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Bapeth's Ocean Master Backround by barryroser

Description: This script is the default background script that should be running most of the time

In defensive mode (peace mode) it will auto heal, auto cure, top up bard buffs, auto spyglass, auto drop loot to hold, and auto pick up bombs on your own deck

In offensive mode (war mode) it will use necro abilities, auto spyglass, auto spell cast, auto skin corpses, auto heal, auto cure, auto cleanse, and auto loot enemy holds

1# Bapeths "Master Background" Ship Script
3# Sept 30th (preliminary pooner code addition, may be buggy its unfinished)
5# Script is desinged for Necromancers
6# Best aspect is "Madness" but many other spell focused aspects work as well
10# "****REQUIRED****"
11# Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file)
12# "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns ""
13# "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad
14# The cooldowns with "Tigger Text" Must be adjusted to "your ships stats" and "your Wizard Grimoire upgrades" in the UO in game Options
15# Set spyglass cooldown to your perferred radar inverval (default 7 is fastest possible) in the UO in game Options
17# This script is the defaut backround script that should be running most of the time
18# In defensive mode (peace mode) it will auto heal, auto cure, top up bard buffs, auto spyglass, auto drop loot to hold, and auto pick up bombs on your own deck
19# In offensive mode (war mode) it will use necro abilities, auto spell cast, auto skin corpses, auto heal, auto cure, auto cleanse, auto explode pot, and auto loot enemy holds
21# This script has a phase shift from Offensive to Defensive
22# Generally you should be in peace mode when on your own ship and in war mode when on an enemy ship
23# Use warmode on your own ship for fighting mobs on your own ship (bosses and fishing)
24# Toggle "war mode on" for offensive stance and "war mode off" for defensive stance
26# This script can "phase shift" into single-target focus or multi-target focus
27# Default is always multi-target focus
28# Type "[Atlas" in game to spawn a free weightless "Atlas" in your bag
29# Double click the atlas while this script is playing to "phase shift"
30# Hotkey "Grants the player an Atlas" in razor hotkey tab if you dont want to doubleclick
32# "Auto Loot Control"
33# This script uses razor "Auto-Queue Object Delay" setting
34# Make sure this setting is turned ON in the razor Options tab > Targeting & Queues sub-tab
35# And set "object delay to 503" AUTO LOOTING WILL BE SLOW IF YOU DONT DO THIS!
37# Script starts here
39if skill "Tactics" >= 100    
40    if hp = maxhp
41        //donothing
42    elseif not bandaging and findtype 3617 backpack
43        hotkey "Bandage Self"
44    endif
45    while poisoned and not targetexists 
46        if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
47            dclick curepot
48            pause 500
49            getlabel backpack ping
50        endif
51    endwhile
52    if skill "Alchemy" >= 0 and not hidden
53        if not findbuff "Strength" and findtype "White Potion" backpack as wpot
54            dclick wpot
55            pause 500
56            getlabel backpack ping
57        endif
58        if not findbuff "Agility" and findtype "Blue Potion" backpack as bpot
59            dclick bpot
60            pause 500
61            getlabel backpack ping
62        endif
63        if not findbuff "Magic Resist Potion" and findtype "Black Potion" backpack as mpot
64            dclick mpot
65            pause 500
66            getlabel backpack ping
67        endif
68    endif
71if insysmsg "You now feel familiar with the area"
72    cooldown "Adv Pack" 720000
74if findtype 3834 backpack 0 as bbook
75    @ignore bbook
77if gumpexists 341416395 and not timerexists changetarget
78    gumpclose 341416395
79    createtimer changetarget
80    overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288
81elseif gumpexists 341416395 and timerexists changetarget
82    gumpclose 341416395
83    removetimer changetarget
84    overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085
87if not timerexists oceanscan
88    createtimer oceanscan
89    settimer oceanscan 600
92if not timerexists checktarget
93    createtimer checktarget
94    settimer checktarget 18000
97if timerexists changetarget and timer checktarget >= 18000
98    overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288
99    settimer checktarget 0
100elseif not timerexists changetarget and timer checktarget >= 18000
101    overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085
102    settimer checktarget 0
105if insysmsg "repaired"
106    gumpclose 1271619955
107    say "[Repair"
