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Basic Weapon swap for PvP by Kerrigan-Blades

#Rotund - handling weapon swaps during pvp fights #Spam resilient #Prevents wasting dps on arena #Add it for every weapon. Remember some weapons are handled in left hand some are in right hand => change accordingly if not findtype 'kryss' righthand warmode 'off' endif if targetexists if lhandempty and rhandempty dress 'kryss' while not findtype 'kryss' righthand endwhile endif if not findtype 'kryss' righthand clearhands 'both' while not rhandempty and lhandempty endwhile wait 600 //set this to your server ping +500. if you get message you must wait, up the values, if it feels too slow, lower the values dress 'kryss' while not findtype 'kryss' righthand endwhile endif else if findtype 'kryss' backpack dclicktype 'kryss' backpack endif endif warmode 'on' attack lasttarget