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Train Magic Resist (Resisting Spells) by weteamsteve
1# Train Resist Spells by casting Poison Field and standing it, can use in your rented room
2# By Zanarkand AKA Weteamsteve#9245
3# Void Aspect Armor is good for this
4# You need reagents in your shelf loadout
6# poison_field_duration is (120 * (Magery / 100)) seconds
9#journal cleanup
12@setvar! stop_at_skill_level 100
14if diffhits > 30
15 overhead "Healing Self." 88
16 cast "Greater Heal"
17 wait 450
18 target self
19elseif counttype 'Sulfurous Ash' backpack < 1 or counttype 'Garlic' backpack < 1 or counttype 'Ginseng' backpack < 1 or counttype '3981' backpack < 1 or counttype '3962' backpack < 1 or counttype 'nightshade' backpack < 1
20 if findtype "storage shelf" ground any any 2 as the_shelf
21 overhead "Resupply" 88
22 menu the_shelf 1
23 wait 500
24 endif
25elseif mana < 20
26 overhead "Meditating" 88
27 useskill "meditation"
28 while mana < maxmana
29 endwhile
30 pause 600
31elseif skill 'Resisting Spells' < stop_at_skill_level
32 if not findtype 'Field of Poison' ground 0 0
33 overhead "Casting Poison Field" 88
34 cast "Poison Field"
35 waitfortarget 5000
36 targetrelloc 0 0
37 pause 1000
38 endif
39 if insysmsg "Your concentration is disturbed, thus ruining thy spell."
40 overhead "We failed casting Poison Field, restarting." 88
41 loop
42 endif
44 while findtype 'Field of Poison' ground 0 0
45 if hits < 30
46 walk "right"
47 walk "right"
48 endif
49 if diffhits > 30
50 overhead "Healing Self." 88
51 cast "Greater Heal"
52 waitfortarget 2000
53 target self
54 endif
55 if not findtype 'Field of Poison' ground 0 0
56 overhead "Poison Field has faded." 88
57 break
58 endif
59 wait 500
60 endwhile
62 overhead "Congrats on reaching {{stop_at_skill_level}} Resisting Spells!" 88
63 stop