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Camp and Hike by khull

Description: I use this script on my gatherer as lumberjack and miner since i have 100 camping it's usefull. Proper use case requires tracking. On my Gatherer auto gather script it has red alert instead of runebooks or runetomes i use this as an escape method.

1# Camp and Hike v0.0.1
2# Made by @khull on discord
3# UO Outlands
5### INFO ###
7// You must have camping skill 100 or 120 for best use case.
8// You must have hiding skill 100 as well so you can hide and wait on campfire
9// You must have Atlas in your backpack
10// You must have kindlings in your backpack
11// Currently it hikes to Prevelia but you can change that with >info for any hike destination you unlocked
13### INFO END ###
17@setvar! minimumWaitForPing 200
18@setvar! isCamping 0
20if skill "Camping" > 0
21    if not findtype "campfire" ground -1 -1 2 and findtype "kindling" as jindling
22        overhead "I'm setting a campfire" 34
23        dclick jindling
24        wait minimumWaitForPing
26        useskill "hiding"
27        wait 11000
29        # Check if the campfire is secure
30        waitforsysmsg 'Your campfire is now secure'
31        overhead "Camp is secure" 34
32        wait 1000
33        @setvar! isCamping 1
35        if isCamping = 1
36            # Hiking to Prevalia
37            say "[Atlas"
38            waitforgump 341416395
39            gumpresponse 108
40            waitforgump 341416395
41            gumpresponse 26
42            waitforgump 341416395
43            gumpresponse 14
44        endif
45    else
46        useskill "hiding"
47        wait 11000 
48        waitforsysmsg 'Your campfire is now secure'
49        overhead "Camp is secure" 34
50        wait 1000
51        @setvar! isCamping 1
53        if isCamping = 1
54            # Hiking to Prevalia
55            say "[Atlas"
56            waitforgump 341416395
57            gumpresponse 108
58            waitforgump 341416395
59            gumpresponse 26
60            waitforgump 341416395
61            gumpresponse 14
62        endif
63    endif    
64    # End the camping process
65    @setvar! isCamping 0
66    endif