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Thief Master Training (Snooping, Stealing, Hiding and Stealth) by Ledes

1# Name: Thief Master Training (Snooping, Stealing, Hiding and Stealth)
2# Author: Guilherme Ledes (Inspired by Jaseowns -
3# Description: Go from 0 to 100 at 4 basic thief skills
4# Requirements:  Pickpocket dip
5# Hint: 
6#   0-50 Train from a thief vendor
7#   50-75 use the Pickpocket dip at Shelter Island (coordinates: 1915,2633)
8#   75-100 use the public Pickpocket dip at 2ยบ floor of "The Cloak and Dagger Inn" shop (coordinates: 1755,2347)
10if findtype '7875|7872' ground 0 1 2 as 'pickpocketDip'
11  if skill "hiding" < 80
12      useskill 'Hiding'
13      dclick 'pickpocketDip'
14      wait 11000
15      loop
16  endif
18  if not hidden 
19      useskill 'Hiding'
20      dclick 'pickpocketDip'
21      wait 11000
22  endif
24  if hidden and skill 'stealth' < 100
25      useskill 'Stealth'
26      dclick 'pickpocketDip'
27      wait 11000
28  else
29      useskill 'Hiding'
30      dclick 'pickpocketDip'
31      wait 11000
32  endif
34    overhead 'You need to be in front of a Pickpocket Dip'