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PK Panic Button by younggoudaboi

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Description: In progress "panic button" I use on my backstabber when I have no choice but to fight back against a PK. Bind to a hotkey and enable the script when you know you aren't getting away. Current version does a few basic things:

1) Checks first if you are hidden - script will not continue if you are still hidden.

2) Turns on War Mode.

3) Equips a katana by default (ideally poisoned).

4) Auto-targets the closest Red player.

5) Equips a chainmail tunic (for me, replaces platemail to help with Mind Blast dmg).

6) Drinks a Strength potion

7) Eats food.

8) Will drink a cure pot, heal pot, and use a pouch automatically after starting the script.

#SUPPLIES: # Heal, cure, strength pots # Food # Chainmail chest # Poisoned katana # Trapped pouches #CHECK IF HIDDEN - WILL NOT EXECUTE SCRIPT IF HIDDEN if hidden overhead "Hidden!" stop endif #HEAL TIMERS clearsysmsg if not timerexists "healpot" createtimer "healpot" settimer "healpot" 11000 endif if not timerexists "warning" createtimer "warning" settimer "warning" 31000 endif if not timerexists "curepot" createtimer "curepot" settimer "curepot" 11000 endif #BATTLE MODE warmode 'on' if findtype "katana" backpack as item dclick item wait 150 endif target closest red if findtype "chainmail tunic" backpack as item dclick item wait 150 endif if findtype "white potion" backpack as pot dclick pot wait 150 endif if findtype "tray" backpack as food dclick food wait 150 endif #HEALING SCRIPT while not dead if insysmsg 'you cannot move' or insysmsg 'You must wait before using this command again' say '[pouch' endif if poisoned and timer 'curepot' > 11000 potion 'cure' wait 200 settimer 'curepot' 0 endif if not findtype 'Yellow Potion' backpack and timer 'warning' > 30000 overhead 'No heal pots!' 34 wait 200 settimer 'warning' 0 endif if hp < 100 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack if timer "healpot" > 11000 overhead 'Drinking heal!' wait 200 potion "heal" wait 200 settimer "healpot" 0 endif endif endif endif wait 100 endwhile