Recall with Detect Hidden check after 2s delay by Brozan (Syal)
Related: Snippet
Description: Designed to recall into your home and detect hidden
1#Make sure to have a runebook
2# or recall rune
3# named with Home in the name
6unsetvar 'gtfo'
7while findtype 8901 'backpack' as 'runeBook'
8 getlabel 'runeBook' 'runeBookLabel'
9 if 'Home' in 'runeBookLabel'
10 setvar 'gtfo' 'runeBook'
11 overhead 'Set recall to rune book'
12 endif
13 @ignore 'runeBook'
15while findtype 7956 'backpack' as 'runeBook'
16 getlabel 'runeBook' 'runeBookLabel'
17 if 'Home' in 'runeBookLabel'
18 setvar 'gtfo' 'runeBook'
19 overhead 'Set recall to rune book'
20 endif
21 @ignore 'runeBook'
24if not varexist 'gtfo'
25 overhead 'You need a book or rune named Home' 33
26 wait 500
27 overhead 'You need a book or rune named Home' 33
28 wait 500
29 overhead 'You need a book or rune named Home' 33
30 wait 500
31elseif skill magery >= 59
32 overhead 'Spell Cast'
33 cast 'recall'
34 wft 5000
35 target 'gtfo'
36elseif findtype 8012 'backpack'as recallScrolls
37 if skill magery > 20
38 overhead 'Recall Scroll'
39 #We have magery but prefer scrolls
40 dclick 'recallScrolls'
41 wft 5000
42 target 'gtfo'
43 else
44 overhead 'Book use'
45 #We have loose recalls but recall with book
46 dclick 'gtfo'
47 wait 250
48 gumpresponse 2
49 endif
51 #Book use
52 overhead 'Book use'
53 dclick 'gtfo'
54 wait 250
55 gumpresponse 2
58wait 2000
60hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
61skill 'detectinghidden'
62waitfortarget 5000
63target 'self'
64wait 200
65if not insysmsg "no one hiding"
66 hotkey 'Next Grey Player Target'
67 say "I ban thee"
68 wft 1000
69 hotkey 'Last Target'