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Description: This is a HUGE script. I had to reduce it as much as possible - otherwise it kept crashing my client lol. There is a LOT it can do! Most settings are OFF by default. Read beginning of script for important setup information.

This took me over a year of adjustments to compile and tweak. It kept me entertained while getting all my harvesting skills to 120. I hope it helps your own grind....

This harvesting script does it all! Just move around and supervise. LUMBER or MINING or even DUNGEON PICKER/SKINNER - this script does it all. Just setup the required COOLDOWNS (you can download the cooldowns.xml file from my profile to make it simple!), adjust the script VARIABLES, turn it on and go! It will hopefully keep your toon alive and your bank accounts fat. Good luck out there!

MINING/LUMBER: Just have hatchets or pickaxes in your inventory and (once your COOLDOWNS and VARIABLES are all configured) just hit play and follow the prompts. Other than Captcha breaks, this should do everything you need to harvest resources, deal with wilderness MOBs and protect you from PKs and thieves. If AutoAttackGreyMOBs is enabled, just toggle WAR MODE to attack the nearest grey target. It will return to harvesting once no targets remain (dexxer, mage or summoner). I tried to make things as easy to understand as possible, but reach out if there's questions...

DUNGEON PICKER: A new addition. I consider lockpicking, skinning and dungeon scavenging to be a harvesting skill - so it should be in the Ultimate Harvest script, right? With this mode enabled and 80+ Detect Hidden and Lockpicking (must disable Mining/Lumber script sections if you character has lockpicking AND mining or lumberjacking) it will turn you into the ultimate scavenger! Script will automatically hide, stealth and detect dungeon chests. Once next to it, the chest will be disarmed, picked and then looted automatically (item list is a WIP). If a skinning knife is ARMED it will toggle SKINNING MODE (if enabled) which will reveal you, buff you (if enabled) and spams skinning while keeping your toon healed and alive. Just run around the dungeon in this mode to train Forensic Eval. Disarming your knife or hiding will turn off SKINNING MODE. Toggling WAR MODE puts you into DUNGEON ESCAPE MODE and script will detect dungeon moongates and auto select them when close enough - followed by triggering the script's AUTO RECALL function (either built in or it will play your DIY script - if enabled). Just run to the nearest gate. Toggle back to PEACE to return to normal operation.

Warning: This is potentially a huge script, skipping formatting.

You can still click [Copy Script] but you may want use [Download Script] as a file instead.

///////// //////// DanStock's ULTIMATE HARVESTING AUTO PILOT UO OUTLANDS RAZOR SCRIPT - Last Updated Feb 26, 2025 /////// ////// MINING, LUMBER, FISHING & SCAVENGING MEGA-AUTOBOT (DEXXER, MAGE OR SUMMONER w/ AUTO RECALL & MUCH MORE!) ///// Compiled by DanStock. - Email any bug reports/tips to: //// Inspired by & learned from various scripts found on: /// // # To RESET all permanent script variables: @setvar! SCRIPTRESET 0 // This will reset the script to it's "FIRST RUN" status if something goes wrong in the initial setup // Run script once with this SCRIPTRESET set to 1 to clear ALL variables // Then reset SCRIPTRESET back to 0 and restart script to prompt for new targets! # ENABLE or DISABLE individual sections of the script here: @setvar! EnableMining 1 @setvar! EnableLumberjacking 1 @setvar! EnableFishing 1 @setvar! EnableDungeonPicker 1 # Required (or suggested *) inventory items: # Pickaxe or Hatchet or Fishing Pole or Skinning Knife, Lockpicks & Trap Removal Tools # A blessed escape runebook (charged w/ recall scrolls if no Magery skill) # Trapped pouches # Healing, Cure and Refresh potions # Resist and Strength potions * # Potion Satchel * # Wizard's Satchel (w/ regs) * # Bandages * # Adventurer's rope * # Magic Mushrooms * # Wooden Box w/ copper key * # Tool Kit (for tool recycle) * # Harvest Aspect weapon of choice (supports Swords, Macing or Spellbook) * # Harvest Aspect armour of choice * # VERY IMPT: Please add the following COOLDOWNS (case sensitive) in UO client under Options -> Cooldowns: // (You can ignore cooldowns from portions of the script you don't use) \\ # COMMON (required): // Move Timer // Weight Timer // Inventory Timer // Target Timer // Travel // Hiding // Healing Potion // Cure Potion // Refresh Potion # COMMON (if enabled): // Satchel Timer // Gold Radar // Gold Vacuum # MINING ONLY: // Forge Radar // Ore Radar // Ore Vacuum // Ore Stacker // Stacker Timer // Packy Check // Packy Follow # LUMBERJACKING ONLY: // Log Vacuum // Log Stacker # FISHING ONLY: // Special Net Check # DUNGEON PICKING ONLY: // Stealth // Stealth Timer // Skinning Mode // Dungeon Escape // Dungeon Cleanup # MAGERY ONLY: // HarmCD // WeakenCD // CurseCD // MindblastCD // MagicArrowCD // FireballCD // LightningCD // ExplosionCD // EnergyBoltCD // FlamestrikeCD // MeteorSwarmCD // ChainLightningCD // Mushroom // Magic Shield // Spell Fail (w/ overhead text trigger of "The spell fizzles" and a 2 second default cooldown) # SUMMONER ONLY: // Guard Timer // Spirit Speak /////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ // **** CHECK MY PROFILE FOR cooldown.xml FILE DOWNLOAD **** \\ ///////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ # OPTIONAL: Use the following organizer agents (or swap for your own): # Organizer Agent-01 hotbag * (for boards, logs, seeds, etc.) # Organizer Agent-02 hotbag * (for main LUMBER inventory items) # Organizer Agent-03 hotbag * (for ingots, seeds, etc.) # Organizer Agent-04 hotbag * (for main MINING inventory items) # Organizer Agent-05 hotbag * (for main SCAVENGER inventory items) // Use the following optional agents to unload non-stockpile or shelf items (Turn on EnableLootChest below): # Organizer Agent-06 hotbag * (optional - I use for unloading Tmaps, SS, orbs, RM, etc.) # Organizer Agent-07 hotbag * (optional - I use for unloading Runes, etc.) # Organizer Agent-08 hotbag * (optional - I use for unloading Black Goods, etc.) # Organizer Agent-09 hotbag * (optional - I use for unloading seeds, soil, grain, etc.) # OPTIONAL: System messages you may wish to TEXT FILTER in Razor for cleaner UI: // "What do you want to use this item on?" // "You do not see any harvestable resources nearby" // "You cannot produce any wood from that" // "You hack at the tree" // "You chop some" // "You dig some" // "You loosen some" // "You smelt the ore" // "You must wait" // "You shape the logs into boards" // "You do not see any" // "You do not have any" // "You don't see anything nearby worth" // "No one matching that" // "You will now hunt" // "You begin hunting" // "You have recently traveled" // "You have worn out your tool" // "You carve materials from the corpse" // "Target item to grab" // "There are no nearby corpses" // "item to satchel" // "Potion satchel used" // "Container not set" // "Organize Agent" // "queue" // "Macro" // "Achievement" // "Invalid or inaccessible item" // "Harvest double yield" // "What shall I use this key on" // "lock it." // "stealth steps remaining" // "You will automatically stealth" // "You feel comfortable enough" // "You feel ready to continue" // "You begin to move quietly" // "use this spyglass on" // "Which fishing spot" // "that requires a fishing net" // "You fish a while" ################################################# // Common Variables: // ################################################# // POTION SETTINGS: \\ @setvar! EnableHealPotion 1 @setvar! HealPotHPdiff 40 @setvar! EnableCurePotion 1 @setvar! EnableRefreshPotion 1 @setvar! RefreshPotSPdiff 10 # Set to 1 for fulltime buff or 2 for combat-only: @setvar! EnableMagicResistPotion 0 @setvar! EnableStrengthPotion 0 @setvar! EnableAgilityPotion 0 // COMBAT SETTINGS: \\ @setvar! EnableAutoParalyzePouch 1 @setvar! EnableAutoAttackGreyMOB 0 // UTILITY SETTINGS: \\ @setvar! EnableToolCountdown 0 @setvar! EnableRecycleTool 0 @setvar! EnableAutoCarving 0 @setvar! EnableGoldVacuum 0 @setvar! EnableCheeseTimer 0 @setvar! EnableSatchels 0 @setvar! EnableEatFood 0 // INVENTORY SETTINGS: \\ @setvar! AllInventoryMessage 1 # or @setvar! YellowInventoryMessage 1 @setvar! OrangeInventoryMessage 1 @setvar! RedInventoryMessage 1 @setvar! WhiteInventoryMessage 0 @setvar! BlueInventoryMessage 0 @setvar! BlackInventoryMessage 0 @setvar! RopeInventoryMessage 0 # @setvar! EnableWeightWarningMessage 1 @setvar! GreenWarningDiffWeight 50 @setvar! YellowWarningDiffWeight 20 @setvar! RedWeightLimitDiffWeight 5 # @setvar! EnableWeaponWarning 0 // AUTO RECALL SETTINGS: \\ @setvar! EnableTrackingAutoRecall 1 # Make sure "Ignore Houses/Ships" is checked in Tracking menu! @setvar! PKTrackingRange 60 # Range can be 40, 50 or 60 tiles (or 0 will trigger Auto Recall regardless of range) @setvar! EnableRedAlertOverhead 1 # I recommend setting up a Razor overhead message instead of using the script one (this will display PK name/distance overhead when tracked): // Add overhead message w/ a trigger of "Now tracking" and message "[ RED ALERT: {3} ]" (hue 335) // Then a second with a trigger of "Distance to destination" and message "[ {4} TILES AWAY! ]" (hue 253) // Once complete you should disable "EnableRedAlertOverhead" above # Script will use charged recall scrolls if casting is disabled: @setvar! EnableCastRecall 0 # If casting Recall, choose to target Runebook or Rune: @setvar! CasttoRunebook 1 # or @setvar! CasttoRune 0 # Choose only one (or none) for AUTO RECALL destination: @setvar! OwnerInnRecall 0 @setvar! CoOwnerInnRecall 0 @setvar! OutsideHouseRecall 0 @setvar! InsideHouseRecall 0 @setvar! BankRecall 0 if OutsideHouseRecall = 1 @setvar! CloseMyDoor 0 # Use ">info" to ID your own house door (to quickly close it behind you): @setvar! MyDoor 0x00000 endif @setvar! HideAtHomeorInn 0 # Script can use Razor Organizer Agents to organize or you can use Resource Stockpile, Storage Shelf, etc. instead: @setvar! EnableOrganizerAgents 0 # or @setvar! EnableBankSafe 0 @setvar! EnableStockpile 0 @setvar! EnableStorageShelf 0 @setvar! EnableMagicRecycler 0 @setvar! EnableRepairBench 0 @setvar! EnableLootChest 0 @setvar! EnableReagentSplitter 0 # Use this variable to enable your own Razor script for Auto Recall instead: @setvar! EnableDIYHomeRecallScript 0 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 createlist HomeRecallScriptList # Type the name of your own Recall Razor script here: pushlist HomeRecallScriptList "HomeRecall" endif ################################################# // Mining Specific Variables: // ################################################# if skill "Mining" >= 50 and EnableMining = 1 @setvar! EnableOreVacuum 1 @setvar! EnablePlayerForgeRadar 1 @setvar! EnableAutoSmeltPlayerForge 1 @setvar! EnableAutoSmeltNaturalForge 1 @setvar! EnableIngotAutoRecall 0 @setvar! IngotRecallAmount 3000 @setvar! EnableOreStacker 0 @setvar! StackOreinIngotBag 0 @setvar! EnablePackAnimals 0 @setvar! PackAnimalCount 1 # Can be set to 1 or 2 (or 0) # Make sure to add PACK ANIMALS amounts to TOTAL FOLLOWER COUNT below (Magery settings) if using SUMMONS # Ore can be transfered to packy based on Ore Amount: @setvar! OreTransfertoPackyAmount 0 # or Diff Weight: @setvar! TransfertoPackyWeightDiff 50 # You can choose to set a storage bag for your Ingots: @setvar! EnableIngotBag 0 # It can be a trapped pouch for security but, if so, disable opening Ingot Bag: @setvar! OpenIngotBag 0 # Otherwise, this will open your Ingot Bag when stacking ingots or unloading (at home/inn/bank/etc.) @setvar! StackIngotsinIngotBag 0 # This will stack all the ingots on the same pixel in your Ingot Bag for additional security @setvar! SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 0 # This option will prompt the script to set your Ingot Bag to Agent-03 automatically (if using organizers) # Or you can put them in a locked box instead: @setvar! PutIngotsinLockedChest 0 # Must have wooden box and matching copper key in backpack (can be crafted with 50 carpentry/50 tinkering) endif ################################################# // Lumber Specific Variables: // ################################################# if skill "Lumberjacking" >= 50 and EnableLumberjacking = 1 @setvar! LogsToBoards 1 @setvar! EnableBoardAutoRecall 0 @setvar! BoardRecallAmount 2500 @setvar! EnableLogStacker 0 # You can choose to set a storage bag for your Boards: @setvar! EnableBoardBag 0 # It can be a trapped pouch for security but, if so, disable opening Board Bag: @setvar! OpenBoardBag 0 # Otherwise, this will open your Board Bag when stacking boards or unloading (at home/inn/bank/etc.) @setvar! StackBoardsinBoardBag 0 # This will stack all the boards on the same pixel in your Board Bag for additional security @setvar! SetBoardBagtoOrganizer01 0 # This option will prompt the script to set your Board Bag to Agent-01 automatically (if using organizers) # Or you can put them in a locked box instead: @setvar! PutBoardsinLockedChest 0 # Must have wooden box and matching copper key in backpack (can be crafted with 50 carpentry/50 tinkering) endif ################################################# // Scavenger Specific Variables: // ################################################# if skill "Detecting Hidden" >= 50 and skill "Lockpicking" >= 50 and EnableDungeonPicker = 1 @setvar! EnableDungeonCleanup 0 # Make sure continuous Lockpicking and Remove Trap is selected in UO client! @setvar! EnableChestRadar 1 @setvar! EnableAutoPickDungeonChests 1 # Will automatically attempt to remove traps and pick locks of any locked dungeon chests within 2 tiles. @setvar! EnableSkinningMode 1 # Equip a skinning knife to toggle SKINNING MODE (will work even if EnableAutoCarving is disabled) @setvar! EnableAutoGateEscape 1 # Toggle WarMode while in dungeon to start 2 minute "Escape Timer" # This will try to keep you alive while you get to the nearest gate - and then automatically exits & recalls! @setvar! PutLootinLockedChest 0 # Must have wooden box and matching copper key in backpack (can be crafted with 50 carpentry/50 tinkering) # Will automatically store loot and lock chest (item list is a W.I.P.) endif ################################################# // Fishing Specific Variables: // ################################################# if skill 'Fishing' >= 50 and EnableFishing = 1 @setvar! EnableSpyglass 0 @setvar! EnableCasting 1 # Casting mode will equip fishing pole and cast while in PEACE MODE # Must add a "Dress List" in Razor (Arm/Dress tab) called "Fishing Pole" (to auto equip fishing poles, as needed) # Add (Target) your fishing pole then right-click the list item and choose 'Convert Selected to TYPE' @setvar! EnableFishCarver 1 @setvar! FishCarveCount 100 # Must have dagger in inventory to carve fish steaks @setvar! EnableTrawling 0 # Trawling mode will equip fishing weapon (HARPOON or TRIDENT) and throw fishing nets if in WAR MODE @setvar! PutSpecialNetsinBag 0 # Will prompt to you to select a storage bag for any Special Fishing Nets you harvest # or @setvar! PutSpecialNetsinLockedChest 0 # Otherwise, you can put them in a locked box instead! # Must have wooden box and matching copper key in backpack (can be crafted with 50 carpentry/50 tinkering or purchased from NPC) endif ################################################# // Magery Specific Variables: // ################################################# # Use ">info" to ID any of your [blessed] spellbooks and add them here: @setvar! MyBlessedMiningSpellbook 0x00000000 @setvar! MyBlessedLumberSpellbook 0x00000000 # This will prevent the script from trying to equip it instead of your aspect spellbook // DEFENSIVE MAGIC: \\ if skill "Magery" >= 60 @setvar! EnableMagicReflection 0 @setvar! EnableReactiveArmour 0 @setvar! EnableProtection 0 @setvar! EnableCastHeal 0 @setvar! EnableCastCure 0 @setvar! CastHealHPlowdiff 25 @setvar! CastHealHPhighdiff 45 endif // OFFENSIVE MAGIC: \\ if skill "Magery" >= 80 @setvar! EnableCastHarm 0 @setvar! HarmCooldown 30000 @setvar! EnableCastWeaken 0 @setvar! WeakenCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableCastCurse 0 @setvar! CurseCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableCastMindBlast 0 @setvar! MindblastCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableCastMagicArrow 0 @setvar! MagicArrowCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableCastFireball 0 @setvar! FireballCooldown 30000 @setvar! EnableCastLightning 0 @setvar! LightningCooldown 30000 @setvar! EnableCastExplosion 1 @setvar! ExplosionCooldown 10000 @setvar! EnableCastEnergyBolt 1 @setvar! EnergyBoltCooldown 10000 @setvar! EnableCastFlamestrike 1 @setvar! FlamestrikeCooldown 10000 @setvar! EnableCastMeteorSwarm 0 @setvar! MeteorSwarmCooldown 30000 @setvar! EnableCastChainLightning 0 @setvar! ChainLightningCooldown 30000 // MINING SUMMONS: \\ if skill "Mining" >= 50 and EnableMining = 1 @setvar! EnableSummons 0 @setvar! TotalFollowerCount 0 # This number assumes your are MOUNTED (do NOT include mounts in total followers) but must include any active PETS or PACK ANIMALS // Number of summoned pets (0, 1 or 2 each - up to 4 total): @setvar! SummonFireElemental 0 @setvar! SummonEarthElemental 0 @setvar! SummonAirElemental 0 @setvar! SummonWaterElemental 0 @setvar! SummonDemon 0 @setvar! EnableMagicMushroom 0 @setvar! MushroomCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableMushroomMaker 0 @setvar! MakeMushroomAmount 5 // LUMBERJACK SUMMONS: \\ elseif skill "Lumberjacking" >= 50 and EnableLumberjacking = 1 @setvar! EnableSummons 0 @setvar! TotalFollowerCount 0 # This number assumes your are MOUNTED (do NOT include mounts in total followers) but must include any active PETS or PACK ANIMALS // Number of summoned pets (0, 1 or 2 each - up to 4 total): @setvar! SummonFireElemental 0 @setvar! SummonEarthElemental 0 @setvar! SummonAirElemental 0 @setvar! SummonWaterElemental 0 @setvar! SummonDemon 0 @setvar! EnableMagicMushroom 0 @setvar! MushroomCooldown 60000 @setvar! EnableMushroomMaker 0 @setvar! MakeMushroomAmount 5 endif // NAME YOUR SUMMONS: \\ @setvar! NameSummonedPets 0 # Add or edit pet names to lists below (must be unique): if NameSummonedPets = 1 if not listexists FireEleNamesList createlist FireEleNamesList endif if not listexists AirEleNamesList createlist AirEleNamesList endif if not listexists WaterEleNamesList createlist WaterEleNamesList endif if not listexists EarthEleNamesList createlist EarthEleNamesList endif if not listexists DemonNamesList createlist DemonNamesList endif # FIRE ELEMENTAL NAMES: if SummonFireElemental > 0 and list FireEleNamesList = 0 pushlist FireEleNamesList "Vulcanuz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Blazze" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Emberr" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Seraphinz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Ignitiaz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Phenixx" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Flarrez" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Flinntz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Valcanii" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Lavaass" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Pryo" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Maagnus" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Pyrrhuz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Volcanous" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Magmaass" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Toastious" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Valcanii" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Valcanus" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Fumettos" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Heliozz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Agniasse" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Anatolious" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Ziriuz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Irriditis" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Pyromethious" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Flammious" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Fuentas" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Ignatius" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Pyratis" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Hotass" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Flammeala" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Moltan" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Firerra" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Heatius" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Scorchiaz" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Ashhhe" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Cinderiouss" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Magmas" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Smoakk" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Heett" pushlist FireEleNamesList "Pyrathious" endif # DEMON NAMES: if SummonDemon > 0 and list DemonNamesList = 0 pushlist DemonNamesList "Akuumah" pushlist DemonNamesList "Agarez" pushlist DemonNamesList "Baahl" pushlist DemonNamesList "Beelzeabubbs" pushlist DemonNamesList "Beliall" pushlist DemonNamesList "Kronuus" pushlist DemonNamesList "Daemahnn" pushlist DemonNamesList "Otnickk" pushlist DemonNamesList "Deemanous" pushlist DemonNamesList "Lucifass" pushlist DemonNamesList "Satanious" pushlist DemonNamesList "Deamathous" pushlist DemonNamesList "Pyratis" pushlist DemonNamesList "Pyrathius" pushlist DemonNamesList "Daemagrin" pushlist DemonNamesList "Hadez" pushlist DemonNamesList "Luciuz" pushlist DemonNamesList "Darkius" pushlist DemonNamesList "Devilass" pushlist DemonNamesList "Evillanous" pushlist DemonNamesList "Pentagrys" pushlist DemonNamesList "Rectarr" pushlist DemonNamesList "Satonne" pushlist DemonNamesList "Devillanus" pushlist DemonNamesList "Daemonne" pushlist DemonNamesList "Balrogge" pushlist DemonNamesList "Mordorious" pushlist DemonNamesList "Damienn" pushlist DemonNamesList "Muurduur" pushlist DemonNamesList "Deemahnus" endif # EARTH ELEMENTAL NAMES: if SummonEarthElemental > 0 and list EarthEleNamesList = 0 pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Terranous" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Avanii" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Gaiassius" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Demetrious" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Rikura" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Terradus" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Rochets" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Clifffy" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Earthares" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Tialocc" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Tonyy" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Pebbellz" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Rawckee" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Bloccius" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Stoniouss" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Boulderass" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Stownes" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Hevvee" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Rockkee" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Tonness" pushlist EarthEleNamesList "Stoneyy" endif # AIR ELEMENTAL NAMES: if SummonAirElemental > 0 and list AirEleNamesList = 0 pushlist AirEleNamesList "Aylamayus" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Alyaah" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Anemoneee" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Ariahhh" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Caelestisss" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Tuuliii" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Zeruss" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Sorasse" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Windius" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Essenn" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Inannah" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Tornadous" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Cyclonius" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Hurhicann"" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Aeronious"" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Blohh" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Stratosus" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Cloudass" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Spinniboius" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Gassius" pushlist AirEleNamesList "Eyephardet" endif # WATER ELEMENTAL NAMES: if SummonWaterElemental > 0 and list WaterEleNamesList = 0 pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Andymanus" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Aaltoh" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Asherahh" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Burimmah" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Juballaa" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Nanamiia" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Afonnis" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Tiamattus" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Marinus" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Hyrdrosis" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Wettiuss" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Liquidiouss" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Hydroniuous" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Oceannah"" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Seaamahhn" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Marinanus" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Hydroass" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Watermahnn" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Eywehtmisalph" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Aachtoohoe" pushlist WaterEleNamesList "Riverrah" endif else clearlist FireEleNamesList clearlist EarthEleNamesList clearlist AirEleNamesList clearlist WaterEleNamesList clearlist DemonNamesList endif endif ############ EDIT BELOW THIS LINE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ######## EDIT BELOW THIS LINE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ######## EDIT BELOW THIS LINE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ######## EDIT BELOW THIS LINE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ############ # SCRIPT RESET # if SCRIPTRESET = 1 unsetvar lumber_runebook unsetvar BoardBag unsetvar mining_runebook unsetvar IngotBag unsetvar MyLootChest unsetvar DanStock. unsetvar FIRSTRUN unsetvar EASTEREGG clearlist FireEleNamesList clearlist EarthEleNamesList clearlist AirEleNamesList clearlist WaterEleNamesList clearlist DemonNamesList @setvar! TimeToGo 0 clearignore overhead "All permanent script variables reset!" 