Basic Vendor Gate Spam by Jaseowns
# Basic Vendor Gate Spam by Jaseowns
# UO Outlands
# Very basic template for casting gate and spamming people
@setvar! jaseGateBookOrRune
if not timerexists jaseGateTimer
createtimer jaseGateTimer
removelist jaseGateSpam
createlist jaseGateSpam
pushlist jaseGateSpam "Hello this is a Jase gate script"
pushlist jaseGateSpam "I spam this text every 5 seconds"
pushlist jaseGateSpam "Yep, follow me Youtube/Jaseowns"
while not dead
if timer jaseGateTimer >= 31000
say "Casting Gate to the best place in all the land"
cast "Gate Travel"
wft 5000
target jaseGateBookOrRune
settimer jaseGateTimer 0
foreach spam in jaseGateSpam
say spam
wait 5000