110if not warmode
111    if not queued and not targetexists and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Spyglass" and hp >= 66 and findtype "spyglass" backpack as bspy
112        gumpclose 2890020940
113        dclick bspy
114        wft 500
115        target self
116        hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
117        waitforgump 2890020940 500
118        if gumpexists 2890020940
119            gumpresponse 4
120            waitforgump 2890020940 500
121        endif
122        if gumpexists 2890020940
123            overhead 'Yarr!' 67
124        endif        
125    endif
127    if findtype 3834 backpack 0 as bbook
128        @ignore bbook
129    endif
130    if not timerexists petguard
131        createtimer petguard
132        settimer petguard 5000
133    endif
134    if followers >= 1 and timer petguard >= 14000 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating"
135        say "all guard me" 45
136        settimer petguard 0
137    endif
138    if skill "Magery" >= 80
139        if timerexists reflect
140            if timer reflect > 30000
141                overhead "Magic Reflect is ready..." 201
142                settimer reflect 12000
143            endif
144        endif
145        if findbuff "Magic Reflection" and timerexists reflect
146            removetimer reflect
147        endif
148        if not findbuff "Magic Reflection" and not timerexists reflect
149            createtimer reflect
150        endif
151    endif
152    if skill "Magery" >= 20
153        if timerexists reactive
154            if timer reactive > 30000
155                overhead "Reactive Armor is ready..." 139
156                settimer reactive 13500
157            endif
158        endif
159        if findbuff "Reactive Armor" and timerexists reactive
160            removetimer reactive
161        endif
162        if not findbuff "Reactive Armor" and not timerexists reactive
163            createtimer reactive
164        endif
165    endif
166    if skill "Tracking" >= 10 and not findbuff "Tracking Hunting"
167        skill 'tracking'
168        waitforgump 4267467659 500
169        gumpresponse 6
170        pause 250
171        gumpclose 4267467659
172        cooldown "Disco" 10000
173    endif
174    if not targetexists 
175        while hp < 33 and skill "Magery" >= 30
176            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
177            cast 'Heal'
178            wft 2500
179            hotkey 'Target Self'
180            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
181            pause 250
182        endwhile
183        if hp < 77 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
184            dclick healpot
185        endif
186        if hp < 55 and skill "Magery" >= 60
187            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
188            cast 'Greater Heal'
189            wft 3500
190            hotkey 'Target self'
191            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
192            pause 250
193        endif
194        if hp < 83 and skill "Magery" >= 30
195            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
196            cast 'Heal'
197            wft 2500
198            hotkey 'Target Self'
199            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
200            pause 250   
201        endif
202        while poisoned and not targetexists 
203            if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
204                dclick curepot
205        elseif mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40
206                cast "Cure"
207                wft 2500
208                target self
209                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
210            endif
211        endwhile
212        if skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana <= 20 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Magic Mushroom"
213            dclicktype 'mushroom'
214        endif
215        if skill "Provocation" >= 10 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and not cooldown "Song of Discord" and not cooldown "Song of Provocation" and not cooldown "Song of Peacemaking" and not findbuff "Song of provocation"
216            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"    
217            useskill "Provocation"
218            wft 500
219            targetrelloc -1 -1
220        endif
221        if skill "Discordance" >= 10 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and not cooldown "Song of Discord" and not cooldown "Song of Provocation" and not cooldown "Song of Peacemaking" and not findbuff "Song of discordance"
222            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