84 overhead "Reset SCRIPTRESET back to 0 and restart script to prompt for new targets..." 0 sysmsg "Make sure to set SCRIPTRESET back to 0" 253 sysmsg "Stopping script..." 0 stop endif # INITIAL SETUP # if not varexist DanStock. sysmsg "DanStock's Ultimate Harvest Auto Pilot Script" 77 wait 1000 sysmsg "Last updated: Feb 26, 2025" 0 wait 1000 overhead "Thank you for trying my script! It appears this may be your first time running it..." 0 wait 4000 overhead "IMPT: Please make sure to setup all the required COOLDOWNS! They are crucial to the script operation" 153 wait 4500 overhead "I have uploaded a 'cooldown.xml' file to my profile on to help make this bit easier..." 153 wait 5500 overhead "There is a LOT this script can do with the right configuration! Check the VARIABLE sections" 0 wait 3500 overhead "Email any questions/bugs to:" 0 wait 2500 setvar DanStock. 1 sysmsg "Beginning initial Harvest Auto Pilot script setup...... " 0 wait 1500 sysmsg "This is best done from inside your Home or Inn Room!" 253 wait 1500 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif if skill "Mining" >= 50 and EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and EnableDIYHomeRecallScript != 1 if EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRunebook = 1 if not varexist mining_runebook or not find mining_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar mining_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to 'default' rune in RUNEBOOK upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRune = 1 if not varexist mining_runebook or not find mining_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Rune..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNE... ]" 253 setvar mining_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNE SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to selected RUNE upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 0 if not varexist mining_runebook or not find mining_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar mining_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now use recall SCROLL (to first in book rune) upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif endif endif if skill "Mining" >= 50 and EnableIngotBag = 1 if not varexist IngotBag or not find IngotBag self wait 1500 overhead "Next, we'll choose your ingot storage bag..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT INGOT BAG... ]" 253 setvar IngotBag wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ INGOT BAG SET! ]" 93 wait 3000 if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 overhead " once more to set it as Razor Organizer Agent-03..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT INGOT BAG AGAIN... ]" 253 hotkey 'Set Organizer HotBag-03' wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RAZOR HOTBAG-03 SET! ]" 93 wait 3000 endif endif endif if skill "Lumberjacking" >= 50 and EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and EnableDIYHomeRecallScript != 1 if EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRunebook = 1 if not varexist lumber_runebook or not find lumber_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar lumber_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to 'default' rune in RUNEBOOK upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRune = 1 if not varexist lumber_runebook or not find lumber_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Rune..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNE... ]" 253 setvar lumber_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNE SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to selected RUNE upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 0 if not varexist lumber_runebook or not find lumber_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar lumber_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now use recall SCROLL (to first in book rune) upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif endif endif if skill "Lumberjacking" >= 50 and EnableBoardBag = 1 if not varexist BoardBag or not find BoardBag self wait 1000 overhead "Next, we'll set your lumber storage bag..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT BOARD BAG... ]" 253 setvar BoardBag wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ BOARD BAG SET! ]" 93 wait 3000 if SetBoardBagtoOrganizer01 = 1 overhead " once more to set it as Razor Organizer Agent-01..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT BOARD BAG AGAIN... ]" 253 hotkey 'Set Organizer HotBag-01' wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RAZOR HOTBAG-01 SET! ]" 93 wait 3000 endif endif endif if skill "Lockpicking" >= 50 and EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and EnableDIYHomeRecallScript != 1 if EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRunebook = 1 if not varexist dungeoncrawler_runebook or not find dungeoncrawler_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar dungeoncrawler_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to 'default' rune in RUNEBOOK upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRune = 1 if not varexist dungeoncrawler_runebook or not find dungeoncrawler_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Rune..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNE... ]" 253 setvar dungeoncrawler_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNE SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to selected RUNE upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 0 if not varexist dungeoncrawler_runebook or not find dungeoncrawler_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar dungeoncrawler_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now use recall SCROLL (to first in book rune) upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif endif endif if skill "Fishing" >= 50 and EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and EnableDIYHomeRecallScript != 1 if EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRunebook = 1 if not varexist fishing_runebook or not find fishing_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar fishing_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to 'default' rune in RUNEBOOK upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 1 and CasttoRune = 1 if not varexist fishing_runebook or not find fishing_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Rune..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNE... ]" 253 setvar fishing_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNE SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now CAST recall to selected RUNE upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif elseif EnableCastRecall = 0 if not varexist fishing_runebook or not find fishing_runebook self wait 1000 overhead "First off, please select your Escape Runebook..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT RUNEBOOK... ]" 253 setvar fishing_runebook wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ RUNEBOOOK SELECTED! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Script will now use recall SCROLL (to first in book rune) upon AUTO RECALL trigger" 0 wait 2500 endif endif endif if EnableLootChest = 1 if not varexist MyLootChest wait 1000 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableLootChest' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 overhead "Now, select a container (in your Home or Inn) to store your loot..." 88 wait 1500 overhead "[ SELECT YOUR LOOT CHEST... ]" 253 setvar MyLootChest wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ LOOT CHEST SET! ]" 93 wait 1500 overhead "Setup additional Organizer Agents (06-09 by default) within this container!" 0 wait 3500 endif endif if not varexist FIRSTRUN sysmsg "Verifying initial setup is complete.......... " 0 wait 3500 overhead "Ok, looks like you're good to go!" 0 wait 3000 overhead "Good luck out there and thanks again for trying my script!" 0 overhead " - Dan " 0 setvar FIRSTRUN 1 wait 3000 sysmsg "DANSTOCK'S ULTIMATE HARVEST AUTO PILIOT SCRIPT SETUP COMPLETE!" 84 wait 1500 overhead "[ HAPPY HARVESTING!! ]" 2086 wait 3000 endif @ignore MyBlessedMiningSpellbook @ignore MyBlessedLumberSpellbook @ignore MyBlessedSpellbook ######## SCRIPT START ######## while not dead if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 if PKTrackingRange = 60 if insysmsg ": 60 step" or insysmsg "60 space" or insysmsg ": 59 step" or insysmsg "59 space" or insysmsg ": 58 step" or insysmsg "58 space" or insysmsg ": 57 step" or insysmsg "57 space" or insysmsg ": 56 step" or insysmsg "56 space" or insysmsg ": 55 step" or insysmsg "55 space" or insysmsg ": 54 step" or insysmsg "54 space" or insysmsg ": 53 step" or insysmsg "53 space" or insysmsg ": 52 step" or insysmsg "52 space" or insysmsg ": 51 step" or insysmsg "51 space" or insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg endif elseif PKTrackingRange = 50 if insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg endif elseif PKTrackingRange = 40 if insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg endif elseif PKTrackingRange = 0 if insysmsg "Now tracking" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg endif endif endif if insysmsg "Captcha successful" overhead "I guess you got the magic numbers correct??" 2086 wait 1500 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 overhead "Umm... who are you speaking to, Master?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg wait 1000 overhead "Nevermind that... let's get to work..." 2086 else overhead "Alright, let's get to work..." 2086 clearsysmsg endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 overhead "That was unwise, criminal..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg endif endif if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and TimeToGo = 1 and DungeonMode = 0 if MurdererFound = 1 and EnableRedAlertOverhead = 1 overhead "[ [ [RED ALERT] ] ]" 335 endif if paralyzed overhead "[ [ [ [ POP ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" endif if skill 'Healing' > 0 and not bandaging and hits < maxhits and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self > 0 hotkey "Bandage self" endif if diffhits > 30 and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 for 2 if insysmsg "some damage" cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break else dclick healpot wait 650 endif endfor else overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif endif if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot cooldown "Cure Potion" 2000 wait 150 else overhead [ NO CURE POTS! ]" 337 endif endif if stam < maxstam and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 wait 150 else overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 endif endif if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else if skill "Magery" >= 60 and EnableCastRecall = 1 cast "Recall" wft 2500 if skill "Lockpicking" > 50 target dungeoncrawler_runebook elseif skill "Fishing" > 50 target fishing_runebook elseif skill "Mining" > 50 target mining_runebook elseif skill "Lumberjacking" > 50 target lumber_runebook endif wait 1000 for 5 wait 500 if insysmsg 'Your concentration is disturbed' overhead 'Shit! Trying that again...' 2086 cast "Recall" wft 2500 if skill "Lockpicking" > 50 target dungeoncrawler_runebook elseif skill "Fishing" > 50 target fishing_runebook elseif skill "Mining" > 50 target mining_runebook elseif skill "Lumberjacking" > 50 target lumber_runebook endif clearsysmsg endif endfor else if skill "Lockpicking" > 50 dclick dungeoncrawler_runebook elseif skill "Fishing" > 50 dclick fishing_runebook elseif skill "Mining" > 50 dclick mining_runebook elseif skill "Lumberjacking" > 50 dclick lumber_runebook endif waitforgump 1551740969 gumpresponse 2 wait 1000 for 5 wait 500 if insysmsg 'Your concentration is disturbed' overhead 'Shit! Trying that again...' 2086 if skill "Lockpicking" > 50 dclick dungeoncrawler_runebook elseif skill "Fishing" > 50 dclick fishing_runebook elseif skill "Mining" > 50 dclick mining_runebook elseif skill "Lumberjacking" > 50 dclick lumber_runebook endif clearsysmsg waitforgump 1551740969 gumpresponse 2 wait 1000 clearsysmsg endif endfor endif endif @setvar! TimeToGo 0 sysmsg "Auto Recall trigger condition reset!" 0 wait 2000 if MurdererFound = 1 overhead "Whew! I think we got away..." 2086 wait 1500 @setvar! MurdererFound 0 if not varexist GuardHomeComment @setvar! GuardHomeComment 1 endif if EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "Yes Master, that was a close one..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 2 wait 500 elseif EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 2 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "Yes Master, your script is truly God-like..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 3 wait 500 elseif EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 3 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "Yes Master, these red humans are quite annoying..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 4 wait 500 elseif EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 4 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "I think we could have taken them..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 5 wait 500 elseif EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 5 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "I've worked for that human before... total prick..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 6 wait 500 elseif EnableSummons = 1 and GuardHomeComment = 6 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "I don't think tonight is our night, Master.." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg @setvar! GuardHomeComment 1 wait 500 endif endif if skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 and not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" hand and findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel for 5 if "Harvest Aspect" in WeaponLabel break elseif "unidentified" in WeaponLabel ignore weapon if not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" hand and findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" self as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel else overhead "[ NO WEAPON! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick weapon endif if skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 and not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" hand and findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel for 5 if "Harvest Aspect" in WeaponLabel break elseif "unidentified" in WeaponLabel ignore weapon if not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" hand and findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" self as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel else overhead "[ NO WEAPON! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick weapon endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook endif wait 1000 if OutsideHouseRecall = 1 wait 1500 if find MyDoor ground -1 -1 2 and CloseMyDoor = 1 dclick MyDoor overhead "*door slams!*" 0 MyDoor wait 500 endif elseif OwnerInnRecall = 1 wait 2000 say "Innkeeper, I need a room!" waitforgump 2393832411 gumpresponse 4 wait 3000 elseif CoOwnerInnRecall = 1 wait 2000 say "Innkeeper, I need a room!" waitforgump 2393832411 gumpresponse 5 wait 2000 gumpresponse 100 wait 2000 elseif InsideHouseRecall = 1 wait 500 elseif BankRecall = 1 say "Open my bank!" wait 1000 else wait 500 endif if HideAtHomeorInn = 1 useskill "Hiding" wait 250 endif if OpenIngotBag = 1 dclick IngotBag wait 250 endif if OpenBoardBag = 1 dclick BoardBag wait 250 endif while findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore if findtype "forge" ground -1 -1 2 as forge or findtype 0x0FB1 ground -1 -1 2 as forge overhead "*smelting ore...*" 2114 forge dclick ore overhead "*forging ingots...*" 2117 wait 500 endif endwhile if findtype "wooden box" backpack as LootBox if findtype "copper key" backpack as LootKey getlabel LootBox LootBoxLabel if "items" in LootBoxLabel // Do nothing else dclick LootKey wft 1000 target LootBox overhead "[lockbox opened]" 69 LootBox wait 500 dclick LootBox wait 500 endif else overhead "I lost my lockbox key!" 2086 endif endif while findtype 'log%s' backpack and LogsToBoards = 1 wait 500 overhead '*making boards...*' 0 dclicktype 'log%s' wait 500 if SetBoardBagtoOrganizer01 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-01' endif wait 1000 endwhile if EnableOrganizerAgents = 1 if findtype "cut up leather|iron ingot%s|board%s|feather%s|seed of renewal|shaft%s|blank scroll%s%|gold coin" backpack overhead "*storing ingots...*" 37 hotkey "Organizer Agent-07" wait 3500 if findtype "cut up leather|iron ingot%s|board%s|feather%s|seed of renewal|shaft%s|blank scroll%s%|gold coin" backpack hotkey "Organizer Agent-07" wait 3500 endif if findtype "cut up leather|iron ingot%s|board%s|feather%s|seed of renewal|shaft%s|blank scroll%s%|gold coin" backpack hotkey "Organizer Agent-07" wait 500 endif endif endif if EnableBankSafe = 1 if findtype "bank deposit safe" ground -1 -1 2 as safe while findtype "gold coin" self as gold lift gold 60000 overhead "*depositing gold...*" 149 drop safe -1 -1 -1 wait 1000 endwhile while findtype 2539 self as dubs lift dubs 60000 drop safe -1 -1 -1 overhead "*depositing doubloons...*" 149 wait 1000 endwhile else overhead "[ NO BANK SAFE FOUND ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableBankSafe' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif endif if EnableStockpile = 1 if findtype "resource container" ground -1 -1 2 as resource menu resource 0 wft 500 target self overhead "*unloading resources...*" 84 wait 1000 else overhead "[ NO RESOURCE STOCKPILE FOUND ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableStockpile' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif endif if EnableRepairBench = 1 if findtype "repair bench" ground -1 -1 2 as RepairBench clearsysmsg dclick RepairBench wait 1000 if insysmsg "You do not have any items equipped or in your backpack in need of repairs." overhead "*nothing to repair!*" 0 else settimer RepairTimer 0 while timer RepairTimer <= 5000 if insysmsg "Repair" break endif endwhile overhead "*all items repaired!*" 0 overhead "Repair took: {{RepairTimer}}ms" 149 removetimer RepairTimer endif wait 500 else overhead "[ NO REPAIR BENCH FOUND ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableRepairBench' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif endif if EnableStorageShelf = 1 if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf menu shelf 0 wft 500 target self overhead "*restocking...*" 37 wait 1000 gumpclose 3232825965 else overhead "[ NO STORAGE SHELF FOUND ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableStorageShelf' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif if findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf menu shelf 1 wft 500 target self overhead "*resupplying...*" 93 wait 1000 endif endif if EnableMagicRecycler = 1 if findtype "ornate elven chest|magic item recycler" ground -1 -1 2 as recycler menu recycler 1 wait 1000 if insysmsg "0 recyclable" overhead "*nothing to recycle!*" 6 else overhead "*recycling magic items...*" 6 wait 500 endif else overhead "[ NO MAGIC ITEM RECYCLER FOUND ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableMagicRecycler' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif endif if EnableLootChest = 1 and find MyLootChest ground -1 -1 2 if findtype "black market goods|seed of renewal|dirt patch|bag of seeds|void orb|rune|scroll of calling|bottle|dye bottle|map" self dclick MyLootChest overhead "*storing loot...*" 69 wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-06" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-07" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-08" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-09" wait 1000 if findtype "black market goods|seed of renewal|dirt patch|bag of seeds|void orb|rune|scroll of calling|bottle|dye bottle|map" self wait 1000 hotkey "Organizer Agent-06" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-07" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-08" wait 250 hotkey "Organizer Agent-09" endif endif else overhead "[ NO LOOT CHEST FOUND ]" 337 endif if EnableReagentSplitter = 1 // This section uses a Reg Splitter script I adapted from dennozz' script found here: // if findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag sysmsg "Disable 'EnableReagentSplitter' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 dclick MyWizardBag overhead "*splitting reagents...