Spot Miner by Brozan (Syal)
Description: This script digs out one spot until no more new ore and then you move it and restart the script. Read the top of the script
1#Script by Brozan
2#Spot Miner with recall on Track
3# and dump to pack horse
7// REQUIRES script "Miner Recall"
8// If you do not want to set this up
9// create a script named above
10// and just have a recall routine in it
13// YOU MUST SET UP Organizer 15
14// To dump ore
15// Before you Run This
16// Agents->Organizer 15->Add Target
17// Then target a pile of ore
20#Needs magery 60
21#Have a marked recall rune in pack
22# and regs and no unmarked
24#Need tracking turned on
25# and set to all hostile
26# not in houses/party/guild
29@createlist packAnimals
30if not varexist startMining
31 #Assign pack animals to variables
32 #On first launch of UO
33 if list packAnimals <= 0
34 @clearlist packAnimals
35 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p1"
36 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p2"
37 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p3"
38 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p4"
39 endif
40 #We use this as a first run loop to set vars
41 overhead 'First Run!'
42 createtimer "miner"
43 settimer "miner" 1100
44 hotkey 'Tracking'
45 wait 500
46 # Setup pack variable
47 overhead 'If you have less than 4 pack animals'
48 overhead 'Just click the same ones for later animals'
49 wait 1000
50 overhead 'Select your pack1'
51 setvar! 'pack1'
52 wait 200
53 overhead 'Select your pack2'
54 setvar! 'pack2'
55 wait 200
56 overhead 'Select your pack3'
57 setvar! 'pack3'
58 wait 200
59 overhead 'Select your pack4'
60 setvar! 'pack4'
61 wait 200
63 #sysmsg 'Using Follow Packies In Order' 23
64 #sysmsg pack1
65 #sysmsg pack2
66 #sysmsg pack3
67 #sysmsg pack4
68 say 'all follow me'
69 overhead 'Make Sure Tracking is on!'
70 sysmsg 'Make Sure Tracking is on!'
73setvar! startMining 0
75overhead 'Starting'
77# Equip a pickaxe
78if rhandempty
79 dclicktype '3718'
80 wait 600
83#Hit it once
84hotkey 'use item in hand'
85settimer "miner" 0
86//long delay for lag and empty spot check
87wait 1250
89#Mining Loop
90while not insysmsg 'You do not see any'
91//while insysmsg 'Ore'
92 if insysmsg 'Now tracking'
93 overhead 'Ah shit!!!'
94 script 'Miner Recall'
95 endif
96 if weight >= 365
97 overhead 'Too fat - restart'
98 break
99 endif
101 if timer "miner" >= 1000
102 #wait 100
103 if insysmsg 'Harvesting is not'
104 overhead 'Cant harvest'
105 break
106 endif
107 if insysmsg 'recently travel'
108 overhead 'Just recalled'
109 break
110 endif
111 if insysmsg 'You have worn out your tool!'
112 break
113 endif
115 //captcha check
116 if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg 'world is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg 'Now tracking'
117 //pause and check again
118 wait 250
119 if not insysmsg "skill gain" and not insysmsg 'world is saving' and not insysmsg 'world will save' and not insysmsg 'World save complete' and not insysmsg 'You dig' and not insysmsg 'You loosen' and not insysmsg 'Distance to destination' and not insysmsg 'Now tracking'
120 overhead 'Captcha break or Done!' 34
121 break
122 endif
123 endif
125 #clearsysmsg
126 hotkey 'use item in hand'
127 settimer "miner" 0
128 wait 100
129 endif
130 wait 50
133overhead 'Spot Done' 33
134sysmsg 'Spot Done' 33
135#dclicktype 'lute'
137#Dump ore if we have it
141if findtype 6585 'backpack'
143 #Check if we have used all packies
144 if list packAnimals <= 0
145 @clearlist packAnimals
146 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p1"
147 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p2"
148 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p3"
149 @pushlist 'packAnimals' "p4"
150 endif
152 #Set Oragnizer 15 to whatever packie is next
153 if inlist 'packAnimals' 'p1'
154 overhead 'Pack 1 Dump!'
155 organizer 15 'set'
156 wft 500
157 target 'pack1'
158 poplist 'packAnimals' 'front'
159 elseif inlist 'packAnimals' 'p2'
160 overhead 'Pack 2 Dump!'
161 organizer 15 'set'
162 wft 500
163 target 'pack2'
164 poplist 'packAnimals' 'front'
165 elseif inlist 'packAnimals' 'p3'
166 overhead 'Pack 3 Dump!'
167 organizer 15 'set'
168 wft 500
169 target 'pack3'
170 poplist 'packAnimals' 'front'
171 elseif inlist 'packAnimals' 'p4'
172 overhead 'Pack 4 Dump!'
173 organizer 15 'set'
174 wft 500
175 target 'pack4'
176 poplist 'packAnimals' 'front'
177 else
178 overhead 'Something done broke'
179 endif
180 wait 100
182 #Organizer is now set, dump
183 organizer 15
184 while queued
185 wait 1000
186 endwhile
188 #if counttype 6585 pack4 <= 200
191hotkey 'All Names'
193while not dead
194 if timer "miner" >= 3000
195 #dclicktype 'lute'
196 overhead 'Tracking'
197 settimer miner 0
198 endif
199 if insysmsg 'Now tracking'
200 overhead 'Ah shit!!!'
201 script 'Miner Recall'
202 endif
203 wait 500
205 if weight >= 365
206 overhead 'Too fat'
207 endif