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Bard Trainer for Prevalia Zoo by denox

Description: UPDATED 06/28/2024

Train all your chosen bard skills while at Prevalia Zoo (or your favorite Battle Trainer). You choose which skills to train and how far to train them! (Default is set for all 4 bard skills to 100) Easy instructions inside the script!

1#####################" A Simple Script For Raising Your Barding Skills "######################
4###############################" ↓ Make Sure We Are Ready! ↓ "###############################
7# "Step 1:" Set To Match Your "Desired Results"
8################# Choose "↓" Which Skills To Train: "0=N0, 1=Yes"
9@setvar! TrainPeacemaking 1
10@setvar! TrainDiscordance 1
11@setvar! TrainProvocation 1
12@setvar! TrainMusicianshp 1
13################ "↓↓↓" Choose Level To Train: "0 to 120 (100.1 - 120 Requires Skill Mastery)"
14@setvar! DiscoMax 100
15@setvar! MusicMax 100
16@setvar! PeaceMax 100
17@setvar! ProvoMax 100
19# "Step 2:" Make sure you have enough "Cheap Basic Instruments" in your inventory
20#                           "(drum, lute, flute, harp or tambourine)"
22# "Step 3:" Go to "Prevalia Zoo" and stand near one of the animal pens
23#        "(or your favorite Battle Trainer)"
25# "Step 4:" Now we "RUN" the script
28###############################"  I Got It From Here!!!  "###################################
30if findtype '3763' backpack as BasicLute
31    @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicLute
32    sysmsg "We found a Lute to begin"
33elseif findtype '3740' backpack as BasicDrum
34    @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicDrum
35    sysmsg "We found a Drum to begin"
36elseif findtype '3742' backpack as BasicTamborine
37    @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicTamborine
38    sysmsg "We found a Tamborine to begin"
39elseif findtype '3762' backpack as BasicHarp
40    @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicHarp
41    sysmsg "We found a Harp to begin"
42elseif findtype '10245' backpack as BasicFlute
43    @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicFlute
44    sysmsg "We found a Flute to begin"
46@setvar! PeacemakingTimerCD 11000
47@setvar! DiscordanceTimerCD 11000
48@setvar! ProvocationTimerCD 11000
49@setvar! MusicianshipTimerCD 7000
50if not timerexists PeacemakingTimer
51    settimer PeacemakingTimer PeacemakingTimerCD
53if not timerexists DiscordanceTimer
54    settimer DiscordanceTimer DiscordanceTimerCD
56if not timerexists ProvocationTimer
57    settimer ProvocationTimer ProvocationTimerCD
59if not timerexists MusicianshipTimer
60    dclick CurrentInstrument
61    settimer MusicianshipTimer 0
65while not dead
66    if insysmsg "What instrument shall you play?"
67        if findtype '3763' backpack as BasicLute
68            @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicLute
69        elseif findtype '3740' backpack as BasicDrum
70            @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicDrum
71        elseif findtype '3742' backpack as BasicTamborine
72            @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicTamborine
73        elseif findtype '3762' backpack as BasicHarp
74            @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicHarp
75        elseif findtype '10245' backpack as BasicFlute
76            @setvar! CurrentInstrument BasicFlute
77        else
78            overhead 'Out of instruments' 33
79            overhead 'Stopping script' 33
80            sysmsg 'Out of instruments'
81            sysmsg 'Stopping script'
82            stop
83        endif
84        wft 500
85        dclick CurrentInstrument
86        clearsysmsg
87    endif    
89    if TrainPeacemaking = 1
90        @setvar! ProvocationTimerCD 20000
91    else 
92        @setvar! ProvocationTimerCD 11000
93    endif
94    if TrainProvocation = 1
95        @setvar! PeacemakingTimerCD 20000
96    else 
97        @setvar! PeacemakingTimerCD 11000
98    endif
100    if TrainPeacemaking = 1 and timer PeacemakingTimer > PeacemakingTimerCD and timer DiscordanceTimer > 11000 and timer DiscordanceTimer > 5500 and timer MusicianshipTimer > 2000
101        if skill "Peacemaking" < PeaceMax
102            useskill 'Peacemaking'
103            wft 500
104            hotkey "Target Closest Grey Monster"
105            settimer PeacemakingTimer 0
106        else 
107            overhead "Peacemaking skill {{PeaceMax}} achieved" 48
108            @setvar! TrainPeacemaking 0
109        endif
110    elseif TrainDiscordance = 1 and timer DiscordanceTimer > DiscordanceTimerCD and timer PeacemakingTimer > 5500 and timer ProvocationTimer > 5500 and timer MusicianshipTimer > 2000
111        if skill "Discordance" < DiscoMax
112            useskill 'Discordance'
113            wft 500
114            hotkey "Target Closest Grey Monster"
115            settimer DiscordanceTimer 0
116        else 
117            overhead "Discordance skill {{DiscoMax}} achieved" 48
118            @setvar! TrainDiscordance 0
119        endif
120    elseif TrainProvocation = 1 and timer ProvocationTimer > ProvocationTimerCD and timer PeacemakingTimer > 11000 and timer DiscordanceTimer > 5500 and timer MusicianshipTimer > 2000
121        if skill "Provocation" < ProvoMax
122            useskill 'Provocation'
123            wft 500
124            hotkey "Target Closest Grey Monster"
125            wft 500
126            target self
127            settimer ProvocationTimer 0
128        else 
129            overhead "Provocation skill {{ProvoMax}} achieved" 48
130            @setvar! TrainProvocation 0 
131        endif
132    elseif TrainMusicianshp = 1 and timer PeacemakingTimer > 1000 and timer DiscordanceTimer > 1000 and timer ProvocationTimer > 1000 and timer MusicianshipTimer > MusicianshipTimerCD
133        if skill "Musicianship" < MusicMax
134            dclick CurrentInstrument
135            wait 250
136            settimer MusicianshipTimer 0
137        else 
138            overhead "Musicianship skill {{MusicMax}} achieved" 48
139            @setvar! TrainMusicianshp 0
140        endif
141    else 
142        if TrainMusicianshp = 0 and TrainPeacemaking = 0 and TrainDiscordance = 0 and TrainProvocation = 0
143            sysmsg "We have achieved our goals!" 88
144            overhead "Session Complete" 68
145            sysmsg "Script Ended" 34
146            sysmsg "Thank you for training with us!" 48
147            overhead "Happy Barding!" 68
148            stop
149        endif
150    endif
152while dead 
153    overhead "User Error" 34
154    overhead "System Corrupted" 34
155    sysmsg "You are dead!" 48
156    wait 3750