*" 111 @setvar! amount 0 @setvar! regsID 3981 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 15 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 30 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 65 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 65 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 65 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 65 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 65 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3962 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 76 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 76 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 76 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 76 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 76 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3976 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 88 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 88 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 88 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 88 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 88 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3974 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 100 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 100 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 100 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 100 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 100 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3980 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 112 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 112 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 112 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 112 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 112 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3973 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 124 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 124 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 124 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 124 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 124 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3963 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 136 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 136 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 136 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 136 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 136 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 3972 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 50 @setvar! amount 10 elseif counttype regsID self <= 100 @setvar! amount 20 elseif counttype regsID self <= 150 @setvar! amount 30 elseif counttype regsID self <= 200 @setvar! amount 40 else @setvar! amount 50 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif if moveRegs = 1 if index = 0 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 44 148 0 wait 150 elseif index = 1 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 68 148 0 wait 150 elseif index = 2 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 96 148 0 wait 150 elseif index = 3 lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 121 148 0 wait 150 else lift regs amount drop MyWizardBag 142 148 0 wait 150 endif endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile @setvar! regsID 8012 @setvar! myCounter 0 while findtype regsID self as r @setvar! myCounter index @ignore r endwhile @clearignore if counttype regsID self <= 5 @setvar! amount 1 elseif counttype regsID self <= 10 @setvar! amount 2 elseif counttype regsID self <= 20 @setvar! amount 4 elseif counttype regsID self <= 40 @setvar! amount 8 else @setvar! amount 15 endif while findtype regsID self as regs @setvar! moveRegs 0 if myCounter = 0 @setvar! moveRegs 1 elseif myCounter != 0 and not find regs MyWizardBag @setvar! moveRegs 1 endif @ignore regs if moveRegs = 1 wait 500 endif endwhile else overhead "[ NO WIZARD BAG! ]" 337 endif endif hotkey "Organizer Agent-04" wait 100 hotkey "Organizer Agent-02" overhead "[ SCRIPT COMPLETE! ]" 69 stop elseif DungeonMode = 1 and EnableAutoGateEscape = 1 and warmode overhead "Ok, get me to the nearest gate!" 2086 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 120000 while cooldown "Dungeon Escape" if not warmode overhead "On second thought, I'll stay awhile..." 2086 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 break endif if paralyzed if findtype "pouch" self yell "[pouch" else overhead "[ NO MORE POUCHES! ]" 337 endif endif if not hidden if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as corpse hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" wft 1500 target self overhead "*skinning...*" 339 @ignore corpse endif endif if skill 'Healing' > 0 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self > 0 hotkey "Bandage Self" overhead "*applying bandages...*" 88 endif endif endif endif if diffhits > 30 and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead "*drinking cure potion...*" 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead "*drinking cure potion...*" 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Cure Potion" 30000 endif endif wait 500 endif if stam < maxstam and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead "*drinking refresh potion...*" 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead "*drinking refresh potion...*" 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 30000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif while not gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as EscapeGate dclick EscapeGate endwhile if gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as EscapeGate while gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "blue moongate" ground 0 1 2 as EscapeGate gumpresponse 2 3899019871 wait 200 endwhile wait 1500 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 0 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 replay endif endif while not gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype 30528 ground 2091 1 1 as EscapeGate dclick EscapeGate endwhile if gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype 30528 ground 2091 1 1 as EscapeGate while gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype 30528 ground 2091 1 1 as EscapeGate gumpresponse 2 3899019871 wait 200 endwhile wait 1500 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 0 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 replay endif endif while not gumpexists 3773199800 and findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 2 as EscapeGate dclick EscapeGate endwhile if gumpexists 3773199800 and findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 2 as EscapeGate while gumpexists 3773199800 and findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 2 as EscapeGate gumpresponse 2 3773199800 wait 200 endwhile wait 1500 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 0 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 replay endif endif while not gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "moongate" ground -1 -1 2 as EscapeGate dclick EscapeGate endwhile if gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "moongate" ground -1 -1 2 as EscapeGate while gumpexists 3899019871 and findtype "moongate" ground -1 -1 2 as EscapeGate gumpresponse 2 3899019871 wait 200 endwhile wait 1500 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 0 cooldown "Dungeon Escape" 0 replay endif endif if findtype "moongate" ground -1 1 12 or findtype "blue moongate" ground -1 1 12 as EscapeGate if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "[ GET CLOSER! ]" 84 cooldown "Target Timer" 2000 endif else if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "[ GET TO A GATE... ]" 88 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif endif endwhile endif if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 if skill 'Tracking' > 50 and not findbuff 'tracking' overhead 'I should keep an eye out for trouble...' 2086 while not gumpexists 4267467659 useskill 'tracking' wait 250 endwhile if gumpexists 4267467659 while not insysmsg "You will now hunt all hostile players." gumpresponse 8 4267467659 waitforgump 4267467659 5000 endwhile gumpresponse 6 4267467659 wait 500 clearsysmsg endif gumpclose 4267467659 wait 500 overhead '[ TRACKING ON! ]' 72 endif endif if not hidden if skill 'Healing' > 30 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self < 10 and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self != 0 if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ BANDAGES LOW! ]" 339 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" elseif counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self = 0 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO BANDAGES! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 elseif poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" else overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if diffhits > HealPotHPdiff and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCastHeal = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 50 and diffhits > CastHealHPlowdiff and diffhits < CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 4 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif cast 'Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 elseif skill 'Magery' >= 60 and diffhits > CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 11 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableCastCure = 1 if poisoned and skill 'Magery' >= 40 and mana >= 6 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif cast 'Cure' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Cure' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if diffstam >= RefreshPotSPdiff and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot wait 500 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicResistPotion = 1 if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" if findtype "Black Potion" self as magicresistpot dclick magicresistpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO RESIST POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableStrengthPotion = 1 if skill 'Alchemy' = 1 if insysmsg "You may now use a strength" or not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableAgilityPotion = 1 if not findbuff "Agility" if findtype "Blue Potion" self as agilitypot dclick agilitypot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO AGILITY POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicReflection = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 60 and not findbuff 'Magic Reflection' and not cooldown "Magic Shield" and mana > 14 and TimeToGo != 1 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook and skill 'Magery' >= 80 getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif for 10 cast 'Magic Reflection' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Shield" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new shield. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 1000 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 1000 else break endif endfor wait 500 wait 1500 replay endif endif if EnableReactiveArmour = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 60 and not findbuff 'Reactive Armor' and mana >= 4 and TimeToGo != 1 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook and skill 'Magery' >= 80 getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif for 10 cast 'Reactive Armor' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Armor" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new magic armor. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 500 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 replay endif endif if skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and not cooldown "Spirit Speak" if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 12 as batteries useskill "spiritspeak" @ignore batteries cooldown "Spirit Speak" 11000 wait 1000 endif endif if EnableAutoCarving = 1 if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' self if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as deadbody dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" waitfortarget 1500 target 'self' wait 750 if insysmsg "You don't see anything" @ignore deadbody replay else overhead "*skinning corpse...*" 337 @ignore deadbody endif endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable EnableAutoCarving in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 15000 endif wait 500 endif endif if skill 'Fishing' >= 50 and EnableFishing = 1 if insysmsg "You fish a" overhead "Nothing biting on that one..." 2086 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "You catch a fish" overhead "*you harvest fish*" 77 clearsysmsg endif endif if EnableGoldVacuum = 1 if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 15 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Radar" overhead "[ $ ]" 149 droppedmoney overhead "▼" 149 droppedmoney cooldown "Gold Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 2 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Vacuum" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 149 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target droppedmoney wait 250 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore droppedmoney endif cooldown "Gold Vacuum" 500 endif endif if skill 'Magery' >= 80 and skill 'Spirit Speak' >= 80 and EnableSummons = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 if followers = 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 5 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 endif wait 250 if NeedtoSummon = 1 removelist summonList createlist summonList if not varexist myMainTankPet @setvar! myMainTankPet 0 endif if not varexist fireOne @setvar! fireOne 0 endif if not varexist fireTwo @setvar! fireTwo 0 endif if not varexist earthOne @setvar! earthOne 0 endif if not varexist earthTwo @setvar! earthTwo 0 endif if not varexist demonOne @setvar! demonOne 0 endif if not varexist demonTwo @setvar! demonTwo 0 endif if not varexist airOne @setvar! airOne 0 endif if not varexist airTwo @setvar! airTwo 0 endif if not varexist waterOne @setvar! waterOne 0 endif if not varexist waterTwo @setvar! waterTwo 0 endif if dead myMainTankPet if not dead earthOne @setvar! myMainTankPet earthOne elseif not dead earthTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet earthTwo elseif not dead waterOne @setvar! myMainTankPet waterOne elseif not dead waterTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet waterTwo elseif not dead demonOne @setvar! myMainTankPet demonOne elseif not dead demonTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet demonTwo elseif not dead fireOne @setvar! myMainTankPet fireOne elseif not dead fireTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet fireTwo elseif not dead airOne @setvar! myMainTankPet airOne elseif not dead airTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet airTwo endif endif overhead "*summoning a bodyguard...*" 6 if followers <= 1 wait 1000 overhead "I call upon the power of the elements..." 2086 endif if SummonEarthElemental > 0 if dead earthOne or not find earthOne ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Earth Elemental" @setvar! earthOne 1 @setvar! NameEarth 1 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif if SummonEarthElemental > 1 if dead earthTwo or not find earthTwo ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Earth Elemental" @setvar! earthTwo 1 @setvar! NameEarth 1 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif endif endif if SummonFireElemental > 0 if dead fireOne or not find fireOne ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Fire Elemental" @setvar! fireOne 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 1 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif if SummonFireElemental > 1 if dead fireTwo or not find fireTwo ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Fire Elemental" @setvar! fireTwo 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 1 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif endif endif if SummonDemon > 0 if dead demonOne or not find demonOne ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Summon Daemon" @setvar! demonOne 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 1 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif if SummonDemon > 1 if dead demonTwo or not find demonTwo ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Summon Daemon" @setvar! demonTwo 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 1 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif endif endif if SummonAirElemental > 0 if dead airOne or not find airOne ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Air Elemental" @setvar! airOne 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 1 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif if SummonAirElemental > 1 if dead airTwo or not find airTwo ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Air Elemental" @setvar! airTwo 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 1 @setvar! NameWater 0 endif endif endif if SummonWaterElemental > 0 if dead waterOne or not find waterOne ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Water Elemental" @setvar! waterOne 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 1 endif if SummonWaterElemental > 1 if dead waterTwo or not find waterTwo ground -1 -1 18 pushlist summonList "Water Elemental" @setvar! waterTwo 1 @setvar! NameEarth 0 @setvar! NameFire 0 @setvar! NameDemon 0 @setvar! NameAir 0 @setvar! NameWater 1 endif endif endif foreach summon in summonList while diffmana > 50 if diffhits >= 35 replay endif wait 500 if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" useskill "meditation" overhead "*meditating...*" 10 endif wait 1000 if insysmsg "Now tracking" replay endif endwhile if skill "Magery" >= 80 and not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook endif cast summon wft 500 if targetexists hotkey "Target Self" wait 250 endif wait 500 if SummonName = 2 overhead "I summon thee, Protector of Harvesters!" 2086 elseif SummonName = 3 overhead "I require another protector!" 2086 elseif SummonName = 4 overhead "There's still room in the back!" 2086 else overhead "Send me a worthy protector!" 2086 endif while casting wait 50 if diffhits >= 40 overhead "Hang on, I need a heal!" 2086 hotkey '> Interrupt' replay endif endwhile wait 250 @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet 0 if summon = "Earth Elemental" and findtype 14 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet for 5 if findtype 14 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet getlabel myPet myPetLabel if "earth elemental" in myPetLabel @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet myPet break else @ignore myPet endif endif endfor if earthOne = 1 @setvar! earthOne myPet elseif earthTwo = 1 @setvar! earthTwo myPet endif elseif summon = "Fire Elemental" and findtype 15 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet for 5 if findtype 15 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet getlabel myPet myPetLabel if "fire elemental" in myPetLabel @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet myPet break else @ignore myPet endif endif endfor if fireOne = 1 @setvar! fireOne myPet elseif fireTwo = 1 @setvar! fireTwo myPet endif elseif summon = "Summon Daemon" and findtype 9 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet for 5 if findtype 9 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet getlabel myPet myPetLabel if "daemon" in myPetLabel @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet myPet break else @ignore myPet endif endif endfor if demonOne = 1 @setvar! demonOne myPet elseif demonTwo = 1 @setvar! demonTwo myPet endif elseif summon = "Water Elemental" and findtype 16 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet for 5 if findtype 16 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet getlabel myPet myPetLabel if "water elemental" in myPetLabel @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet myPet break else @ignore myPet endif endif endfor if waterOne = 1 @setvar! waterOne myPet elseif waterTwo = 1 @setvar! waterTwo myPet endif elseif summon = "Air Elemental" and findtype 13 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet for 5 if findtype 13 ground -1 -1 2 as myPet getlabel myPet myPetLabel if "air elemental" in myPetLabel @setvar! myFreshlySummonedPet myPet break else @ignore myPet endif endif endfor if airOne = 1 @setvar! airOne myPet elseif airTwo = 1 @setvar! airTwo myPet endif endif if myFreshlySummonedPet = 0 overhead "I can't see my elemental..." 2086 wait 500 break endif if NameSummonedPets = 0 wait 2000 overhead "{{summon}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet menu myFreshlySummonedPet 3 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet wait 500 poplist summonList "front" cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 break elseif NameSummonedPets = 1 for 2 if SummonName = 1 wait 1500 overhead "What is your name, minion?" 2086 wait 500 if NameFire = 1 or NameFire = 2 and list FireEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in FireEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist FireEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 500 overhead "You may call me {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 1000 overhead "Thank you, {{myEleName}}" 2086 wait 500 elseif NameDemon = 1 or NameDemon = 2 and list DemonNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in DemonNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist DemonNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 500 overhead "You may call me {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 1000 overhead "Thank you, {{myEleName}}" 2086 wait 500 elseif NameAir = 1 or NameAir = 2 and list AirEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in AirEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist AirEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 500 overhead "You may call me {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 1000 overhead "Thank you, {{myEleName}}" 2086 wait 500 elseif NameWater = 1 or NameWater = 2 and list WaterEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in WaterEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist WaterEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 500 overhead "You may call me {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 wait 1000 overhead "Thank you, {{myEleName}}" 2086 wait 500 elseif NameEarth = 1 or NameEarth = 2 and list EarthEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in EarthEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist EarthEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 500 overhead "You may call me {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 1000 overhead "Thank you, {{myEleName}}" 2086 wait 500 endif @setvar! NameOne EleName menu myFreshlySummonedPet 3 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 if followers = 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 5 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 endif if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif if NeedtoSummon = 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 wait 500 overhead "Let's get going..." 2086 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 wait 500 elseif NeedtoSummon = 1 wait 1000 overhead "...but you're going to need some more help!" 2086 @setvar! SummonName 2 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet wait 500 else break endif break elseif SummonName = 2 wait 1500 overhead "Welcome.. and your name is?" 2086 wait 500 if NameFire = 1 and list FireEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in FireEleNamesList wait 500 rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist FireEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} is yours to command..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameDemon = 1 and list DemonNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in DemonNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist DemonNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} is yours to command..