresponse 17 # Close aspect menu waitforgump 2424293173 gumpclose pause globalPause # ------------------------------------------ # # Closing Message - self affirmation goes a long way # ------------------------------------------ #- overhead "You are good to go, Legend!" myColor sysmsg 'Completed Restock Resupply Script'