223            useskill "Discordance"
224            wft 500
225            targetrelloc -1 -1
226        endif
227        if not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not findbuff "Cunning" and mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40
228            cast "Cunning"
229            wft 1500
230            target self
231            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
232        endif
233    endif
234    if skill "Magery" >= 50 and followers = 0 and timer petguard >= 12500
235        overhead 'I should get some followers...' 39
236        settimer petguard 0
237    endif
238    if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and not gumpexists 622436516
239        say [necromancyhotbar
240        pause 250
241    endif
242    if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 2 as bomb
243        dclick bomb
244    endif
245    if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 22 as bomb
246        overhead "***BOMB***" 34 bomb
247    endif
249    if timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Arcane" >= 80 and cooldown "Fray"
250        clearsysmsg 
251        hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
252        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
253            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
254        endif
255        hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
256        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
257            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
258        endif
259        settimer oceanscan 0
260    elseif timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Fishing" >= 80 and cooldown "Fray"
261        clearsysmsg 
262        hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
263        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
264            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
265        endif
266        hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
267        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
268            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
269        endif
270        settimer oceanscan 0
271    endif
272    if not timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and cooldown "Fray"
273        if varexist "Manual Override"
274            attack "Manual Override"
275        endif
276        attack "oceantarget"
277    elseif timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and cooldown "Fray"
278        if varexist "Manual Override"
279            attack "Manual Override"
280        endif
281        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
282        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
283        attack lasttarget 
284    endif
286    if find "shiphold" ground -1 -1 1
287        clearsysmsg 
288    while findtype "cathedral tapestry|Darkscale tapestry|large painting|landscape painting|portrait painting|hieroglyph|figurine|statue|44987|49730|47107|18653|45127|47103|29363|47105|29361|3712|3648|3650|3708|3648|2475|3649|29833|29832|43453|5899|47109|45250|41509|43447|18657|4025|51308|45156|51304|45214|28769|28799|28803|28765|45211|45248|51259|45220|51328|45218|3842|51327|45222|45241|51336|51375|45282|54722|45255|45246|28795|44983|45235|45251|45238|51258|51314|28761|45236|51260|54718|18400|45252|18656|47111|3839|45239|45242|45254|45281|45247|42241|45216|28775|2594|51321|3838|51318|5901|5905|5903|48407|51302|4248|27611|15296|43166|5359|5981|4026|3985|25359|17686|3836|17087|5356|29030|24434|22336|29036|3843|29025|51098|29034|8826|51094|576|3827|22326|45315|3891|2539|39898|39896|39892|39918|39911|39916|39897|39905|39891|39917|39912|39909|39889|31047|31017|31049|31019|31055|31051|31053|31025|31027|31031|31041|54717|31021|31011|31023|31029|31043|31003|31035|31033|31045|31037|31002|20006|31169|31006|30999|31012|31009|30996|7109|7107|31128|31188|20014|31014|31004|31142|31001|31000|37181|31010|30998|31172|30988|30997|31038|31141|7947|20008|31005|31191|31008|31007|30994|30993|31182|30989|20012|31186|31178|31015|30991|20010|20016|31184|31190|30990|30995|31176|31180|30992|31130|5207|7031|7026|7034|7033|7027|7035|7029|5078|5063|5059|5105|5060|5138|5129|5201|5142|5143|5076|5106|7610|5139|5090|5103|5132|7177|5061|7181|7179|3920|5042|5127|5117|5185|5125|3938|5177|3937|5044|5121|3915|3909|3568|3932|5123|5144|5119|5056|5135|5187|5074|5089|3934|3913|3917|3721|5075|5046|5049|7170|5146|5205|5203|5115|5204|5040|5179|5070|5182|5085|5181|3719|7173|5131|3911|5101|7175|7169|3713|5112|22187|9917|3859|3862|3878|3865|3856|3873|3877|3834|3742|3762|3740|3763|10245|3572|3573|3571|3885|7127|4225|12686|19985|19981|19984|19982|19983|19991|19989|19986|19987|19988|19994|19995|19992|19993|19990|19980|19977|19976|19978|7154|19979|3861|3821" backpack as bitem