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameAir = 1 and list AirEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in AirEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist AirEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} is yours to command..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameWater = 1 and list WaterEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in WaterEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist WaterEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} is yours to command..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameEarth = 1 and list EarthEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in EarthEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist EarthEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2500 overhead "{{myEleName}} is yours to command..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 endif @setvar! NameTwo EleName menu myFreshlySummonedPet 3 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif if followers = 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 5 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 endif if NeedtoSummon = 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 wait 1500 overhead "Alright team, let's do this!" 2086 cooldown "Guard Timer" 120000 elseif NeedtoSummon = 1 wait 500 overhead "Hmm... I think we should bring even more..." wait 500 @setvar! SummonName 3 if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif else break endif break elseif SummonName = 3 wait 1500 overhead "Introduce yourself to the team..." 2086 wait 500 if NameFire = 1 and list FireEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in FireEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist FireEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "{{myEleName}} is what they call me..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will kill for you, my Lord." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameDemon = 1 and list DemonNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in DemonNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist DemonNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "{{myEleName}} is what they call me..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will kill for you, my Lord." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameAir = 1 and list AirEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in AirEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist AirEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "{{myEleName}} is what they call me..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will kill for you, my Lord." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameWater = 1 and list WaterEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in WaterEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist WaterEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "{{myEleName}} is what they call me..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will kill for you, my Lord." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameEarth = 1 and list EarthEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in EarthEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist EarthEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "{{myEleName}} is what they call me..." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will kill for you, my Lord." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 endif @setvar! NameThree EleName menu myFreshlySummonedPet 3 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif if followers = 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 5 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 endif if NeedtoSummon = 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 wait 1500 overhead "That's what I like to hear! Time to work..." 2086 elseif NeedtoSummon = 1 @setvar! SummonName 4 wait 500 overhead "Hmm.. I think see room for one more...." 2086 wait 500 if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif else break endif break elseif SummonName = 4 wait 1500 overhead "Do you have a name?" 2086 wait 500 if NameFire = 1 and list FireEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in FireEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist FireEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "Yes, I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameDemon = 1 and list DemonNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in DemonNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 500 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist DemonNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "Yes, I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameAir = 1 and list AirEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in AirEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist AirEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "Yes, I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameWater = 1 and list WaterEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in WaterEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist WaterEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "Yes, I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 elseif NameEarth = 1 and list EarthEleNamesList > 0 foreach myEleName in EarthEleNamesList rename myFreshlySummonedPet myEleName wait 250 if insysmsg "That name is unacceptable" sysmsg "Unable to name summon: {{myEleName}}" 34 clearsysmsg poplist EarthEleNamesList "front" wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 overhead "Yes, I am {{myEleName}}, Master." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 2000 overhead "{{myEleName}} will protect you now...." 1909 myFreshlySummonedPet wait 250 endif @setvar! NameFour EleName menu myFreshlySummonedPet 3 @ignore myFreshlySummonedPet cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 @setvar! SummonName 1 if NameFire = 1 poplist FireEleNamesList front elseif NameDemon = 1 poplist DemonNamesList front elseif NameAir = 1 poplist AirEleNamesList front elseif NameWater = 1 poplist WaterEleNamesList front elseif NameEarth = 1 poplist EarthEleNamesList front endif wait 1500 overhead "Alright team, let's do this!" 2086 break else @setvar! SummonName 1 endif endfor endif if followers = 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 1 and TotalFollowerCount > 0 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 2 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 3 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 1 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 2 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 3 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break elseif followers = 4 and TotalFollowerCount = 4 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 1 elseif followers = 5 @setvar! NeedtoSummon 0 @setvar! SummonName 1 break endif endfor replay endif endif if EnableSummons = 1 if dead myMainTankPet if not dead earthOne @setvar! myMainTankPet earthOne elseif not dead earthTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet earthTwo elseif not dead waterOne @setvar! myMainTankPet waterOne elseif not dead waterTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet waterTwo elseif not dead demonOne @setvar! myMainTankPet demonOne elseif not dead demonTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet demonTwo elseif not dead fireOne @setvar! myMainTankPet fireOne elseif not dead fireTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet fireTwo elseif not dead airOne @setvar! myMainTankPet airOne elseif not dead airTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet airTwo endif else if not cooldown "Guard Timer" if GuardComment = 1 overhead "*guarding...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 2 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 2 overhead "*looks around menacingly...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 3 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 180000 elseif GuardComment = 3 overhead "*cracks knuckles...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 4 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 4 overhead "*scanning for threats...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 @setvar! GuardComment 5 cooldown "Guard Timer" 400000 elseif GuardComment = 5 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 6 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 6 overhead "This isn't very exciting, is it?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 7 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 7 overhead "I think we've already passed that tree today..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 8 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 8 overhead "Do you know any good jokes?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 9 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 9 overhead "Can I give that a try?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 10 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 10 overhead "I see a PK!! Oh... nope, just some dog shit..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 11 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 11 overhead "Wouldn't it be more fun to kill something?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 12 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 12 overhead "*yawns*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 13 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 13 overhead "My last gig was in Aegis 4... this is slightly less exciting...." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 14 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 400000 elseif GuardComment = 14 overhead "How about I do the harvesting and you be the bodyguard?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 15 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 400000 elseif GuardComment = 15 overhead "I should have stayed in school..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 600000 else overhead "*snarls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 endif endif endif endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and counttype "mushroom" self = 0 and EnableMushroomMaker = 1 if skill "Magery" >= 80 and not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif overhead "Hang on, I need to make some shrooms..." 2086 wait 1000 for 100 if counttype "Ginseng" self > 0 and counttype "Garlic" self > 0 and counttype "Mandrake Root%s%" self > 0 and mana >= 4 cast "create food" wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile if counttype "mushroom" self >= MakeMushroomAmount break endif else overhead "...I'm out of regs!" 2086 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 replay endif endfor overhead "There, that's better!" 2086 wait 500 endif if EnableCheeseTimer = 1 if not findbuff 'food satisfaction' and findtype "wedge%s% of cheese|fish steak%s%" self overhead "Hold on, I shouldn't do this on an empty stomach..." 2086 wait 500 if findtype "wedge%s% of cheese|fish steak%s%" backpack as food overhead "*eating food...*" 0 dclick food wait 1500 overhead "Ok, I'm ready to get to work!" 2086 endif endif endif if EnableEatFood = 1 if not findbuff 'food satisfaction' and findtype "tray" self overhead "Hold on, I'm hungry..." 2086 wait 1000 if findtype "tray" backpack as food overhead "*eating food...*" 0 dclick food wait 1500 overhead "Ok, I'm ready to get to work!" 2086 endif endif endif if EnableToolCountdown = 1 if findtype 'pickaxe|hatchet' hand as MyAxe getlabel MyAxe AxeLabel if '(5 uses' in AxeLabel or '(4 uses' in AxeLabel or '(3 uses' in AxeLabel or '(2 uses' in AxeLabel or '(1 use' in AxeLabel if EnableRecycleTool = 0 sysmsg "YOUR TOOL IS ABOUT TO BREAK....." 153 endif if EnableRecycleTool = 1 sysmsg "YOUR TOOL IS ABOUT TO BE RECYCLED....." 93 endif endif endif endif if EnableRecycleTool = 1 if findtype 'tool kit' self as ToolKit if findtype 'pickaxe|hatchet' hand as MyAxe getlabel MyAxe AxeLabel if '(2 use' in AxeLabel overhead "[ RECYCLING TOOL! ]" 93 clearhands both wait 250 if not gumpexists 949095101 dclick ToolKit waitforgump 949095101 2000 endif for 5 gumpresponse 3 949095101 wait 250 if insysmsg "Target an individual item" target MyAxe wait 250 gumpclose 949095101 wait 1000 overhead "Every little bit counts..." 2086 if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' endif replay else gumpresponse 2 wait 250 endfor endif endif endif endif if not findtype 'tool kit' self and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO TOOL KIT ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 15000 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableRecycleTool' in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif endif if insysmsg "As the owner" or insysmsg "Your house and its contents" wait 1000 if find MyDoor ground -1 -1 2 and CloseMyDoor = 1 overhead "*door slams!*" 0 MyDoor dclick MyDoor wait 500 endif endif endif @setvar! PaytheMan 1 if PaytheMan = 1 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" if find '0x6C0A02' 'ground' -1 -1 10 as VENDOR and not varexist EASTEREGG overhead "Hey! I loooove your Harvest script!" 253 wait 1000 overhead "It makes me so much money, I should spend it all here!" 253 wait 2000 overhead ":)" 2086 VENDOR wait 500 overhead "Well, thank you!" 2086 VENDOR wait 2000 overhead "I'd be happy to take any donations! The chest beside me is public (shhh!) and master loves gifts!" 2086 VENDOR wait 4500 overhead "Sign the guestbook!" 2086 VENDOR wait 500 if find '0x41335F03' 'ground' -1 -1 15 as DONATIONS wait 500 overhead "(in this chest!)" 0 DONATIONS endif wait 2500 overhead "Good luck out there! Fuck PKs & thieves! :)" 2086 VENDOR setvar EASTEREGG 1 else cooldown "Inventory Timer" 4000 if find '0x41335F03' 'ground' -1 -1 15 as DONATIONS overhead "DONATIONS!" 253 DONATIONS overhead "▼" 253 DONATIONS endif endif endif if EnableWeaponWarning = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 and not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" self and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO WEAPON! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableWeaponWarning' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif if skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 and not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" self and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO WEAPON! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableWeaponWarning' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel wait 250 for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor endif endif if AllInventoryMessage = 1 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" if counttype "Yellow Potion" self = 0 and YellowInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK HEAL POTS! ]" 253 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable YellowInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "Orange Potion" self = 0 and OrangeInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK CURE POTS! ]" 44 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable OrangeInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "Red Potion" self = 0 and RedInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK REFRESH POTS! ]" 37 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable RedInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "White Potion" self = 0 and WhiteInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK STRENGTH POTS! ]" 956 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable WhiteInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "Blue Potion" self = 0 and BlueInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK AGILITY POTS! ]" 93 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable BlueInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "Black Potion" self = 0 and BlackInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK MAGIC RESIST POTS! ]" 0 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable BlackInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif if counttype "rope" self = 0 and RopeInventoryMessage = 1 overhead "[ RESTOCK ROPE! ]" 2799 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 10000 sysmsg "Disable RopeInventoryMessage in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 endif endif if EnableAutoAttackGreyMOB = 1 if skill "Magery" >= 80 or skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 or skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 if warmode overhead "*cracks knuckles...*" 2086 if skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 and not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" hand and findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel for 5 if "Harvest Aspect" in WeaponLabel break elseif "unidentified" in WeaponLabel ignore weapon if skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 and not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" hand and findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel endif endif endfor dclick weapon wait 100 endif if skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 and not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" hand and findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel for 5 if "Harvest Aspect" in WeaponLabel break elseif "unidentified" in WeaponLabel ignore weapon if skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 and not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" hand and findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" backpack as weapon getlabel weapon WeaponLabel endif endif endfor dclick weapon wait 100 endif if skill "Magery" >= 80 and not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook endif clearsysmsg for 1000 hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster' wait 500 if insysmsg "No one matching that was found" hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' @setvar CurrentTarget 0 wait 750 overhead "Is there no one else??" 2086 wait 2000 overhead "Alright then, I guess it's back to work..." 2086 hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' clearsysmsg replay else @setvar CurrentTarget lasttarget getlabel CurrentTarget TargetDesc endif while not dead CurrentTarget if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 60 if insysmsg ": 60 step" or insysmsg "60 space" or insysmsg ": 59 step" or insysmsg "59 space" or insysmsg ": 58 step" or insysmsg "58 space" or insysmsg ": 57 step" or insysmsg "57 space" or insysmsg ": 56 step" or insysmsg "56 space" or insysmsg ": 55 step" or insysmsg "55 space" or insysmsg ": 54 step" or insysmsg "54 space" or insysmsg ": 53 step" or insysmsg "53 space" or insysmsg ": 52 step" or insysmsg "52 space" or insysmsg ": 51 step" or insysmsg "51 space" or insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 50 if insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 40 if insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 0 if insysmsg "Now tracking" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif endif if not cooldown "Target Timer" if "Paragon" in TargetDesc overhead " ▼ PARAGON! ▼ " 12 CurrentTarget cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 else overhead " ▼ TARGET ▼ " 253 CurrentTarget cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif endif if not warmode overhead "I don't have time for this shit..." 2086 wait 500 replay endif if skill 'Healing' > 30 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self < 10 and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self != 0 if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ BANDAGES LOW! ]" 339 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" elseif counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self = 0 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO BANDAGES! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 elseif poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" else overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if diffhits > HealPotHPdiff and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif clearsysmsg endfor else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCastHeal = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 50 and diffhits > CastHealHPlowdiff and diffhits < CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 4 cast 'Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 elseif skill 'Magery' >= 60 and diffhits > CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 11 cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableCastCure = 1 if poisoned and skill 'Magery' >= 40 and mana >= 6 cast 'Cure' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Cure' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if diffstam >= RefreshPotSPdiff and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot wait 500 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicResistPotion = 1 or EnableMagicResistPotion = 2 if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" if findtype "Black Potion" self as magicresistpot dclick magicresistpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO RESIST POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableStrengthPotion = 1 or EnableStrengthPotion = 2 if skill 'Alchemy' = 1 if insysmsg "You may now use a strength" or not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableAgilityPotion = 1 or EnableAgilityPotion = 2 if not findbuff "Agility" if findtype "Blue Potion" self as agilitypot dclick agilitypot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO AGILITY POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicReflection = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 60 and not findbuff 'Magic Reflection' and not cooldown "Magic Shield" and mana > 14 and TimeToGo != 1 for 10 cast 'Magic Reflection' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Shield" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new shield. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 1000 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 1000 else break endif endfor wait 1500 replay endif endif if EnableReactiveArmour = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 50 and not findbuff 'Reactive Armor' and mana >= 4 and TimeToGo != 1 for 10 cast 'Reactive Armor' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Armor" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new magic armor. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 500 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 replay endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif if EnableProtection = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 60 and not findbuff 'Protection' and diffmana < 10 for 3 cast 'Protection' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile if cooldown "Spell Fail" overhead "Shit, let me try that again..." 2086 wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 250 endif endif if skill "Mace Fighting" or skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 attack CurrentTarget wait 500 elseif skill "Magery" >= 80 if EnableMagicMushroom = 1 if not timerexists MushroomTimer settimer MushroomTimer MushroomCooldown endif if mana < 50 and timer MushroomTimer >= MushroomCooldown and findtype "mushroom" backpack as magicmushroom overhead "*eating shrooms...*" 31 dclick magicmushroom wait 500 if insysmsg "You consume a magic mushroom and restore some mana." settimer MushroomTimer 0 elseif insysmsg "before you may consume another magic mushroom" or insysmsg "been in combat with another" settimer MushroomTimer 30000 endif cooldown "Mushroom" MushroomCooldown endif endif if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" backpack as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel for 5 wait 250 if "harvest aspect" in SpellbookLabel break elseif "unidentified" in SpellbookLabel or "[blessed" in SpellbookLabel or "spells)" in SpellbookLabel @ignore myspellbook wait 250 if not findtype "spellbook" hand and findtype "spellbook" self as myspellbook getlabel myspellbook SpellbookLabel else overhead "[ NO SPELLBOOK! ]" 337 break endif endif endfor dclick myspellbook wait 250 endif wait 500 if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "Did we get it??" 2086 wait 500 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1000 overhead "I believe that was MY kill, Master..." 