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Vendor Scavenger by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: Used with 1-5 pack animals, to scavenge items off the ground, and move items in backpack, to the pack animals, for when shopping for bulk amounts. Just run the script, it'll identify animals for you.

@setvar 'PauseTime' 750 if not listexists 'ScavItems' createlist 'ScavItems' endif clearlist 'ScavItems' //Reagents pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf7b' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf7a' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf86' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf8c' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf85' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf84' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf8d' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf88' 'back' //Bottles, Scrolls, Arrows, Bolts pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf0e' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xef3' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf3f' 'back' pushlist 'ScavItems' '0x1bfb' 'back' //Bolts of Cloth pushlist 'ScavItems' '0xf95' 'back' if not listexists 'ScavAnimals' createlist 'ScavAnimals' endif foreach x in 'ScavAnimals' if not find 'x' overhead 'ScavAnimal List cleared' clearlist 'ScavAnimals' endif endfor pause 250 if list 'ScavAnimals' < 1 overhead 'Scanning for PackAnimals' while findtype 0x0123|0x0124 'ground' 'any' 'any' 2 as 'found' pushlist 'ScavAnimals' 'found' front ignore 'found' endwhile clearignore endif foreach 'x' in 'ScavItems' while findtype 'x' ground any any 2 as groundItem foreach 'y' in 'ScavAnimals' @setvar 'CurrPacky' 'y' break endfor @poplist 'ScavAnimals' 'CurrPacky' @pushlist 'ScavAnimals' 'CurrPacky' 'back' lift groundItem 9999 overhead 'CurrPacky' drop 'CurrPacky' -1 -1 0 wait 'PauseTime' endwhile endfor foreach 'x' in 'ScavItems' while findtype 'x' backpack any any 1 as groundItem foreach 'y' in 'ScavAnimals' @setvar 'CurrPacky' 'y' break endfor @poplist 'ScavAnimals' 'CurrPacky' @pushlist 'ScavAnimals' 'CurrPacky' 'back' lift groundItem 9999 overhead 'CurrPacky' drop 'CurrPacky' -1 -1 0 wait 'PauseTime' endwhile endfor