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Ore / Lumber / Skinning Map Helper by special_sy

1# Script by [DoS] Chumber
2# Works with a SINGLE ressource map in your backpack
3# Just go to the spot (or near it) and start the script 
4# It will equip the right tool and start looking for the cart
5@setvar option_dropMap 0
8@setvar! myMap 0
9if findtype 'map' self 2799 as myCurrentMap
10    overhead "Lumber Map" 2799
11    @setvar! myMap myCurrentMap
12    if lhandempty
13        if counttype 'hatchet' self = 0
14            overhead "No Hatchets found, i cant work like this!" 32
15            stop
16        endif
17        dclicktype 'hatchet'
18        # long wait for queue and stuff
19        wait 2000
20    endif
21    @setvar! whichHand lefthand
22elseif findtype 'map' self 2796 as myCurrentMap
23    overhead "Ore Map" 2796
24    @setvar! myMap myCurrentMap
25    if lhandempty
26        if counttype 'pickaxe' self = 0
27            overhead "No pickaxes found, i cant work like this!" 32
28            stop
29        endif
30        dclicktype 'pickaxe'
31        # long wait for queue and stuff
32        wait 2000
33    endif
34    @setvar! whichHand righthand
35elseif findtype 'map' self 2651 as myCurrentMap
36    overhead "Skinning Map" 2651
37    @setvar! myMap myCurrentMap
38    if findtype 'Elven Spellblade' self as skinningBlade
39        @setvar! whichHand skinningBlade
40    else
41        overhead "No skinning blade found, i cant work like this!" 32
42        stop
43    endif
46# look for the right spot
47dclick whichHand
48wft 500
49target self
50wait 2000
52if findtype 'cart|stretched hide' 'ground' -1 -1 6 as cart
53    overhead "You found it, lets go!" 2207
54    while not insysmsg 'You have completely exhausted'
55        if not hidden and skill 'hiding' >= 80
56            useskill 'hiding'
57        endif
58        dclick whichHand
59        wft 500
60        target self
61        wait 2000
62    endwhile
63    dclick cart
64    overhead "Map done" 2207
65    if option_dropMap = 1
66        lift myMap
67        wait 250
68        droprelloc 0 0
69    endif
70    @setvar! myMap 0
73if myMap > 0
74    overhead "Wrong spot? Lets try again!" 2207
75    wait 2000
76    replay