1909 myMainTankPet wait 500 endif cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 endif else if mana >= 4 and EnableCastWeaken = 1 and not cooldown "WeakenCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'weaken' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown WeakenCD WeakenCooldown endif elseif mana >= 4 and EnableCastMagicArrow = 1 and not cooldown "MagicArrowCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'magic arrow' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown MagicArrowCD MagicArrowCooldown endif elseif mana >= 6 and EnableCastHarm = 1 and not cooldown "HarmCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'harm' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown HarmCD HarmCooldown endif elseif mana >= 11 and EnableCastCurse = 1 and not cooldown "CurseCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'curse' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown CurseCD CurseCooldown endif elseif mana >= 20 and EnableCastExplosion = 1 and not cooldown "ExplosionCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'explosion' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown ExplosionCD ExplosionCooldown endif elseif mana >= 14 and EnableCastMindblast = 1 and not cooldown "MindblastCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'mindblast' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown MindblastCD MindblastCooldown endif elseif mana >= 20 and EnableCastEnergyBolt = 1 and not cooldown "EnergyBoltCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'energy bolt' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown EnergyBoltCD EnergyBoltCooldown endif elseif mana >= 11 and EnableCastLightning = 1 and not cooldown "LightningCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'lightning' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown LightningCD LightningCooldown endif elseif mana >= 40 and EnableCastFlamestrike = 1 and not cooldown "FlamestrikeCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'flamestrike' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown FlamestrikeCD FlamestrikeCooldown endif elseif mana >= 9 and EnableCastFireball = 1 and not cooldown "FireballCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'fireball' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown FireballCD FireballCooldown endif elseif mana >= 40 and EnableCastMeteorSwarm = 1 and not cooldown "MeteorSwarmCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'meteor swarm' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown MeteorSwarmCD MeteorSwarmCooldown endif elseif mana >= 40 and EnableCastChainLightning = 1 and not cooldown "ChainLightningCD" if not find CurrentTarget ground -1 -1 15 or diffhits >= 30 hotkey '> Interrupt' break else cast 'chain lightning' wait 100 while casting wait 50 endwhile endif wft 2500 target CurrentTarget wait 250 if insysmsg "cannot be seen" overhead "I can't see that!" 2086 wait 500 else cooldown ChainLightningCD ChainLightningCooldown endif endif wait 500 endif endif endwhile wait 500 if insysmsg "You have gained" overhead "Did you see that?? I just killed {{TargetDesc}}!" 2086 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' @setvar CurrentTarget 0 wait 500 endif if skill "Spirit Speak" >= 80 and not cooldown "Spirit Speak" useskill "spiritspeak" cooldown "Spirit Speak" 10500 wait 500 endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' backpack and EnableAutoCarving = 1 if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as corpse hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" wft 1500 target self overhead "*skinning...*" 339 @ignore corpse endif endif if insysmsg "You have unlocked a codex upgrade point" overhead "[ CODEX POINT UNLOCKED! ]" 2114 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1000 overhead "Well done, Master..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if insysmsg "unlocked a point for your wizard's grimoire" overhead "[ GRIMOIRE POINT UNLOCKED! ]" 7 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1000 overhead "You seem stronger, Master..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if insysmsg "enough experience to upgrade" overhead "[ ASPECT TIER UNLOCKED! ]" 2086 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 500 overhead "Time to spend some more gold, it would seem..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 endif endif if insysmsg "upgrade point for Fire Elemental" or insysmsg "upgrade point for Air Elemental" or insysmsg "upgrade point for Water Elemental" or insysmsg "upgrade point for Earth Elemental" and EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 overhead "Hmm.. I suddenly feel stronger!" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 overhead "*cracks knuckles...*" 2117 myMainTankPet endif if insysmsg "something invisible out of the way" overhead "[ ▼ SOMEONE HIDDEN! ▼ ]" 6 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 500 overhead "There is a foul stench upon the air..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 overhead "That was unwise, criminal..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 clearsysmsg endif endif if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and diffmana > 50 and diffhits < 30 clearhands both useskill "meditation" overhead "*meditating...*" 10 cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 wait 500 while findbuff "Actively Meditating" and diffmana > 50 if insysmsg "Now tracking" replay endif if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" break endif if diffhits > 30 break elseif not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "*meditating...*" 10 cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 endif if not warmode overhead "I need to get back to work..." 2086 wait 500 replay endif endwhile endif endfor hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay if skill "Mace Fighting" > 50 and not findtype "sledgehammer|giant club|flail|cudgel|quarter staff|war mace|maul|war axe|mace|hammer pick" self or skill "Swordsmanship" > 50 and not findtype "double axe|two handed axe|battle axe|halberd|katana|bardiche|cutlass|broadsword|scimitar|viking sword|longsword" self overhead "I can't fight without a weapon!" 2086 hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 replay endif hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' replay endif endif endif # MINING SCRIPT # if skill "Mining" >= 50 and EnableMining = 1 and not cooldown "Travel" @setvar! DungeonMode 0 if hidden overhead "[ HIDDEN... ]" 6 wait 1000 sysmsg "You cannot mine while hidden! Please unhide and try again..." 0 wait 3000 endif if PutIngotsinLockedChest = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1000 target lockbox wait 500 overhead "[lockbox secured]" 84 endif endif endif if EnableIngotBag = 1 if not find IngotBag self overhead "Please select your ingot storage bag..." 88 wait 500 setvar IngotBag wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ INGOT BAG SET! ]" 93 endif endif if EnablePlayerForgeRadar = 1 if findtype "4017|6526|6538|6550|6562" ground -1 -1 15 as forge or findtype 0x0FB1 ground -1 -1 15 as forge and findtype "iron ore" backpack and not cooldown "Forge Radar" overhead "[ FORGE HERE! ]" 44 forge overhead "▼" 44 forge cooldown "Forge Radar" 3500 endif endif if EnableOreVacuum = 1 if findtype "iron ore" ground -1 -1 15 as droppedore and not cooldown "Ore Radar" overhead "[ ORE ]" 93 droppedore overhead "▼" 93 droppedore cooldown "Ore Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "iron ingot%s" ground -1 -1 15 as droppedingots and not cooldown "Ore Radar" overhead "[ INGOTS ]" 69 droppedingots overhead "▼" 69 droppedingots cooldown "Ore Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "iron ore|iron ingot%s" ground -1 -1 2 as droppedmetal and not cooldown "Ore Vacuum" overhead "*picking up metal...*" 93 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target droppedmetal wait 250 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 250 @ignore droppedmetal endif if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' endif cooldown "Ore Vacuum" 1000 endif endif if counttype "iron ingot%s" backpack > IngotRecallAmount and EnableIngotAutoRecall = 1 overhead "I'd hate to lose all this hard work..." 2086 wait 2500 overhead "I'm going to go unload before it's too late!" 2086 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableIngotAutoRecall' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 wait 2000 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 replay endif if not varexist idonthaveapacky and EnablePackAnimals = 1 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 0 endif if EnablePackAnimals = 1 if not find myMainPackAnimal or not varexist myMainPackAnimal and PackAnimalCount = 1 if not varexist myMainPackAnimal wait 1000 overhead "[ SELECT YOUR MAIN PACK ANIMAL... ]" 253 setvar myMainPackAnimal wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ MAIN PACKY SET! ]" 93 wait 1500 endif endif if not find mySecondPackAnimal or not varexist mySecondPackAnimal and PackAnimalCount = 2 if not varexist mySecondPackAnimal wait 1000 overhead "[ SELECT YOUR 2ND PACK ANIMAL... ]" 253 setvar mySecondPackAnimal wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ TWO PACKY SET! ]" 93 wait 1500 endif endif if not find myMainPackAnimal or not find mySecondPackAnimal and PackAnimalCount = 2 if findtype "291|292" ground -1 -1 2 as PackAnimal if noto PackAnimal = "friend" if not find myMainPackAnimal @setvar PackAnimal myMainPackAnimal elseif not find mySecondPackAnimal @setvar PackAnimal mySecondPackAnimal endif else overhead "Where did that damn animal go now..." 2086 wait 1500 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 1 endif endif endif if not cooldown "Packy Follow" and PackAnimalCount = 1 menu myMainPackAnimal 4 cooldown "Packy Follow" 30000 endif if not cooldown "Packy Follow" and PackAnimalCount = 2 menu mySecondPackAnimal 4 cooldown "Packy Follow" 30000 endif endif if EnableAutoSmeltPlayerForge = 1 if findtype "forge" ground -1 -1 2 as forge or findtype 0x0FB1 ground -1 -1 2 as forge and findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore while findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore overhead "*smelting ore...*" 2114 forge dclick ore overhead "*forging ingots...*" 2117 wait 1000 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" settimer AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer 0 @setvar! ForgeFound 0 break endif if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' wait 500 endif endwhile if EnablePackAnimals = 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 getlabel myMainPackAnimal PackyLabel if "[0/2000" in PackyLabel // Do nothing else dclick myMainPackAnimal wait 500 while findtype "iron ore" myMainPackAnimal as packyoretosmelt dclick packyoretosmelt overhead "*smelting from pack animal...*" 2114 myMainPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 endif endif if find mySecondPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 getlabel mySecondPackAnimal TwoPackyLabel if "[0/2000" in TwoPackyLabel // Do nothing else dclick mySecondPackAnimal wait 500 while findtype "iron ore" myMainPackAnimal as twopackyoretosmelt dclick twopackyoretosmelt overhead "*smelting from pack animal...*" 2114 mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 endif endif endif endif endif if EnableAutoSmeltNaturalForge = 1 if findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore and MiningActive = 0 @setvar! ForgeFound 0 if not timerexists AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer settimer AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer 2500 endif if timer AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer >= 2500 dclick ore wait 500 if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" settimer AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer 0 clearsysmsg else @setvar! ForgeFound 1 clearsysmsg overhead "*found a forge!*" 2117 endif endif endif if ForgeFound = 1 while findtype "iron ore" backpack as ore dclick ore wait 500 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" settimer AutoSmeltNaturalForgeTimer 0 @setvar! ForgeFound 0 clearsysmsg break endif if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' wait 500 endif endwhile if EnablePackAnimals = 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 getlabel myMainPackAnimal PackyLabel if "[0/2000" in PackyLabel // Do nothing else dclick myMainPackAnimal wait 500 while findtype "iron ore" myMainPackAnimal as packyoretosmelt dclick packyoretosmelt overhead "*smelting from pack animal...*" 2114 myMainPackAnimal wait 650 if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" @setvar! ForgeFound 0 break endif endwhile @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 endif endif if find mySecondPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 getlabel mySecondPackAnimal TwoPackyLabel if "[0/2000" in TwoPackyLabel // Do nothing else dclick mySecondPackAnimal wait 500 while findtype "iron ore" myMainPackAnimal as twopackyoretosmelt dclick twopackyoretosmelt overhead "*smelting from pack animal...*" 2114 mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 if insysmsg "You do not see any nearby forges" @setvar! ForgeFound 0 break endif endwhile @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 1 endif endif endif endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if diffweight < GreenWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > YellowWarningDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 77 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < YellowWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ TIME TO FORGE! ]" 153 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED! ]" 37 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 wait 1500 overhead "Find a forge in order to continue..." 0 replay endif endif if not findtype 'pickaxe' hand and findtype 'pickaxe' backpack dclicktype 'pickaxe' backpack wait 650 endif hotkey 'Use item in hand' wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 500 if insysmsg 'world is saving' for 50 wait 100 if insysmsg 'world save complete' overhead '[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]' 253 clearsysmsg endif endfor replay elseif insysmsg 'Harvesting is not allowed' overhead 'We need to leave the safe zone...' 84 clearsysmsg wait 5000 replay elseif insysmsg 'You have worn out your tool' overhead "Hang on, my pickaxe just broke!" 2086 wait 1500 clearsysmsg if counttype 'pickaxe' self > 0 wait 1000 overhead "But I think I have another.. one sec..." 2086 wait 1500 else overhead "Dammit, that's my last pickaxe. Time to resupply!" 2086 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 wait 1500 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You must wait" clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 59" cooldown "Travel" 59000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 58" cooldown "Travel" 58000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 57" cooldown "Travel" 57000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 56" cooldown "Travel" 56000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 55" cooldown "Travel" 55000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 54" cooldown "Travel" 54000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 53" cooldown "Travel" 53000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 52" cooldown "Travel" 52000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 51" cooldown "Travel" 51000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 50" cooldown "Travel" 50000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 49" cooldown "Travel" 49000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 48" cooldown "Travel" 48000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 47" cooldown "Travel" 47000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 46" cooldown "Travel" 46000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 45" cooldown "Travel" 45000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 44" cooldown "Travel" 44000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 43" cooldown "Travel" 43000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 42" cooldown "Travel" 42000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 41" cooldown "Travel" 41000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 40" cooldown "Travel" 40000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 39" cooldown "Travel" 39000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 38" cooldown "Travel" 38000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 37" cooldown "Travel" 37000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 36" cooldown "Travel" 36000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 35" cooldown "Travel" 35000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 34" cooldown "Travel" 34000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 33" cooldown "Travel" 33000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 32" cooldown "Travel" 32000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 31" cooldown "Travel" 31000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 30" cooldown "Travel" 30000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 29" cooldown "Travel" 29000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 28" cooldown "Travel" 28000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 27" cooldown "Travel" 27000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 26" cooldown "Travel" 26000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 25" cooldown "Travel" 25000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 24" cooldown "Travel" 24000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 23" cooldown "Travel" 23000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 22" cooldown "Travel" 22000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 21" cooldown "Travel" 21000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 20" cooldown "Travel" 20000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 19" cooldown "Travel" 19000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 18" cooldown "Travel" 18000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 17" cooldown "Travel" 17000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 16" cooldown "Travel" 16000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 15" cooldown "Travel" 15000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 14" cooldown "Travel" 14000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 13" cooldown "Travel" 13000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 12" cooldown "Travel" 12000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 11" cooldown "Travel" 11000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 10" cooldown "Travel" 10000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 9" cooldown "Travel" 9000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 8" cooldown "Travel" 8000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 7" cooldown "Travel" 7000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 6" cooldown "Travel" 6000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 5" cooldown "Travel" 5000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 4" cooldown "Travel" 4000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 3" cooldown "Travel" 3000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 2" cooldown "Travel" 2000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a couple more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 1" cooldown "Travel" 1000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a second to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any' @setvar! MiningActive 0 if MOVE = 1 if not cooldown "Move Timer" @setvar! MOVE 0 overhead "[ KEEP MOVING... ]" 153 cooldown "Move Timer" 2500 endif if findtype "iron ore" backpack as oretostack and EnableOreStacker = 1 and not cooldown "Ore Stacker" if findtype "iron ore" backpack as oretostack while findtype 'iron ore' backpack as oretostack if find oretostack IngotBag @ignore oretostack else if not cooldown "Stacker Timer" overhead "*stacking ore...*" 77 cooldown "Stacker Timer" 3500 endif lift oretostack 9999 if StackOreinIngotBag = 1 drop IngotBag wait 500 else drop backpack 100 100 0 @ignore oretostack wait 500 endif endif endwhile endif clearignore cooldown "Ore Stacker" 60000 endif if EnablePackAnimals = 1 and idonthaveapacky != 1 and StoreinMainPacky = 1 or StoreinSecondPacky = 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 12 if findtype "6585" backpack as oretostoreinpacky and StoreinMainPacky = 1 if counttype oretostoreinpacky > OreTransfertoPackyAmount and OreTransfertoPackyAmount != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop myMainPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile elseif diffweight < TransfertoPackyWeightDiff and TransfertoPackyWeightDiff != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop myMainPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile endif elseif findtype "6585" backpack as oretostoreinpacky and StoreinSecondPacky = 1 if counttype oretostoreinpacky > OreTransfertoPackyAmount and OreTransfertoPackyAmount != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile elseif diffweight < TransfertoPackyWeightDiff and TransfertoPackyWeightDiff != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile endif endif if not cooldown "Packy Check" getlabel myMainPackAnimal MainPackyWeight if '[1998/2000' in MainPackyWeight or '[1999/2000' in MainPackyWeight '[2000/2000' in MainPackyWeight @setvar! StoreinMainPacky 0 else @setvar! StoreinMainPacky 1 endif getlabel mySecondPackAnimal SecondPackyWeight if '[1998/2000' in SecondPackyWeight or '[1999/2000' in SecondPackyWeight '[2000/2000' in SecondPackyWeight @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 0 else @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 1 endif cooldown "Packy Check" 15000 endif if StoreinMainPacky = 0 and PackAnimalCount = 1 overhead "My packy is full!" 2086 wait 2500 elseif StoreinMainPacky = 0 and PackAnimalCount = 2 @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 1 elseif StoreinMainPacky = 0 and StoreinSecondPacky = 0 overhead "All my pack animals are full!" 2086 wait 2500 endif else overhead "Is my damn packy missing again??" 2086 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 1 endif elseif idonthaveapacky = 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 0 replay endif endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyPotBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "Being perfectly rested" overhead "Outta my way! I've got a pickaxe and know how to use it..." 2086 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "Shall we incinerate them, master?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif if PutIngotsinLockedChest = 1 and NeedtoSecureIngots = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key if findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 overhead "*securing ingots...*" 149 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore if find ingotstostore lockbox @ignore ingotstostore else clearsysmsg lift ingotstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[ingot box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 else overhead "[ingot box unlocked]" 84 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "*securing ingots...