Bapeth's Ocean Net Caster and Frenzy Catcher by barryroser
Description: This script will auto net fishing spots and auto search for/fish up fishing frenzies.
1# Bapeths Net Caster and Frenzy Catcher
3# "****REQUIRED****"
4# Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file)
5# "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns ""
6# "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad
8# Play the script while in Peace Mode and it will auto net fishing spots in the ocean, attack mobs, and auto spyglass (Spyglass cooldown required, can be found in Bapeths XML)
9# Play the script while in War Mode and it will auto search for fishing frenzies and fish them up if you have a fishing rod
11if not timerexists fishy
12 createtimer fishy
13 settimer fishy 11000
15 if timer fishy >= 11000
16 overhead "Here.. fishy, fishy, fishy!" 94
17 settimer fishy 0
18 endif
20while casting
21 //donothing
23pause 150
24if not warmode and not targetexists and not casting
25 if not timerexists netwait
26 createtimer netwait
27 settimer netwait 4000
28 endif
29 if not queued and timer netwait >= 3400 and findtype "fishing net" backpack as net
30 dclick net
31 wft 500
32 target net
33 getlabel backpack ping
34 settimer netwait 0
35 endif
36 if insysmsg "You have completely fished out that location."
37 overhead "Fishing spot depleated..." 88
38 script "Master Background"
39 stop
40 endif
41 if not queued and not targetexists and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Spyglass" and hp >= 66 and findtype "spyglass" backpack as bspy
42 gumpclose 2890020940
43 dclick bspy
44 wft 500
45 target self
46 hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
47 waitforgump 2890020940 500
48 if gumpexists 2890020940
49 gumpresponse 4
50 waitforgump 2890020940 500
51 endif
52 if gumpexists 2890020940
53 overhead 'Yarr!' 67
54 endif
55 pause 600
56 endif
58 if not timerexists oceanscan
59 createtimer oceanscan
60 settimer oceanscan 300
61 endif
63 if timer oceanscan >= 300 and skill "Arcane" >= 80
64 clearsysmsg
65 if varexist "oceantarget"
66 @unsetvar "oceantarget"
67 endif
68 hotkey "Next Enemy Monster Target"
69 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
70 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
71 endif
72 hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
73 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
74 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
75 endif
76 hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
77 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
78 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
79 endif
80 settimer oceanscan 0
81 elseif timer oceanscan >= 300 and skill "Fishing" >= 80
82 clearsysmsg
83 if varexist "oceantarget"
84 @unsetvar "oceantarget"
85 endif
86 hotkey "Next Enemy Monster Target"
87 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
88 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
89 endif
90 hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
91 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
92 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
93 endif
94 hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
95 if not insysmsg "No one matching"
96 @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget
97 endif
98 settimer oceanscan 0
99 endif
100 if not timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating"
101 if find "Manual Override" ground and noto "Manual Override" = hostile
102 attack "Manual Override"
103 elseif noto "Manual Override" = criminal
104 attack "Manual Override"
105 elseif noto "Manual Override" = enemy
106 attack "Manual Override"
107 elseif noto "Manual Override" = murderer
108 attack "Manual Override"
109 else
110 attack "oceantarget"
111 endif
112 elseif timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating"
113 if find "Manual Override" ground and noto "Manual Override" = hostile
114 attack "Manual Override"
115 elseif noto "Manual Override" = criminal
116 attack "Manual Override"
117 elseif noto "Manual Override" = enemy
118 attack "Manual Override"
119 elseif noto "Manual Override" = murderer
120 attack "Manual Override"
121 else
122 hotkey 'Target Closest Enemy Monster'
123 hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
124 hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
125 attack lasttarget
126 hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
127 endif
128 endif
130elseif warmode and findtype "fishing pole" as pole and not targetexists and not casting
131 if not findlayer self lefthand and not findlayer self righthand
132 lift pole 1
133 drop self righthand
134 pause 500
135 getlabel backpack ping
136 elseif findlayer self lefthand as equippedRH
137 getlabel equippedRH desc
138 if "fishing pole" in desc
139 //donothing
140 else
141 lift equippedRH
142 drop backpack
143 pause 500
144 getlabel backpack ping
145 endif
146 elseif findlayer self righthand as equippedRH
147 getlabel equippedRH desc
148 if "fishing pole" in desc
149 //donothing
150 else
151 lift equippedRH
152 drop backpack
153 pause 500
154 getlabel backpack ping
155 endif
156 endif
158for 18
159 if index > 0 and findtype 42403 ground -1 -1 index as fishfrenzy
160 getlabel fishfrenzy desc
161 if "fishing frenzy" in desc
162 overhead "desc" 2085 fishfrenzy
163 break
164 endif
165 endif
168while findtype 42403 ground -1 -1 8
169 hotkey 'use item in hand'
170 pause 3075