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Bapeth's Ocean Repair by barryroser

Description: This is a basic repair script. It will auto repair guns > sails > hull and open the repair gump for you to manually select which part you would like to repair.

1# Bapeths Ship Repair
3# Script will loop into 'Master Background' if you have it in your script library
4# Script will turn warmode off as a plug in to Master Background
6# This script will immedeatly start to repair and open the repair gump for manual selection
7# The priority of auto repair is Guns > Sails > Hull
8# If the repair is already underway and you want to change what ship part is being repaired select it in the gump
10# Script starts here
11if findtype "ship repair kit"
12    gumpclose 1271619955
13    clearsysmsg 
14    say "[Repair" 45
15    waitforgump 1271619955 500
16    gumpresponse 4
17    getlabel backpack ping
19    overhead "I am out of repair kits..." 38
21if insysmsg "guns"
22    gumpresponse 3
23    getlabel backpack ping
25if insysmsg "sails"
26    gumpresponse 2
27    getlabel backpack ping
29if insysmsg "hull"
30    overhead "Ship is in good order!" 68
33if insysmsg "repaired again"
34    overhead "Yar, we cant repair in combat..." 38
36say "[Repair" 45
37waitforgump 1271619955 500
38warmode off 
39script 'Master Background'