*" 149 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore if find ingotstostore lockbox @ignore ingotstostore else clearsysmsg lift ingotstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[ingot box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 endif endif wait 150 getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 endif endif endif elseif StackIngotsinIngotBag = 1 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as metaltomove if find IngotBag self if OpenIngotBag = 1 dclick IngotBag wait 250 endif wait 500 overhead "*stacking ingots...*" 2086 lift metaltomove 9999 drop IngotBag 1 1 0 wait 500 @ignore metaltomove else overhead "[ NO INGOT BAG! ]" 337 endif endwhile else if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' wait 250 endif endif hotkey 'Organizer Agent-04' replay endif if MOVE = 0 if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "[ KEEP MOVING... ]" 44 cooldown "Move Timer" 2500 @setvar! MOVE 1 endif if findtype "iron ore" backpack as oretostack and EnableOreStacker = 1 and not cooldown "Ore Stacker" if findtype "iron ore" backpack as oretostack while findtype 'iron ore' backpack as oretostack if find oretostack IngotBag @ignore oretostack else if not cooldown "Stacker Timer" overhead "*stacking ore...*" 77 cooldown "Stacker Timer" 3500 endif lift oretostack 9999 if StackOreinIngotBag = 1 drop IngotBag wait 500 else drop backpack 100 100 0 @ignore oretostack wait 500 endif endif endwhile endif clearignore cooldown "Ore Stacker" 60000 endif if EnablePackAnimals = 1 and idonthaveapacky != 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 12 if findtype "6585" backpack as oretostoreinpacky and StoreinMainPacky = 1 if counttype oretostoreinpacky > OreTransfertoPackyAmount and OreTransfertoPackyAmount != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop myMainPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile elseif diffweight < TransfertoPackyWeightDiff and TransfertoPackyWeightDiff != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop myMainPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile endif elseif findtype "6585" backpack as oretostoreinpacky and StoreinSecondPacky = 1 if counttype oretostoreinpacky > OreTransfertoPackyAmount and OreTransfertoPackyAmount != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile elseif diffweight < TransfertoPackyWeightDiff and TransfertoPackyWeightDiff != 0 while findtype "6585" as oretostoreinpacky backpack lift oretostoreinpacky 60000 overhead "*moving ore to pack animal...*" 349 drop mySecondPackAnimal wait 650 endwhile endif endif if not cooldown "Packy Check" getlabel myMainPackAnimal MainPackyWeight if '[1998/2000' in MainPackyWeight or '[1999/2000' in MainPackyWeight '[2000/2000' in MainPackyWeight @setvar! StoreinMainPacky 0 else @setvar! StoreinMainPacky 1 endif getlabel mySecondPackAnimal SecondPackyWeight if '[1998/2000' in SecondPackyWeight or '[1999/2000' in SecondPackyWeight '[2000/2000' in SecondPackyWeight @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 0 else @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 1 endif cooldown "Packy Check" 15000 endif if StoreinMainPacky = 0 and PackAnimalCount = 1 overhead "My packy is full!" 2086 wait 2500 elseif StoreinMainPacky = 0 and PackAnimalCount = 2 @setvar! StoreinSecondPacky 1 elseif StoreinMainPacky = 0 and StoreinSecondPacky = 0 overhead "All my pack animals are full!" 2086 wait 2500 endif else overhead "Where did that dumbass pack animal go now..." 2086 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 1 endif elseif idonthaveapacky = 1 if find myMainPackAnimal ground -1 -1 2 @setvar! idonthaveapacky 0 replay endif endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyPotBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "Being perfectly rested" overhead "Move it! I've got work to do" 2086 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1000 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif if PutIngotsinLockedChest = 1 and NeedtoSecureIngots = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key if findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 overhead "*securing ingots...*" 149 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore if find ingotstostore lockbox @ignore ingotstostore else clearsysmsg lift ingotstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[ingot box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 else overhead "[ingot box unlocked]" 84 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "*securing ingots...*" 149 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as ingotstostore if find ingotstostore lockbox @ignore ingotstostore else clearsysmsg lift ingotstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[ingot box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 endif endif wait 150 getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 endif endif endif elseif StackIngotsinIngotBag = 1 while findtype 'iron ingot%s' backpack as metaltomove if find IngotBag self if OpenIngotBag = 1 dclick IngotBag wait 250 endif wait 500 overhead "*stacking ingots...*" 2086 lift metaltomove 9999 drop IngotBag 1 1 0 wait 500 @ignore metaltomove else overhead "[ NO INGOT BAG! ]" 337 endif endwhile else if SetIngotBagtoOrganizer03 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-03' wait 250 endif endif hotkey 'Organizer Agent-04' replay endif clearsysmsg @setvar! MOVE 1 wait 500 replay endif @setvar! MiningActive 1 wait 250 while MiningActive = 1 if warmode replay endif if hp < maxhp replay endif if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 60 if insysmsg ": 60 step" or insysmsg "60 space" or insysmsg ": 59 step" or insysmsg "59 space" or insysmsg ": 58 step" or insysmsg "58 space" or insysmsg ": 57 step" or insysmsg "57 space" or insysmsg ": 56 step" or insysmsg "56 space" or insysmsg ": 55 step" or insysmsg "55 space" or insysmsg ": 54 step" or insysmsg "54 space" or insysmsg ": 53 step" or insysmsg "53 space" or insysmsg ": 52 step" or insysmsg "52 space" or insysmsg ": 51 step" or insysmsg "51 space" or insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 50 if insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 40 if insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 0 if insysmsg "Now tracking" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif endif if insysmsg "Mining skillgain" if skill 'Mining' > 100.0 and skill 'Mining' < 119.9 sysmsg "Hmm... these stones are tricky to work with..." 84 elseif skill 'Mining' = 119.9 overhead "THIS COULD BE IT......" 2086 sysmsg "Hmm... there is something special about these stones..." 84 elseif skill 'Mining' = 120.0 overhead "FINALLY!!!" 2086 wait 2000 overhead "We made it!" 2086 wait 1500 clearsysmsg overhead "TIME FOR A WELL DESERVED BREAK!" 2086 stop endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if diffweight < GreenWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > YellowWarningDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 77 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < YellowWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ TIME TO FORGE! ]" 153 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED! ]" 37 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 wait 1500 overhead "Find a forge in order to continue..." 0 replay endif endif if EnablePlayerForgeRadar = 1 if findtype "4017|6526|6538|6550|6562" ground -1 -1 15 as forge or findtype 0x0FB1 ground -1 -1 15 as forge and findtype "iron ore" backpack and not cooldown "Forge Radar" overhead "[ FORGE HERE! ]" 44 forge overhead "▼" 44 forge cooldown "Forge Radar" 3500 endif endif if EnableSummons = 1 if dead myMainTankPet if not dead earthOne @setvar! myMainTankPet earthOne elseif not dead earthTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet earthTwo elseif not dead waterOne @setvar! myMainTankPet waterOne elseif not dead waterTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet waterTwo elseif not dead demonOne @setvar! myMainTankPet demonOne elseif not dead demonTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet demonTwo elseif not dead fireOne @setvar! myMainTankPet fireOne elseif not dead fireTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet fireTwo elseif not dead airOne @setvar! myMainTankPet airOne elseif not dead airTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet airTwo endif overhead "Hold on..." 2086 wait 500 replay else if not cooldown "Guard Timer" and EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 if GuardComment = 1 overhead "I'll keep watch, Master..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 2 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 2 overhead "*looks around menacingly...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 3 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 3 overhead "*cracks knuckles...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 4 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 350000 elseif GuardComment = 4 overhead "*scanning for threats...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 @setvar! GuardComment 5 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 5 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 6 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 6 overhead "This isn't very exciting, is it?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 7 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 7 overhead "I think we've already passed that tree today..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 8 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 8 overhead "Do you know any good jokes?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 9 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 9 overhead "Can I give that a try?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 10 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 180000 elseif GuardComment = 10 overhead "I see a PK!! Oh... nope, just some dog shit..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 11 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 600000 elseif GuardComment = 11 overhead "Wouldn't it be more fun to kill something?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 12 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 12 overhead "*yawns*" 2117 myMainTankPet overhead "What time is lunch break?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 13 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 13 overhead "My last gig was in Aegis 4... this is slightly less exciting...." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 14 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 180000 elseif GuardComment = 14 overhead "How about I do the harvesting and you be the bodyguard?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 15 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 400000 elseif GuardComment = 15 overhead "I should have stayed in school..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 60000 else overhead "*snarls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 endif endif endif endif if insysmsg 'world is saving' for 50 wait 100 if insysmsg 'world save complete' wait 100 overhead '[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]' 253 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You loosen some rocks" overhead '*you fail to harvest anything...*' 337 clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some iron ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest iron ore*' 1900 else overhead '*you harvest iron ore*' 1900 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some dull copper ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest dullcopper ore*' 2419 else overhead '*you harvest dullcopper ore*' 2419 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some shadow iron ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest shadowiron ore*' 2406 else overhead '*you harvest shadowiron ore*' 2406 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some copper ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest copper ore*' 2413 else overhead '*you harvest copper ore*' 2413 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some bronze ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest bronze ore*' 2418 else overhead '*you harvest bronze ore*' 2418 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some golden ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest golden ore!*' 2213 else overhead '*you harvest golden ore*' 2213 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some agapite ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest agapite ore!*' 2425 else overhead '*you harvest agapite ore*' 2425 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some verite ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest verite ore!!*' 2207 else overhead '*you harvest verite ore!*' 2207 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some valorite ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest valorite ore!!*' 2219 else overhead '*you harvest valorite ore!*' 2219 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You dig some avarite ore" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest avarite ore!!!*' 1763 overhead 'Woot! Woot!!' 2086 else overhead '*you harvest avarite ore!!*' 1763 overhead 'Woot!' 2086 endif clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg 'You have worn out your tool' overhead "They don't make em like they used too..." 2086 wait 500 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "travel" replay elseif insysmsg 'You have worn out your tool' overhead "Hang on, my pickaxe just broke!" 2086 wait 1500 clearsysmsg if counttype 'pickaxe' self > 0 wait 1000 overhead "But I think I have another.. one sec..." 2086 wait 1500 else overhead "Dammit, that's my last pickaxe. Time to resupply!" 2086 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 wait 1500 endif replay elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any' overhead "There's nothing left here..." 2086 overhead "[ TIME TO MOVE ]" 69 @setvar! MiningActive 0 clearsysmsg replay endif if not findtype 'pickaxe' hand and findtype 'pickaxe' backpack dclicktype 'pickaxe' backpack wait 650 endif hotkey 'Use item in hand' wft 500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 250 endwhile replay endif # LUMBER SCRIPT # if skill "Lumberjacking" > 49.9 and EnableLumberjacking = 1 and not cooldown "Travel" @setvar! DungeonMode 0 if hidden overhead "[ HIDDEN... ]" 6 wait 1000 sysmsg "You cannot chop wood while hidden! Please unhide and try again..." 0 stop endif if PutBoardsinLockedChest = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1000 target lockbox wait 250 overhead "[board box locked]" 84 endif endif endif if EnableBoardBag = 1 if not find BoardBag self overhead "Please select your board storage bag..." 88 wait 500 setvar BoardBag wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ BOARD BAG SET! ]" 93 endif endif if counttype "board%s" backpack > BoardRecallAmount and EnableBoardAutoRecall = 1 overhead "I'd hate to lose all this hard work..." 2086 wait 2500 overhead "I'm going to go unload before it's too late!" 2086 sysmsg "Disable 'EnableBoardAutoRecall' in script variables to turn off this feature!" 0 wait 2000 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 replay endif if not findtype 'hatchet' self overhead "I can't work with no hatchet!" 2086 wait 1500 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 replay endif if not findtype 'hatchet' hand and findtype 'hatchet' backpack dclicktype 'hatchet' backpack wait 250 endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if diffweight < GreenWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > YellowWarningDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 77 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < YellowWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING! ]" 153 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED! ]" 37 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 wait 1500 stop endif endif for 2 hotkey 'Use item in hand' wft 500 if insysmsg "use this item on" break else wait 100 endif endfor target self wait 250 if insysmsg 'world is saving' for 50 wait 100 if insysmsg 'world save complete' wait 100 overhead '[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]' 253 clearsysmsg endif endfor clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg 'Harvesting is not allowed' overhead 'You need to leave the safe area...' 0 wait 5000 replay elseif insysmsg 'You broke your axe' overhead "My axe broke!" 2086 wait 1500 if counttype 'hatchet' self > 0 wait 1000 overhead "But I think I have another... one sec..." 2086 wait 500 else overhead "Dammit, that was my last hatchet! Time to resupply..." 2086 @setvar! TimeToGo 1 wait 500 endif replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 59" cooldown "Travel" 59000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 58" cooldown "Travel" 58000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 57" cooldown "Travel" 57000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 56" cooldown "Travel" 56000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 55" cooldown "Travel" 55000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 54" cooldown "Travel" 54000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 53" cooldown "Travel" 53000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 52" cooldown "Travel" 52000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 51" cooldown "Travel" 51000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 50" cooldown "Travel" 50000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 49" cooldown "Travel" 49000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 48" cooldown "Travel" 48000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 47" cooldown "Travel" 47000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 46" cooldown "Travel" 46000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 45" cooldown "Travel" 45000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 44" cooldown "Travel" 44000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 43" cooldown "Travel" 43000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 42" cooldown "Travel" 42000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 41" cooldown "Travel" 41000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 40" cooldown "Travel" 40000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 39" cooldown "Travel" 39000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 38" cooldown "Travel" 38000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 37" cooldown "Travel" 37000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 36" cooldown "Travel" 36000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 35" cooldown "Travel" 35000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 34" cooldown "Travel" 34000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 33" cooldown "Travel" 33000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 32" cooldown "Travel" 32000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 31" cooldown "Travel" 31000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 30" cooldown "Travel" 30000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 29" cooldown "Travel" 29000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 28" cooldown "Travel" 28000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 27" cooldown "Travel" 27000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 26" cooldown "Travel" 26000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 25" cooldown "Travel" 25000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 24" cooldown "Travel" 24000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 23" cooldown "Travel" 23000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 22" cooldown "Travel" 22000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 21" cooldown "Travel" 21000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 20" cooldown "Travel" 20000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 19" cooldown "Travel" 19000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 18" cooldown "Travel" 18000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 17" cooldown "Travel" 17000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a minute to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 16" cooldown "Travel" 16000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 15" cooldown "Travel" 15000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 14" cooldown "Travel" 14000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 13" cooldown "Travel" 13000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 12" cooldown "Travel" 12000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 11" cooldown "Travel" 11000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a little bit longer to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 10" cooldown "Travel" 10000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 9" cooldown "Travel" 9000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 8" cooldown "Travel" 8000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 7" cooldown "Travel" 7000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 6" cooldown "Travel" 6000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 5" cooldown "Travel" 5000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 4" cooldown "Travel" 4000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 3" cooldown "Travel" 3000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a few more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 2" cooldown "Travel" 2000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a couple more seconds to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "must wait 1" cooldown "Travel" 1000 overhead "I'm tired from travelling..." 2086 wait 1500 overhead "Just give me a second to recover!" 2086 clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg "You must wait" clearsysmsg replay elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any' if MOVE = 1 if not cooldown "Move Timer" @setvar! MOVE 0 overhead "[ KEEP MOVING... ]" 153 cooldown "Move Timer" 2500 endif if findtype "log%s" backpack as logstostack and EnableLogStacker = 1 and not cooldown "Log Stacker" lift logstostack 9999 drop backpack 100 100 0 wait 250 cooldown "Log Stacker" 10000 endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyPotBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "Being perfectly rested" overhead "Outta my way! I've got a hatchet and know how to use it..." 2086 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1500 overhead "Shall we incinerate them, master?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif while findtype 'log%s' backpack and LogsToBoards = 1 overhead '*making boards...*' 0 dclicktype 'log%s' wait 500 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 1 endwhile if PutBoardsinLockedChest = 1 and NeedtoSecureBoards = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key if findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 overhead "*securing boards...*" 149 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore if find boardstostore lockbox @ignore boardstostore else clearsysmsg lift boardstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[board box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 else overhead "[board box unlocked]" 84 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "*securing boards...*" 149 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore if find boardstostore lockbox @ignore boardstostore else clearsysmsg lift boardstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[board box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 endif endif wait 150 getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 endif endif endif elseif StackBoardsinBoardBag = 1 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as woodtomove if find BoardBag self if OpenBoardBag = 1 dclick BoardBag wait 250 endif wait 500 overhead "*stacking boards...