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Junk Scroll Sorter by steveholt_

Description: If you are poor like me and don't have a tome to hold your scrolls, finding them in a container can be time consuming. Also sorting them based on the value can be difficult as well, but ultimately i wanted a way to sort these scrolls so i could find the "good" ones and sort them from the "junk" ones.

//you'll need 3 bags / containers to sort your scrolls. // this bag will contain all scrolls you are wanting to sort. sysmsg 'select bag to find junk scrolls' overhead 'select bag to find junk scrolls' setvar findJunk //this will contain tall scrolls you want to keep as "junk" sysmsg 'select bag to place junk scrolls' overhead 'select bag to place junk scrolls' setvar dropJunk //this will contain all scrolls you wish to keep sysmsg 'select bag to place good scrolls' overhead 'select bag to place good scrolls' setvar dropGood clearsysmsg clearignore createlist junkScrolls clearlist junkScrolls // I looked on the market and found prices for scrolls and the ones listed are "cheap" so, the fit the definition of junk. while this could be different for you, update the list below accordingly. @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'begging' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'blacksmithy' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'camping' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'carperntry' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'cartography' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'cooking' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'iscordance' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'fishing' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'forensic evaluation' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'item id' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'lumberjacking' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'mining' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'musicianship' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'peacemaking' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'poisoning' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'provocation' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'spirit speak' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'taste id' @pushlist 'junkScrolls' 'tracking' while findtype 8826 findJunk as scroll getlabel scroll x @setvar! found 0 foreach z in junkScrolls if z in x overhead "junk found {{x}}" //move junk lift scroll 99 drop dropJunk -1 -1 0 @setvar! found 1 endif endfor if found = 0 overhead 'skipping {{x}}' lift scroll 99 drop dropGood -1 -1 0 endif endwhile