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Boat Miner by Brozan (Syal)

Related: Snippet

Description: It mines. On a boat

#Set this to 1 if you want to fish also @setvar! fishAlso 1 ###Have a bag or something in your hold to dump in #Put a bag in your hold and target that overhead "Target a pouch in your hold to dump ore into" @setvar! hullPouch wait 500 if not timerexists "miner" #We use this as a first run loop to set vars overhead 'First Run!' createtimer "miner" settimer "miner" 1100 endif if not timerexists "fishy" createtimer "fishy" settimer "fishy" 99999 endif overhead "Target organizer 20 hotbag" organizer 20 set while not insysmsg "Container set successfully" wait 250 endwhile # Equip a pickaxe if rhandempty dclicktype '3718' wait 600 endif #hit it once hotkey 'use item in hand' settimer "miner" 0 wait 1200 #Harvest Loop while not dead if diffweight <= 50 wait 600 say "Dumping my Ore!" while findtype 6585 backpack as found lift found 60000 drop hullPouch -1 -1 0 wait 600 endwhile endif if timer "miner" >= 1000 if insysmsg 'You have worn out your tool!' wait 600 dclicktype '3718' wait 600 endif if timer "fishy" > 8550 and fishAlso = 1 dress 'Fishing' wait 600 say "[greaterability" hotkey 'Use item in hand' settimer "fishy" 0 #put pick back on dclicktype '3718' wait 600 endif //captcha check if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg "do not see" and not insysmsg 'world is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg 'Now tracking' //pause and check again wait 250 if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg "do not see" and not insysmsg 'world is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg 'Now tracking' overhead 'Captcha break or Done!' 34 while not insysmsg "successful" or insysmsg "save complete" wait 1000 say "Catpcha!" 33 endwhile endif endif hotkey 'use item in hand' settimer "miner" 0 wait 100 endif wait 50 endwhile