*" 2086 lift woodtomove 9999 drop BoardBag 1 1 0 wait 500 @ignore woodtomove else overhead "[ NO BOARD BAG! ]" 337 endif endwhile else if SetBoardBagtoOrganizer01 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-01' wait 250 endif endif hotkey 'Organizer Agent-02' replay endif if MOVE = 0 if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "[ KEEP MOVING... ]" 44 cooldown "Move Timer" 2500 @setvar! MOVE 1 endif if findtype "log%s" backpack as logstostack and EnableLogStacker = 1 and not cooldown "Log Stacker" lift logstostack 9999 drop backpack 100 100 0 wait 250 cooldown "Log Stacker" 10000 endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyPotBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "Being perfectly rested" overhead "Move it! I've got work to do" 2086 if EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 wait 1000 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif while findtype 'log%s' backpack and LogsToBoards = 1 overhead '*making boards...*' 0 dclicktype 'log%s' wait 500 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 1 endwhile if PutBoardsinLockedChest = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key if findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 overhead "*securing boards...*" 149 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore if find boardstostore lockbox @ignore boardstostore else clearsysmsg lift boardstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[board box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 else overhead "[board box unlocked]" 84 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "*securing boards...*" 149 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as boardstostore if find boardstostore lockbox @ignore boardstostore else clearsysmsg lift boardstostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[board box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 endif endif wait 150 getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureBoards 0 endif endif endif elseif StackBoardsinBoardBag = 1 while findtype 'board%s' backpack as woodtomove if find BoardBag self if OpenBoardBag = 1 dclick BoardBag wait 250 endif wait 500 overhead "*stacking boards...*" 2086 lift woodtomove 9999 drop BoardBag 1 1 0 wait 500 @ignore woodtomove else overhead "[ NO BOARD BAG! ]" 337 endif endwhile else if SetBoardBagtoOrganizer01 = 1 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-01' wait 250 endif endif hotkey 'Organizer Agent-02' replay endif clearsysmsg @setvar! MOVE 1 replay else overhead '*chopping wood...*' 2128 cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 endif while cooldown "Move Timer" if EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 60 if insysmsg ": 60 step" or insysmsg "60 space" or insysmsg ": 59 step" or insysmsg "59 space" or insysmsg ": 58 step" or insysmsg "58 space" or insysmsg ": 57 step" or insysmsg "57 space" or insysmsg ": 56 step" or insysmsg "56 space" or insysmsg ": 55 step" or insysmsg "55 space" or insysmsg ": 54 step" or insysmsg "54 space" or insysmsg ": 53 step" or insysmsg "53 space" or insysmsg ": 52 step" or insysmsg "52 space" or insysmsg ": 51 step" or insysmsg "51 space" or insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 50 if insysmsg ": 50 step" or insysmsg "50 space" or insysmsg ": 49 step" or insysmsg "49 space" or insysmsg ": 48 step" or insysmsg "48 space" or insysmsg ": 47 step" or insysmsg "47 space" or insysmsg ": 46 step" or insysmsg "46 space" or insysmsg ": 45 step" or insysmsg "45 space" or insysmsg ": 44 step" or insysmsg "44 space" or insysmsg ": 43 step" or insysmsg "43 space" or insysmsg ": 42 step" or insysmsg "42 space" or insysmsg ": 41 step" or insysmsg "41 space" or insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 40 if insysmsg ": 40 step" or insysmsg "40 space" or insysmsg ": 39 step" or insysmsg "39 space" or insysmsg ": 38 step" or insysmsg "38 space" or insysmsg ": 37 step" or insysmsg "37 space" or insysmsg ": 36 step" or insysmsg "36 space" or insysmsg ": 35 step" or insysmsg "35 space" or insysmsg ": 34 step" or insysmsg "34 space" or insysmsg ": 33 step" or insysmsg "33 space" or insysmsg ": 32 step" or insysmsg "32 space" or insysmsg ": 31 step" or insysmsg "31 space" or insysmsg ": 30 step" or insysmsg "30 space" or insysmsg ": 29 step" or insysmsg "29 space" or insysmsg ": 28 step" or insysmsg "28 space" or insysmsg ": 27 step" or insysmsg "27 space" or insysmsg ": 26 step" or insysmsg "26 space" or insysmsg ": 25 step" or insysmsg "25 space" or insysmsg ": 24 step" or insysmsg "24 space" or insysmsg ": 23 step" or insysmsg "23 space" or insysmsg ": 22 step" or insysmsg "22 space" or insysmsg ": 21 step" or insysmsg "21 space" or insysmsg ": 20 step" or insysmsg "20 space" or insysmsg ": 19 step" or insysmsg "19 space" or insysmsg ": 18 step" or insysmsg "18 space" or insysmsg ": 17 step" or insysmsg "17 space" or insysmsg ": 16 step" or insysmsg "16 space" or insysmsg ": 15 step" or insysmsg "15 space" or insysmsg ": 14 step" or insysmsg "14 space" or insysmsg ": 13 step" or insysmsg "13 space" or insysmsg ": 12 step" or insysmsg "12 space" or insysmsg ": 11 step" or insysmsg "11 space" or insysmsg ": 10 step" or insysmsg "10 space" or insysmsg ": 9 step" or insysmsg "(9 space" or insysmsg ": 8 step" or insysmsg "(8 space" or insysmsg ": 7 step" or insysmsg "(7 space" or insysmsg ": 6 step" or insysmsg "(6 space" or insysmsg ": 5 step" or insysmsg "(5 space" or insysmsg ": 4 step" or insysmsg "(4 space" or insysmsg ": 3 step" or insysmsg "(3 space" or insysmsg ": 2 step" or insysmsg "(2 space" or insysmsg ": 1 step" or insysmsg "(1 space" or insysmsg ": 0 step" or insysmsg "(0 space" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif elseif EnableTrackingAutoRecall = 1 and PKTrackingRange = 0 if insysmsg "Now tracking" hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' hotkey 'Clear Target Queue' @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 clearsysmsg replay endif endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif if warmode replay endif if skill 'Healing' > 30 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self < 10 and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self != 0 if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ BANDAGES LOW! ]" 339 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" elseif counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self = 0 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO BANDAGES! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 elseif poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" else overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if diffhits > HealPotHPdiff and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCastHeal = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 50 and diffhits > CastHealHPlowdiff and diffhits < CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 4 cast 'Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 elseif skill 'Magery' >= 60 and diffhits > CastHealHPhighdiff and mana >= 11 cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Greater Heal' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableCastCure = 1 if poisoned and skill 'Magery' >= 40 and mana >= 6 cast 'Cure' wait 100 while not casting if targetexists hotkey 'cancel current target' endif cast 'Cure' wait 100 endwhile wft 1500 target 'self' wait 250 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if diffstam >= RefreshPotSPdiff and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot wait 500 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicResistPotion = 1 if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" if findtype "Black Potion" self as magicresistpot dclick magicresistpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO RESIST POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableStrengthPotion = 1 if skill 'Alchemy' = 1 if insysmsg "You may now use a strength" or not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableAgilityPotion = 1 if not findbuff "Agility" if findtype "Blue Potion" self as agilitypot dclick agilitypot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO AGILITY POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicReflection = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 60 and not findbuff 'Magic Reflection' and not cooldown "Magic Shield" and mana > 14 and TimeToGo != 1 for 10 cast 'Magic Reflection' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Shield" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new shield. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 1000 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 1000 else break endif endfor wait 1500 replay endif endif if EnableReactiveArmour = 1 if skill 'Magery' >= 50 and not findbuff 'Reactive Armor' and mana >= 4 and TimeToGo != 1 for 10 cast 'Reactive Armor' waitfortarget 1500 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 1000 if insysmsg "That spell will not adhere" cooldown "Magic Armor" 30000 overhead "Too soon for a new magic armor. Give me a sec..." 2086 replay endif if cooldown "Spell Fail" wait 500 overhead "Let me try that again..." 2086 wait 500 else break endif endfor wait 1000 replay endif endif if insysmsg "Lumberjacking skillgain" if skill 'Lumberjacking' > 100.0 and skill 'Lumberjacking' < 119.9 sysmsg "Hmm... this tree will really test my skills..." 84 elseif skill 'Lumberjacking' = 119.9 overhead "THIS COULD BE IT......" 2086 sysmsg "Hmm... there is something special about this tree..." 84 elseif skill 'Lumberjacking' = 120.0 overhead "FINALLY!!!" 2086 wait 2000 overhead "We made it!" 2086 wait 1500 clearsysmsg overhead "TIME FOR A WELL DESERVED BREAK!" 2086 stop endif endif if insysmsg 'world is saving' for 50 wait 100 if insysmsg 'world save complete' wait 100 overhead '[ SAVE COMPLETE! ]' 253 clearsysmsg endif endfor clearsysmsg endif if EnableSummons = 1 and dead myMainTankPet if not dead earthOne @setvar! myMainTankPet earthOne elseif not dead earthTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet earthTwo elseif not dead waterOne @setvar! myMainTankPet waterOne elseif not dead waterTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet waterTwo elseif not dead demonOne @setvar! myMainTankPet demonOne elseif not dead demonTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet demonTwo elseif not dead fireOne @setvar! myMainTankPet fireOne elseif not dead fireTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet fireTwo elseif not dead airOne @setvar! myMainTankPet airOne elseif not dead airTwo @setvar! myMainTankPet airTwo endif overhead "Hold on..." 2086 wait 500 replay else if not cooldown "Guard Timer" and EnableSummons = 1 and followers > 1 if GuardComment = 1 overhead "I'll keep watch while you work, Master..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 2 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 2 overhead "*looks around menacingly...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 3 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 3 overhead "*cracks knuckles...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 4 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 350000 elseif GuardComment = 4 overhead "*scanning for threats...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 wait 500 @setvar! GuardComment 5 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 5 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 6 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 400000 elseif GuardComment = 6 overhead "This isn't very exciting, is it?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 7 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 7 overhead "I think we've already passed that tree today..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 8 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 8 overhead "Do you know any good jokes?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 9 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 9 overhead "Can I give that a try?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 10 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 overhead "I see a PK!! Oh... nope, just some dog shit..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 11 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 11 overhead "Wouldn't it be more fun to kill something?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 12 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 350000 elseif GuardComment = 12 overhead "*yawns*" 2117 myMainTankPet overhead "What time is lunch break?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 13 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 elseif GuardComment = 13 overhead "My last gig was in Aegis 4... this is slightly less exciting...." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 14 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 350000 elseif GuardComment = 14 overhead "How about I do the harvesting and you be the bodyguard?" 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 15 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 300000 elseif GuardComment = 15 overhead "I should have stayed in school..." 44 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 600000 else overhead "*snarls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 @setvar! GuardComment 1 wait 500 cooldown "Guard Timer" 350000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "You hack" overhead '*you fail to harvest anything...*' 337 replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest logs!*' 349 else overhead '*you harvest logs*' 349 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some dullwood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest dullwood!*' 2419 else overhead '*you harvest dullwood*' 2419 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some shadowwood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest shadowwood!*' 2406 else overhead '*you harvest shadowwood*' 2406 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some copperwood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest copperwood!*' 2413 else overhead '*you harvest copperwood*' 2413 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some bronzewood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest bronzewood!*' 2418 else overhead '*you harvest bronzewood*' 2418 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some goldenwood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest goldenwood!*' 2213 else overhead '*you harvest goldenwood!*' 2213 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some rosewood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest rosewood!*' 2425 else overhead '*you harvest rosewood!*' 2425 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some verewood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest verewood!*' 2207 else overhead '*you harvest verewood!*' 2207 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some valewood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest valewood!*' 2219 else overhead '*you harvest valewood!*' 2219 endif replay elseif insysmsg "You chop some avarwood logs" if insysmsg "Harvest double yield" overhead '*you double harvest avarwood!!!*' 1763 overhead 'Woot! Woot!!' 2086 else overhead '*you harvest avarwood!!*' 1763 overhead 'Woot!' 2086 endif replay elseif insysmsg "travel" break endif endwhile replay endif # FISHING SCRIPT # if skill 'Fishing' >= 50 and EnableFishing = 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 0 if insysmsg "You fish a" overhead "Nothing on that one..." 2086 endif if insysmsg "You catch a fish" overhead "*you harvest fish*" 77 endif if PutSpecialNetsinLockedChest = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 500 elseif findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1000 target lockbox wait 500 overhead "[lockbox secured]" 84 endif endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if diffweight < GreenWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > YellowWarningDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 77 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < YellowWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING! ]" 153 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED! ]" 37 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 wait 1500 stop endif endif if PutSpecialNetsinBag = 1 if not varexist FishBag wait 1000 overhead "[ SELECT YOUR SPECIAL NET STORAGE BAG... ]" 88 setvar FishBag wft 500 while targetexists wait 100 endwhile overhead "[ STORAGE BAG SET! ]" 93 wait 1500 endif endif if not timerexists CastTimer createtimer CastTimer settimer 'CastTimer' 8000 endif if not timerexists NetTimer createtimer NetTimer settimer 'NetTimer' 4500 endif if not timerexists SpyglassTimer createtimer SpyglassTimer settimer 'SpyglassTimer' 6500 endif if warmode if TrawlingMode = 0 overhead "[ TRAWLING MODE... ]" 83 endif @setvar! TrawlingMode 1 @setvar! CastingMode 0 if EnableTrawling = 1 if findtype "Fishing Pole" hand or lhandempty if findtype 31172|31169 self as MyFishingWeapon dclick MyFishingWeapon wait 250 else overhead "I have no harpoon or trident!" 2086 wait 1500 endif else if timer 'NetTimer' > 4000 if findtype "fishing net" backpack as MyNet dclick MyNet wft 1500 target "self" settimer 'NetTimer' 0 else overhead "I have no fishing nets!" 2086 settimer 'NetTimer' 0 endif wait 1000 if insysmsg "You don't see anything nearby that requires a fishing net" overhead "Nothing here to catch with my nets..." 2086 hotkey 'Toggle Peace Only' replay else overhead "*throwing a net...*" 83 endif endif endif else // Do nothing endif else if insysmsg "You fish a" overhead "Nothing on that one..." 2086 endif if insysmsg "You catch a fish" overhead "*you harvest fish*" 77 endif if CastingMode = 0 overhead "[ CASTING MODE... ]" 93 endif @setvar! TrawlingMode 0 @setvar! CastingMode 1 if EnableCasting = 1 if timer 'CastTimer' > 7500 if findtype 31172|31169 hand or lhandempty if findtype "fishing pole" self dress "Fishing Pole" wait 250 else overhead "I have no fishing pole!" 2086 settimer 'CastTimer' 0 endif elseif findtype "fishing pole" hand hotkey "Use item in hand" wft 1500 target "self" settimer 'CastTimer' 0 endif wait 1000 if insysmsg "You may only fish inside of a house" overhead "I can't do that in here..." 2086 wait 3500 clearsysmsg elseif insysmsg "You do not see any harvestable" overhead "I don't think I'm going to find any fish here...." 2086 clearsysmsg else overhead "*casting a line...*" 93 endif endif if timer "SpyglassTimer" > 6500 and EnableSpyglass = 1 gumpclose 2890020940 if targetexists hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' endif if findtype "spyglass" self as MySpyglass dclick MySpyglass else overhead "I have no spyglass!" 2086 @setvar! EnableSpyglass 0 endif wft 500 if targetexists neutral target 'self' endif wait 500 if insysmsg "You don't see anything nearby worth searching" overhead "I don't see anything to search for..." 2086 wait 1500 else overhead "*using spyglass...*" 2 endif waitforgump 2890020940 1000 gumpresponse 11 2890020940 waitforgump 2890020940 1000 gumpresponse 4 2890020940 waitforgump 2890020940 1000 settimer 'SpyglassTimer' 0 endif else //Do nothing endif endif if counttype 'cooked fish' backpack > FishCarveCount and EnableFishCarver = 1 and DisableFishCarver != 1 while findtype 'cooked fish' self as FishtoCarve if findtype 'dagger' self as MyKnife dclick MyKnife wft 1500 overhead "*carving fish steaks...*" 0 target FishtoCarve else overhead "I have no dagger to carve these with..." @setvar! DisableFishCarver 1 break endif endwhile endif if not findtype 'dagger' self @setvar! DisableFishCarver 1 else @setvar! DisableFishCarver 0 endif if not cooldown "Special Net Check" while findtype "fishing net" backpack as FishingNet getlabel FishingNet FishingNetname if "special" in FishingNetname overhead "This net looks special.. I'd better hide it!" 2086 if PutSpecialNetsinBag = 1 lift FishingNet drop FishBag -1 -1 0 wait 250 else @setvar! NeedtoSecureSpecialNet 1 endif else @ignore FishingNet endif endwhile cooldown "Special Net Check" 30000 @clearignore endif if PutSpecialNetsinLockedChest = 1 and NeedtoSecureSpecialNet = 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 overhead "*securing special net...*" 149 lift FishingNet drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[storage box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureIngots 0 else overhead "[storage box unlocked]" 84 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "*securing special net...*" 149 lift FishingNet drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[storage box locked]" 69 @setvar! NeedtoSecureSpecialNet 0 endif endif endif endif replay endif # PICKER/SCAVENGER SCRIPT # if skill 'Lockpicking' >= 50 and skill 'Detecting Hidden' >= 50 and skill 'Hiding' >= 50 and EnableDungeonPicker = 1 @setvar! DungeonMode 1 if not varexist Stealthing @setvar! Stealthing 0 endif if not varexist ChestTarget @setvar! ChestTarget 0 endif if not timerexists ChestTimer createtimer ChestTimer settimer ChestTimer 4000 endif if not timerexists HidingTimer createtimer HidingTimer settimer HidingTimer 11000 endif if not timerexists ChestRadar createtimer ChestRadar settimer ChestRadar 11000 endif if not timerexists OrganizerTimer createtimer OrganizerTimer settimer OrganizerTimer 30000 endif if timer OrganizerTimer > 30000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-05' settimer OrganizerTimer 0 endif if findtype "wooden box" backpack @setvar! NoLockbox 0 endif while find TargetDungeonChest ground -1 -1 2 and findtype 3821|31169|31172|7109|30988|31190|31128|30988|31142|31141|31002|31130|31000|31001|31180|31182|31178|30991|30999|31014|20016|20014|20012|20010|20008|20006|30992|30997|31176|31188|30998|30989|30996|30995|31186|31184|30994|30990|30993|31017|31019|31021|31023|31025|31027|31029|31031|31033|31035|31037|31038|31041|31043|31045|31047|31049|31051|31053|31055|37181|4026|4025|3962|3963|3972|3973|3974|3976|3980|3981|31010|31008|31007|31006|31015|31005|31009|31012|31011|31004|31003|31191|39911|17686|31014|30994|31142|31190|24434|43206|29363|43166|22336|29348|17087|3985|8826|3827|29030|3836|5981|4248|5359|3839|3838|3843|2597|29036|48407|3834|3865|3859|3885|3856|3878|3877|3873|3861|3862|576|5123|7177|7027|3920|5131|5179|5075|3980|5060|5076|5042|10245|3938|3913|7169|3909|5063|5089|3981|7170|7033|3976|3762|5040|5103|5117|7181|7029|3568|6264|3742|5139|6263|7026|5125|3740|5121|3973|3974|5204|5105|5185|5078|5115|7175|5059|7034|3713|3915|5112|5070|5049|5119|5205|5046|3962|3934|7035|3911|7179|5106|5143|3573|3719|5177|7610|5181|3917|5132|3963|7031|5207|5056|5085|3763|5129|5187|3721|3972|5138|3570|5101|5061|5074|5142|5182|5146|6265|5090|5203|5044|5144|3932|5201|5127|3572|7173|5135|3937|3571|22326|27611|9917|3821|5356|8455|5362|45315|8454|22187|5901|7163|3903|12686 TargetDungeonChest as item if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "*looting chest...