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Train all/selected music skills at Prevalia Zoo by Dextrome


Looks for instruments in backpack and targets nearby sand crawler.

Delays next skill attempt when world is saving.


Choose which skills to train and what skill level to stop at by changing the variables at the top of the script.

Buy instruments, go to the sand crawlers at Prevalia Zoo and press Start!

1# Stand near the sand crawlers at Prevalia Zoo!
4# Choose which skills to train (1 = true / 0 = false)
5@setvar! trainDiscordance 1
6@setvar! trainPeacemaking 1
7@setvar! trainPovocation 1
9# Choose at which skill level to stop training
10// (script will continue until all enabled skills have reached this level)
11@setvar! stopAtSkillLevel 100
14while not dead
15    if trainDiscordance = 1 and skill 'Discordance' < stopAtSkillLevel
16        if targetexists 
17            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
18        endif
20        useskill 'Discordance'
21        wft 500
22        if insysmsg "What instrument"
23            if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
24                target inny
25            elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
26                target inny
27            elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
28                target inny
29            elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
30                target inny
31            elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
32                target inny
33            endif
34            wft 500
35        endif
37        if findtype "a sand crawler" ground -1 -1 10 as mob
38            target mob
39        else
40            target self
41        endif
43       for 55
44            wait 100
45            if insysmsg 'world is saving'
46                @setvar! saveComplete 0
47                while saveComplete = 0
48                    overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
49                    wait 500
50                    if insysmsg 'save complete'
51                        overhead 'World Save complete'
52                        @setvar! saveComplete 1
53                    endif
54                endwhile
55            endif
56       endfor
57    endif
59    if trainPeacemaking = 1 and skill 'Peacemaking' < stopAtSkillLevel 
60        if targetexists 
61            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
62        endif
64        useskill 'Peacemaking'
65        wft 500
66        if insysmsg "What instrument"
67            if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
68                target inny
69            elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
70                target inny
71            elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
72                target inny
73            elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
74                target inny
75            elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
76                target inny
77            endif
78            wft 500
79        endif
81        if findtype "a sand crawler" ground -1 -1 10 as mob
82            target mob
83        else
84            target self
85        endif
87        wait 200
89        if trainPovocation = 1 and skill 'Provocation' < stopAtSkillLevel 
90            if insysmsg "You fail to"
91                for 55
92                    wait 100
93                    if insysmsg 'world is saving'
94                        @setvar! saveComplete 0
95                        while saveComplete = 0
96                            overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
97                            wait 500
98                            if insysmsg 'save complete'
99                                overhead 'World Save complete'
100                                @setvar! saveComplete 1
101                            endif
102                        endwhile
103                    endif
104                endfor
105            else
106                //we need to wait longer between successful peace & provo attempts
107                for 125
108                    wait 100
109                    if insysmsg 'world is saving'
110                        @setvar! saveComplete 0
111                        while saveComplete = 0
112                            overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
113                            wait 500
114                            if insysmsg 'save complete'
115                                overhead 'World Save complete'
116                                @setvar! saveComplete 1
117                            endif
118                        endwhile
119                    endif
120                endfor
121            endif
122        else
123            for 55
124                wait 100
125                if insysmsg 'world is saving'
126                    @setvar! saveComplete 0
127                    while saveComplete = 0
128                        overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
129                        wait 500
130                        if insysmsg 'save complete'
131                            overhead 'World Save complete'
132                            @setvar! saveComplete 1
133                        endif
134                    endwhile
135                endif
136            endfor 
137        endif   
138    endif
140    if trainPovocation = 1 and skill 'Provocation' < stopAtSkillLevel 
141        if targetexists 
142            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
143        endif
145        useskill 'Provocation'
146        wft 500
147        if insysmsg "What instrument"
148            if findtype "bamboo flute" backpack as inny
149                target inny
150            elseif findtype "tambourine" backpack as inny
151                target inny
152            elseif findtype "drum" backpack as inny
153                target inny
154            elseif findtype "lute" backpack as inny
155                target inny
156            elseif findtype "lap harp" backpack as inny
157                target inny
158            endif
159            wft 500
160        endif
162        if findtype "a sand crawler" ground -1 -1 10 as mob
163            target mob
164            wft 500
165        endif
167        wft 500
168        target self
170        wait 200
171        if trainDiscordance = 1 and skill 'Discordance' < stopAtSkillLevel
172            for 55
173                wait 100
174                if insysmsg 'world is saving'
175                    @setvar! saveComplete 0
176                    while saveComplete = 0
177                        overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
178                        wait 500
179                        if insysmsg 'save complete'
180                            overhead 'World Save complete'
181                            @setvar! saveComplete 1
182                        endif
183                    endwhile
184                endif
185            endfor 
186        else
187            if insysmsg "You fail to"
188                for 55
189                    wait 100
190                    if insysmsg 'world is saving'
191                        @setvar! saveComplete 0
192                        while saveComplete = 0
193                            overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
194                            wait 500
195                            if insysmsg 'save complete'
196                                overhead 'World Save complete'
197                                @setvar! saveComplete 1
198                            endif
199                        endwhile
200                    endif
201                endfor 
202            else
203                //we need to wait longer between successful peace & provo attempts
204                for 125
205                    wait 100
206                    if insysmsg 'world is saving'
207                        @setvar! saveComplete 0
208                        while saveComplete = 0
209                            overhead 'Waiting for World Save'
210                            wait 500
211                            if insysmsg 'save complete'
212                                overhead 'World Save complete'
213                                @setvar! saveComplete 1
214                            endif
215                        endwhile
216                    endif
217                endfor
218            endif
219        endif   
220    endif