289            lift bitem 60000
290            drop shiphold
291            while queued
292                //dotnothing
293            endwhile
294        endwhile
295    endif
296elseif warmode 
297    if not timerexists leylinetimer 
298        createtimer leylinetimer
299        settimer leylinetimer 3000
300    endif
301    if skill "Arcane" >= 80 and mana <= 80 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12
302        say "[weaponability2"
303        settimer leylinetimer 0
304    endif
306    if gumpexists 341416395 and not timerexists changetarget
307        gumpclose 341416395
308        createtimer changetarget
309        overhead "Single Target Enabled" 1288
310    elseif gumpexists 341416395 and timerexists changetarget
311        gumpclose 341416395
312        removetimer changetarget
313        overhead "Multi Target Enabled" 2085
314    endif
316    if timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Arcane" >= 80
317        clearsysmsg 
318        hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
319        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
320            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
321        endif
322        hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
323        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
324            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
325        endif
326        settimer oceanscan 0
327    elseif timer oceanscan >= 600 and skill "Fishing" >= 80
328        clearsysmsg 
329        hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
330        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
331            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
332        endif
333        hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
334        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
335            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
336        endif
337        settimer oceanscan 0
338    endif
339    if not timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating"
340        if varexist "Manual Override"
341            attack "Manual Override"
342        endif
343        attack "oceantarget"
344    elseif timerexists changetarget and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating"
345        if varexist "Manual Override"
346            attack "Manual Override"
347        endif
348        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
349        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
350        attack lasttarget 
351    endif
353    if not queued and not targetexists and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Spyglass" and hp >= 66 and findtype "spyglass" backpack as bspy
354        gumpclose 2890020940
355        dclick bspy
356        wft 500
357        target self
358        hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
359        waitforgump 2890020940 500
360        if gumpexists 2890020940
361            gumpresponse 4
362            waitforgump 2890020940 500
363        endif
364        if gumpexists 2890020940
365            overhead 'Yarr!' 67
366        endif        
367    endif
369    if not targetexists 
370        while hp < 33 and skill "Magery" >= 30
371            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
372            cast 'Heal'
373            wft 2500
374            hotkey 'Target Self'
375            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
376            pause 250
377        endwhile
378        if hp < 77 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
379            dclick healpot
380        endif
381        if hp < 55 and skill "Magery" >= 60
382            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
383            cast 'Greater Heal'
384            wft 3500
385            hotkey 'Target self'
386            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
387            pause 250
388        endif
389        if hp < 83 and skill "Magery" >= 30
390            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
391            cast 'Heal'
392            wft 2500
393            hotkey 'Target Self'
394            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
395            pause 250   
396        endif
397        while poisoned and not targetexists 
398            if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
399                dclick curepot
400        elseif mana >= 6 and skill "Magery" >= 40
401                cast "Cure"
402                wft 2500
403                target self
404                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
405            endif