*" 99 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif getlabel item lootDesc overhead "{{lootDesc}}" 253 wait 250 hotkey 'Grab Item' target item while queued wait 50 endwhile endwhile if PutLootinLockedChest = 1 and NeedtoSecureLoot = 1 and NoLockbox != 1 if not findtype "wooden box" backpack or not findtype "copper key" backpack overhead "[ NO LOCKBOX FOUND! ]" 339 @setvar! NoLockbox 1 wait 1500 elseif counttype 2474 backpack > 1 or counttype 4110 backpack > 1 overhead "[ TOO MANY LOCKBOXES/KEYS! ]" 339 @setvar! NoLockbox 1 wait 1500 else if findtype "wooden box" backpack as lockbox and findtype "copper key" backpack as key if findtype '3821|31169|31172|7109|30988|31190|31128|30988|31142|31141|31002|31130|31000|31001|31180|31182|31178|30991|30999|31014|20016|20014|20012|20010|20008|20006|30992|30997|31176|31188|30998|30989|30996|30995|31186|31184|30994|30990|30993|31017|31019|31021|31023|31025|31027|31029|31031|31033|31035|31037|31038|31041|31043|31045|31047|31049|31051|31053|31055|37181|4026|4025|3962|3963|3972|3973|3974|3976|3980|3981|31010|31008|31007|31006|31015|31005|31009|31012|31011|31004|31003|31191|39911|17686|31014|30994|31142|31190|24434|43206|29363|43166|22336|29348|17087|3985|8826|3827|29030|3836|5981|4248|5359|3839|3838|3843|2597|29036|48407|3834|3865|3859|3885|3856|3878|3877|3873|3861|3862|576|5123|7177|7027|3920|5131|5179|5075|3980|5060|5076|5042|10245|3938|3913|7169|3909|5063|5089|3981|7170|7033|3976|3762|5040|5103|5117|7181|7029|3568|6264|3742|5139|6263|7026|5125|3740|5121|3973|3974|5204|5105|5185|5078|5115|7175|5059|7034|3713|3915|5112|5070|5049|5119|5205|5046|3962|3934|7035|3911|7179|5106|5143|3573|3719|5177|7610|5181|3917|5132|3963|7031|5207|5056|5085|3763|5129|5187|3721|3972|5138|3570|5101|5061|5074|5142|5182|5146|6265|5090|5203|5044|5144|3932|5201|5127|3572|7173|5135|3937|3571|22326|27611|9917|3821|5356|8455|5362|45315|8454|22187|5901|7163|3903|126867981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8030|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8040|8041|8042|8033|8044' backpack as loottostore getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel wait 500 if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "*securing loot...*" 420 cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 endif else overhead "[loot box unlocked]" 84 lockbox dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "*securing loot...*" 420 cooldown "Move Timer" 5000 endif endif while findtype '3821|31169|31172|7109|30988|31190|31128|30988|31142|31141|31002|31130|31000|31001|31180|31182|31178|30991|30999|31014|20016|20014|20012|20010|20008|20006|30992|30997|31176|31188|30998|30989|30996|30995|31186|31184|30994|30990|30993|31017|31019|31021|31023|31025|31027|31029|31031|31033|31035|31037|31038|31041|31043|31045|31047|31049|31051|31053|31055|37181|4026|4025|3962|3963|3972|3973|3974|3976|3980|3981|31010|31008|31007|31006|31015|31005|31009|31012|31011|31004|31003|31191|39911|17686|31014|30994|31142|31190|24434|43206|29363|43166|22336|29348|17087|3985|8826|3827|29030|3836|5981|4248|5359|3839|3838|3843|2597|29036|48407|3834|3865|3859|3885|3856|3878|3877|3873|3861|3862|576|5123|7177|7027|3920|5131|5179|5075|3980|5060|5076|5042|10245|3938|3913|7169|3909|5063|5089|3981|7170|7033|3976|3762|5040|5103|5117|7181|7029|3568|6264|3742|5139|6263|7026|5125|3740|5121|3973|3974|5204|5105|5185|5078|5115|7175|5059|7034|3713|3915|5112|5070|5049|5119|5205|5046|3962|3934|7035|3911|7179|5106|5143|3573|3719|5177|7610|5181|3917|5132|3963|7031|5207|5056|5085|3763|5129|5187|3721|3972|5138|3570|5101|5061|5074|5142|5182|5146|6265|5090|5203|5044|5144|3932|5201|5127|3572|7173|5135|3937|3571|22326|27611|9917|3821|5356|8455|5362|45315|8454|22187|5901|7163|3903|126867981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8030|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8040|8041|8042|8033|8044' backpack as loottostore if find loottostore lockbox @ignore loottostore else clearsysmsg lift loottostore 9999 wait 150 drop lockbox -1 -1 -1 wait 250 endif endwhile dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox overhead "[loot box locked]" 69 lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureLoot 0 wait 500 endif wait 150 getlabel lockbox lockboxLabel if "items" in lockboxLabel dclick key wft 1500 target lockbox @setvar! NeedtoSecureLoot 0 endif endif endif endif if EnableWeightWarningMessage = 1 and AllInventoryMessage = 1 if diffweight < GreenWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > YellowWarningDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING... ]" 77 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < YellowWarningDiffWeight and diffweight > RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT WARNING! ]" 153 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 elseif diffweight < RedWeightLimitDiffWeight and not cooldown "Weight Warning" overhead "[ WEIGHT LIMIT REACHED! ]" 37 cooldown "Weight Warning" 5000 wait 1500 stop endif endif if EnableSkinningMode = 1 if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand @setvar! SkinningMode 1 wait 250 if hidden if findtype "clean bandage%s%" self as bandages dclick bandages wft 500 hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' else say "." endif endif wait 250 while SkinningMode = 1 if hidden overhead "[ SKINNING MODE OFF! ]" 1182 clearhands right @setvar! SkinningMode 0 break endif if insysmsg "Now tracking" useskill 'Hiding' overhead "[ HIDING! ]" 6 clearhands right @setvar! SkinningMode 0 replay endif if not cooldown "Skinning Mode" overhead "[ SKINNING MODE! ]" 1182 cooldown "Skinning Mode" 3500 endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif if skill 'Healing' > 30 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self < 10 and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self != 0 if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ BANDAGES LOW! ]" 339 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" elseif counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self = 0 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO BANDAGES! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 elseif poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" else overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if diffhits > HealPotHPdiff and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if diffstam >= 10 and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot wait 500 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" F overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicResistPotion = 1 or EnableMagicResistPotion = 2 if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" if findtype "Black Potion" self as magicresistpot dclick magicresistpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO RESIST POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableStrengthPotion = 1 or EnableStrengthPotion = 2 if skill 'Alchemy' = 1 if insysmsg "You may now use a strength" or not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableAgilityPotion = 1 or EnableAgilityPotion = 2 if not findbuff "Agility" if findtype "Blue Potion" self as agilitypot dclick agilitypot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking agility potion*' 93 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO AGILITY POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' self dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" wft 1500 target 'self' wait 500 if insysmsg "You dont see anything" wait 500 clearsysmsg else wait 2000 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 5000 endif endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand // Do nothing else overhead "[ SKINNING MODE OFF! ]" 1182 @setvar! SkinningMode 0 break endif if dead replay endif if warmode replay endif if EnableGoldVacuum = 1 if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 18 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Radar" overhead "[ $ ]" 149 droppedmoney overhead "▼" 149 droppedmoney cooldown "Gold Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 2 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Vacuum" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 149 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target droppedmoney wait 1000 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore droppedmoney endif cooldown "Gold Vacuum" 500 endif endif if EnableDungeonCleanup = 1 if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 18 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "▼" 333 AnotherMansTreasure cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 3500 endif if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 2 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 333 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target AnotherMansTreasure wait 1000 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore AnotherMansTreasure endif cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 1000 endif endif endwhile endif endif if hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" or not cooldown "Hide" @setvar! Stealthing 1 endif while not hidden if warmode replay endif if dead replay endif if hidden break endif if timer OrganizerTimer > 30000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-05' if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyPotBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif settimer OrganizerTimer 0 endif if EnableGoldVacuum = 1 if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 18 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Radar" overhead "[ $ ]" 149 droppedmoney overhead "▼" 149 droppedmoney cooldown "Gold Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 2 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Vacuum" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 149 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target droppedmoney wait 1000 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore droppedmoney endif cooldown "Gold Vacuum" 500 endif endif if EnableDungeonCleanup = 1 if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 18 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "▼" 333 AnotherMansTreasure cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 3500 endif if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 2 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 333 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target AnotherMansTreasure wait 1000 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore AnotherMansTreasure endif cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 1000 endif endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' self if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 2 as deadbody dclicktype "Elven Spellblade" wft 1500 target 'self' wait 750 if insysmsg "You don't see anything" @ignore deadbody else @ignore deadbody cooldown "Hiding" 2000 endif endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO SKINNING KNIFE! ]" 337 sysmsg "Disable EnableAutoCarving in script variables to turn off this overhead message!" 0 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 15000 endif endif if skill 'Healing' > 30 if not bandaging if hp < maxhp or poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" if counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self < 10 and counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self != 0 if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ BANDAGES LOW! ]" 339 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" elseif counttype 'clean bandage%s%' self = 0 and not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead "[ NO BANDAGES! ]" 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 elseif poisoned or findbuff "bleed" or findbuff "disease" overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" else overhead '*applying bandages...*' 88 hotkey "Bandage Self" endif endif endif endif if EnableHealPotion = 1 if diffhits > HealPotHPdiff and not cooldown "Healing Potion" if findtype "Yellow Potion" self as healpot for 2 clearsysmsg dclick healpot wait 650 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break elseif insysmsg "some damage" overhead '*drinking heal potion...*' 253 cooldown "Healing Potion" 10000 clearsysmsg break endif endfor clearsysmsg else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO HEAL POTS! ]' 337 endif cooldown "Healing Potion" 30000 endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableCurePotion = 1 if poisoned and not cooldown "Cure Potion" if findtype "Orange Potion" self as curepot dclick curepot wait 500 cooldown "Cure Potion" 3000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking cure potion!*' 44 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO CURE POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableRefreshPotion = 1 if diffstam >= RefreshPotSPdiff and not cooldown "Refresh Potion" if findtype "Red Potion" self as refreshpot dclick refreshpot wait 500 cooldown "Refresh Potion" 5000 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking refresh potion*' 34 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO REFRESH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableMagicResistPotion = 1 if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" if findtype "Black Potion" self as magicresistpot dclick magicresistpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking resist potion*' 2406 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO RESIST POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if EnableStrengthPotion = 1 if skill 'Alchemy' = 1 if insysmsg "You may now use a strength" or not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif elseif not findbuff "Strength" if findtype "White Potion" self as strengthpot dclick strengthpot wait 500 if insysmsg "Potion satchel used" overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 overhead "*FREE!*" 149 clearsysmsg else overhead '*drinking strength potion*' 956 clearsysmsg endif else if not cooldown "Inventory Timer" overhead '[ NO STRENGTH POTS! ]' 337 cooldown "Inventory Timer" 6000 endif endif wait 500 endif endif if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 as TargetDungeonChest and EnableAutoPickDungeonChests = 1 getlabel TargetDungeonChest TargetDungeonChestdesc if "lock" in TargetDungeonChestdesc dclick TargetDungeonChest @setvar! ChestTarget TargetDungeonChest wait 500 @setvar! TimetoPick 0 @setvar! NeedtoRemoveTrap 1 for 10 overhead "*working on chest...*" 1182 if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" useskill 'Hiding' endif settimer ChestRadar 0 while gumpexists 736038070 if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" useskill 'Hiding' endif if insysmsg "successfully cleared it of traps" overhead "*screech*" 2114 TargetDungeonChest overhead "There! That should disable the traps..." 2086 settimer ChestRadar 0 clearsysmsg wait 500 @setvar! TimetoPick 1 if findtype "lockpicks" backpack as Lockpicks and TimetoPick = 1 gumpresponse 4 736038070 else overhead "I'm out of lockpicks!" 2086 endif endif if NeedtoRemoveTrap = 1 if findtype "drill" backpack as RemoveTrapTool gumpresponse 7 736038070 wait 250 if insysmsg "You do not have any trap tools of that material" gumpresponse 5 736038070 endif @setvar! NeedtoRemoveTrap 0 else overhead "I'm out of trap removal tools!" 2086 replay endif endif if insysmsg "successfully pick the lock" overhead "*click*" 2117 TargetDungeonChest overhead "Bingo! That does it..." 2086 settimer ChestRadar 0 wait 500 clearsysmsg replay endif wait 500 endwhile endfor else if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "This one is already empty..." 2086 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif endif endif endwhile wait 250 while cooldown "Hiding" if warmode replay endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand replay endif if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "▌ WAIT... ▌" 253 cooldown "Target Timer" 2000 endif if not hidden settimer HidingTimer 0 replay endif if not cooldown "Hiding" cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 break endif endwhile wait 250 while hidden and timer HidingTimer > 10000 and Stealthing = 0 @setvar! ChestTarget 0 wait 500 if not hidden settimer HidingTimer 0 replay endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand replay endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif if insysmsg "You feel comfortable enough" overhead "▌ READY! ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 4500 clearsysmsg while not insysmsg "You begin to move quietly." if timer OrganizerTimer > 30000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-05' settimer OrganizerTimer 0 endif if not hidden settimer HidingTimer 0 replay endif if warmode replay endif if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "▌ . . . ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif if EnableSkinningMode = 1 if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand @setvar! SkinningMode 1 break endif endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif if Stealthing = 1 wait 250 break endif if insysmsg "You begin to move quietly" overhead "▌ START ▌" 69 cooldown "Stealth" 10500 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 @setvar! Stealthing 1 clearsysmsg break endif if insysmsg "Now tracking" replay endif endwhile if insysmsg "You begin to move quietly" @setvar! Stealthing 1 clearsysmsg break endif endif endwhile wait 250 while Stealthing = 1 if dead replay endif if not hidden @setvar! Stealthing 0 replay endif if timer OrganizerTimer > 30000 hotkey 'Organizer Agent-05' if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 30000 endif endif endif settimer OrganizerTimer 0 endif if warmode replay endif if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand replay endif if insysmsg "You will automatically stealth when out of steps." @setvar! KeepOnTruckin 1 clearsysmsg elseif cooldown "Stealth" @setvar! KeepOnTruckin 0 endif if insysmsg "You begin to move quietly" cooldown "Stealth" 10500 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 @setvar! Stealthing 1 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "You feel ready to continue stealthing." @setvar! KeepOnTruckin 1 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "You have 1 stealth steps" or insysmsg "You have 0 stealth steps" if KeepOnTruckin = 1 or insysmsg "You feel ready to continue stealthing." @setvar! KeepOnTruckin 0 if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "▌ KEEP GOING! ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 2500 endif clearsysmsg else clearsysmsg while cooldown "Stealth" if not cooldown "Stealth Timer" overhead "▌ SLOW... ▌" 149 cooldown "Stealth Timer" 500 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 clearsysmsg endif if not hidden @setvar! Stealthing 0 replay endif if not cooldown "Stealth" break endif if insysmsg "You have 0 stealth steps remaining." clearsysmsg if KeepOnTruckin = 1 or insysmsg "You feel ready to continue stealthing." @setvar! KeepOnTruckin 0 if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "▌ KEEP GOING! ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 2500 endif else while cooldown "Stealth" if not cooldown "Stealth Timer" overhead "▌ STOP! ▌" 37 cooldown "Stealth Timer" 500 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 clearsysmsg endif wait 500 if insysmsg "You feel ready to continue stealthing" overhead "▌ READY! ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 wait 500 clearsysmsg break endif if not hidden @setvar! Stealthing 0 replay endif if not cooldown "Stealth" break endif endwhile endif endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif endwhile endif endif if insysmsg "You feel ready to continue stealthing" overhead "▌ READY! ▌" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 5000 wait 500 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg "stealth steps remaining" cooldown "Target Timer" 3500 endif if not cooldown "Target Timer" and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" overhead "●" 69 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if EnableSkinningMode = 1 if findtype 'Elven SpellBlade' hand @setvar! SkinningMode 1 replay endif endif if EnableGoldVacuum = 1 if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 15 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Radar" overhead "[ $ ]" 149 droppedmoney overhead "▼" 149 droppedmoney cooldown "Gold Radar" 3500 endif if findtype "gold coin" ground -1 -1 2 as droppedmoney and not cooldown "Gold Vacuum" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 149 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target droppedmoney wait 250 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore droppedmoney endif cooldown "Gold Vacuum" 500 endif endif if EnableDungeonCleanup = 1 if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 18 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "▼" 333 AnotherMansTreasure cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 3500 endif if findtype "iron ingot%s|board%s|cut leather|Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" ground -1 -1 2 as AnotherMansTreasure and not cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" overhead "[ CLEANUP... ]" 333 hotkey "Grab Item" wft 2500 target AnotherMansTreasure wait 1000 if insysmsg "Invalid or inaccessible item" overhead "I can't get to that!" 2086 wait 500 @ignore AnotherMansTreasure endif cooldown "Dungeon Cleanup" 1000 endif endif if EnableChestRadar = 1 if timer ChestRadar >= 4500 if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 18 as DungeonChest getlabel DungeonChest descChest if "lock" in descChest overhead "descChest" 69 DungeonChest overhead "▼" 69 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 else overhead "▄" 34 DungeonChest settimer ChestRadar 0 endif endif endif endif if findtype 3651|3649|3648|3650|3708|2475 ground -1 -1 2 as TargetDungeonChest and EnableAutoPickDungeonChests = 1 getlabel TargetDungeonChest TargetDungeonChestdesc if "lock" in TargetDungeonChestdesc dclick TargetDungeonChest @setvar! ChestTarget TargetDungeonChest wait 500 @setvar! TimetoPick 0 @setvar! NeedtoRemoveTrap 1 for 10 overhead "*working on chest...*" 1182 if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" useskill 'Hiding' endif settimer ChestRadar 0 while gumpexists 736038070 if not hidden and not cooldown "Hiding" and not cooldown "Stealth" useskill 'Hiding' endif if insysmsg "successfully cleared it of traps" overhead "*screech*" 2114 TargetDungeonChest overhead "There! That should disable the traps..." 2086 settimer ChestRadar 0 clearsysmsg wait 500 @setvar! TimetoPick 1 if findtype "lockpicks" backpack as Lockpicks and TimetoPick = 1 gumpresponse 4 736038070 else overhead "I'm out of lockpicks!" 2086 endif endif if NeedtoRemoveTrap = 1 if findtype "drill" backpack as RemoveTrapTool gumpresponse 7 736038070 wait 250 if insysmsg "You do not have any trap tools of that material" gumpresponse 5 736038070 endif @setvar! NeedtoRemoveTrap 0 else overhead "I'm out of trap removal tools!" 2086 replay endif endif if insysmsg "successfully pick the lock" overhead "*click*" 2117 TargetDungeonChest overhead "Bingo! That does it..." 2086 settimer ChestRadar 0 wait 500 clearsysmsg replay endif wait 500 endwhile endfor else if not cooldown "Target Timer" overhead "This one is already empty..." 2086 cooldown "Target Timer" 4000 endif endif @setvar! NeedtoSecureLoot 1 wait 250 replay endif endwhile wait 250 replay endif if not cooldown "Travel" wait 500 overhead "Train harvesting skill to 50.0 at NPC and then restart script!" 0 wait 2500 overhead '[ STOPPING SCRIPT... ]' 337 stop else if not cooldown "Move Timer" overhead "*resting...*" 0 cooldown "Move Timer" 6000 if EnableSummons = 1 and not cooldown "Guard Timer" and followers > 1 wait 2500 overhead "*yawns...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 cooldown "Guard Timer" 240000 endif endif if EnableSatchels = 1 if findtype "Ginseng|Garlic|Blood Moss|Sulfurous Ash|Mandrake Root%s%|Nightshade|Black Pearl%s%|Spider's Silk" backpack and findtype "reagent satchel" self as MyWizardBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif if findtype "Yellow Potion|Orange Potion|Red Potion|White Potion|Blue Potion|Black Potion|" backpack and findtype 31262 self as MyPotBag if not cooldown "Satchel Timer" menu MyWizardBag 0 wait 250 cooldown "Satchel Timer" 60000 endif endif endif if insysmsg "Being perfectly rested" overhead "Leave me alone, I'm tryin to rest here..." 2086 wait 500 if EnableSummons = 1 and not cooldown "Guard Timer" and followers > 1 wait 2500 overhead "*growls...*" 2117 myMainTankPet menu myMainTankPet 3 cooldown "Guard Timer" 340000 endif clearsysmsg endif if paralyzed and EnableAutoParalyzePouch = 1 overhead "[ [ [ [ POP! ] ] ] ]" 2117 say "[pouch" @setvar! TimeToGo 1 @setvar! MurdererFound 1 replay endif replay endif replay endwhile wait 1500 if dead wait 3000 overhead "Well... shit..." 2086 wait 2000 if EnableDIYHomeRecallScript = 1 foreach RecallScript in HomeRecallScriptList script RecallScript endfor else overhead "[ STOPPING SCRIPT! ]" 337 stop endif endif // THE END \\