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Enter Rental Room by Aphlux

Description: Quickly enters a rental room at the inn for both owners and co-owners. Must be within 12 spaces to an innkeeper.

# Enter Inn Room Script for UO Outlands # # This script will quickly enter your rental inn room # as either the room owner or co-owner. # # You must be in range of an innkeeper or house steward. # # Written by: Aphlux (aka Aphra) # Last updated: August 24, 2022 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' clearsysmsg @setvar rentalGumpID 2393832411 if gumpexists rentalGumpID gumpclose wait 100 endif say 'room' waitforgump rentalGumpID 3000 if not gumpexists rentalGumpID overhead 'Failed to enter room!' 38 overhead 'Are you even near the inn?' 53 elseif ingump 'Enter Your Room' wait 250 while not insysmsg 'You enter the rental room' overhead 'Entering room...' 903 gumpresponse 4 wait 250 if insysmsg 'That vendor is too far away' overhead 'Innkeeper is too far away!' 38 overhead 'Move closer!' 53 stop endif endwhile overhead 'Welcome home.' elseif ingump 'Rent This Room' gumpresponse 5 waitforgump rentalGumpID 3000 if ingump 'co-owner' while not insysmsg 'You enter the rental room' wait 250 overhead 'Entering co-owned room...' 903 gumpresponse 100 if insysmsg 'That vendor is too far away' overhead 'Innkeeper is too far away!' 38 stop endif endwhile overhead 'Welcome home.' else overhead 'No access to any rooms!' 38 endif elseif ingump 'Visit Other Rooms' gumpresponse 2 waitforgump rentalGumpID 3000 while not insysmsg 'You enter the rental room' wait 250 overhead 'Entering co-owned room...' 903 gumpresponse 100 endwhile else sysmsg 'Character does not have a room or access to one!' 38 overhead 'No room access!' 38 endif