406        endwhile
407        if not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Bleed" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew
408            pause 1200
409            dclick cbrew
410            createtimer brew
411        elseif not hidden and not timerexists brew and findbuff "Diseased" and findtype 50675 backpack as cbrew
412            dclick cbrew
413            createtimer brew
414        endif
415        if timerexists brew
416            if timer brew >= 120000
417                removetimer brew
418            endif
419        endif
420        if skill "Magery" >= 80 and mana <= 80 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Magic Mushroom"
421            dclicktype 'mushroom'
422        endif
423    endif
425    if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and not gumpexists 622436516
426        say [necromancyhotbar
427    endif
429    if findtype "5188" ground -1 -1 22 as bomb
430        overhead "***BOMB***" 34 bomb
431    endif
433    if timerexists openhull
434        removetimer openhull
435    endif
436    if find "shiphold" ground -1 -1 1
437        //donothing
438    elseif not queued and findtype "hatch" ground -1 -1 1 as mobship
439        dclick mobship
440        getlabel backpack ping
441        while findtype "cathedral tapestry|Darkscale tapestry|large painting|landscape painting|portrait painting|hieroglyph|figurine|statue|44987|49730|47107|18653|45127|47103|29363|47105|29361|43453|5899|47109|45250|41509|43447|18657|4025|3712|3648|3650|3708|3648|2475|3649|29833|29832|51308|45156|51304|45214|28769|28799|28803|28765|45211|45248|51259|45220|51328|45218|3842|51327|45222|45241|51336|51375|45282|54722|45255|45246|28795|44983|45235|45251|45238|51258|51314|28761|45236|51260|54718|18400|45252|18656|47111|3839|45239|45242|45254|45281|45247|42241|45216|28775|2594|51321|3838|51318|5901|5905|5903|48407|51302|4248|27611|15296|43166|5359|5981|4026|3985|25359|17686|3836|17087|5356|29030|24434|22336|29036|3843|29025|51098|29034|8826|51094|576|3827|22326|45315|3891|2539|39898|39896|39892|39918|39911|39916|39897|39905|39891|39917|39912|39909|39889|31047|31017|31049|31019|31055|31051|31053|31025|31027|31031|31041|54717|31021|31011|31023|31029|31043|31003|31035|31033|31045|31037|31002|20006|31169|31006|30999|31012|31009|30996|7109|7107|3922|31128|31188|20014|31014|31004|31142|31001|31000|37181|31010|30998|31172|30988|30997|31038|31141|7947|20008|31005|31191|31008|31007|30994|30993|31182|30989|20012|31186|31178|31015|30991|20010|20016|31184|31190|30990|30995|31176|31180|30992|31130|5207|7031|7026|7034|7033|7027|7035|7029|5078|5063|5059|5105|5060|5138|5129|5201|5142|5143|5076|5106|7610|5139|5090|5103|5132|7177|5061|7181|7179|3920|5042|5127|5117|5185|5125|3938|5177|3937|5044|5121|3915|3909|3568|3932|5123|5144|5119|5056|5135|5187|5074|5089|3934|3913|3917|3721|5075|5046|5049|7170|5146|5205|5203|5115|5204|5040|5179|5070|5182|5085|5181|3719|7173|5131|3911|5101|7175|7169|3713|5112|22187|9917|3859|3862|3878|3865|3856|3873|3877|3834|3742|3762|3740|3763|10245|3572|3573|3571|3885|7127|4225|12686|19985|19981|19984|19982|19983|19991|19989|19986|19987|19988|19994|19995|19992|19993|19990|19980|19977|19976|19978|7154|19979|3861|3821" mobship as bitem
442            if not timerexists openhull
443                createtimer openhull
444                overhead "Yarr the booty be mine!" 2091
445            endif
446            hotkey 'Grab Item' 
447            target bitem
448            while queued
449                //donothing
450            endwhile
451        endwhile
452    endif
454    if not find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and timer oceanscan >= 600
455        clearsysmsg 
456        hotkey "Next Grey Monster Target"
457        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
458            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
459        endif
460        hotkey "Next Murderer Monster Target"
461        if not insysmsg "No one matching"
462            @setvar "oceantarget" lasttarget 
463        endif
464        settimer oceanscan 0
465    endif
467    if find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown "Disco" and skill "Discordance" >= 50
468        clearsysmsg 
469        hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
470        skill 'Discordance'
471        wft 500
472        if not timerexists changetarget
473            hotkey 'Target self'
474        elseif timerexists changetarget
475            // I took Manual Override out here because single target discord was hitting the ship hamburger bars.  I could simply retarget the crew I want to hit but its an extra step when I can just place myself next to closest.  This may have been needed for boss fights.
