Drink Strength when overweight (Drop/pick up your shield to the ground) by leogalego
Related: Parry overwight / shield / dexxer
Description: When you become overweight you will drop your shield on the ground, drink the strength potion and re-equip your shield in your left hand.
1# UPDATE 03/23/24 - Some improvements and behavior corrections were made
2# When overweight or close to overweight, drink strength potion
3# Create a script variable for 'myOffHand' and target your shield
5if diffweight > 10
6 overhead 'Not Overweight' 88
9 if not findtype 'white potion' backpack
10 overhead 'OUT OF STRENGTH POTS!!!' 37
11 stop
13 overhead 'Droping Shield...' 88
14 lift myOffHand 1
15 droprelloc 0 0 2
16 wait 250
17 overhead 'Drinking Strength!' 88
18 potion 'strength'
19 wait 500
20 overhead 'Lifting Shield!' 88
21 lift myOffHand 1
22 drop "self" LeftHand
23 endif