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Vendor Scavenger Empty by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: Used with 1-5 pack animals, to empty them into a storage shelf. Use when beside a storage shelf, it'll ask you to select shelf first time or if it cannot find it when you are near it.

1@setvar 'PauseTime' 750
2if not listexists 'ScavAnimals'
3    createlist 'ScavAnimals'
5foreach x in 'ScavAnimals'
6   if not find 'x' 'ground'
7    overhead 'ScavAnimal List cleared'
8    clearlist 'ScavAnimals'
9   endif
11if list 'ScavAnimals' < 1
12    overhead 'Scanning for PackAnimals'
13    while findtype 0x0123|0x0124 'ground' 'any' 'any' 2 as 'found' 
14        pushlist 'ScavAnimals' 'found' front
15        ignore 'found'
16    endwhile
17    clearignore
19if not find 'ScavShelf' 'ground'
20    overhead 'Select Storage Shelf'    
21    setvar 'ScavShelf'
23foreach x in 'ScavAnimals'
24    overhead 'x'
25    menu 'ScavShelf' 0
26    waitfortarget
27    target 'x'
28    pause 'PauseTime'