476            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
477            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
478        endif
479        hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
480        getlabel backpack ping
481        if insysmsg  "Song of Discordance"
482            overhead "Argh!! Manual Override is not on a target that can be Discorded" 38
483        endif
484        if insysmsg "creatures"
485            overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
486            cooldown "Disco" 5000
487        elseif insysmsg "You play successfully"
488            overhead "Hear my sea song!" 91
489            cooldown "Disco" 5000
490        elseif insysmsg "You fail to discord"
491            overhead "Argh, I missed a note..." 38
492            cooldown "Disco" 5000
493            if cooldown "Barding Reset"
494                cooldown "Disco" 0
495            replay
496            endif
497        endif
498    endif
500    if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 12
501        if ingump '20/' 622436516
502            createtimer pain
503        elseif ingump '19/' 622436516
504            createtimer pain
505        elseif ingump '18/' 622436516
506            createtimer pain
507        elseif ingump '17/' 622436516
508            createtimer pain
509        elseif ingump '16/' 622436516
510            createtimer pain
511        elseif ingump '15/' 622436516
512            createtimer pain
513        elseif ingump '14/' 622436516
514            createtimer pain
515        elseif ingump '13/' 622436516
516            createtimer pain
517        elseif ingump '12/' 622436516
518            createtimer pain
519        elseif ingump '11/' 622436516
520            createtimer pain
521        elseif ingump '10/' 622436516
522            createtimer pain
523        elseif ingump '9/' 622436516
524            createtimer pain
525        elseif ingump '8/' 622436516
526            createtimer pain
527        elseif ingump '7/' 622436516
528            createtimer pain
529        elseif ingump '6/' 622436516
530            createtimer pain
531        elseif ingump '5/' 622436516
532            createtimer pain
533        endif
534        if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and timerexists pain and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown 'Pain Spike'
535            clearsysmsg
536            if targetexists 
537                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
538            endif
539            say '[Painspike'
540            wft 500
541            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
542            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
543            getlabel backpack ping
544            if insysmsg "Unholy"
545                cooldown "Pain Spike" 30000
546            endif
547        removetimer pain
548        endif
549    endif
550    if find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12
551        clearsysmsg 
552        if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 and not queued and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
553            clearsysmsg 
554            dclick purp
555            wft 500
556            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
557            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
558            getlabel backpack ping
559            if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
560                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
561            else 
562                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
563                hotkey '> Interrupt'
564                hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
565                dclicktype "Purple Potion"
566                wft 500
567                while targetexists 
568                    overhead "THROW IT OVERBOARD!!!" 38
569                endwhile
570            endif
571            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
572        elseif skill "Magery" >= 50 and not queued and mana >= 9 and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
573            clearsysmsg
574            cast "Telekinesis"
575            wft 3000
576            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
577            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
578            @setvar "telemastertarget" lasttarget 
579            getlabel backpack ping
580            if insysmsg "Target cannot be seen"
581                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
582            elseif insysmsg "any explosive potions thrown" and not queued and find "telemastertarget" ground -1 -1 12
583                dclick purp
584                wft 500
585                lasttarget 
586                getlabel backpack ping
587            endif
588            if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
589                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
590            elseif not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and insysmsg "Where should I throw this potion?"
591                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
592                hotkey '> Interrupt'
593                hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
594                dclicktype "Purple Potion"
595                wft 500
596                while targetexists 
597                    overhead "THROW IT OVERBOARD!!!" 38
598                endwhile
599            endif
600            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
601        endif
602        if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and ingump '20/' 622436516
603            createtimer necroab
604        elseif ingump '19/' 622436516
605            createtimer necroab
606        elseif ingump '18/' 622436516
607            createtimer necroab
608        elseif ingump '17/' 622436516
609            createtimer necroab
610        elseif ingump '16/' 622436516
611            createtimer necroab
612        elseif ingump '15/' 622436516
613            createtimer necroab
614        elseif ingump '14/' 622436516
615            createtimer necroab
616        elseif ingump '13/' 622436516
617            createtimer necroab
618        elseif ingump '12/' 622436516
619            createtimer necroab
620        endif
621        if skill "Necromancy" >= 80 and timerexists necroab
622            if not cooldown "Strangle"
623                pause 550
624                say '[Strangle'
625                cooldown "Strangle" 30000
626                pause 550
627            endif
628            if not cooldown "Evil Omen"
629                say '[EvilOmen'
630                cooldown "Evil Omen" 30000
631                pause 550
632            endif
633            if not cooldown "Corpse Skin"
634                say '[CorpseSkin'
635                cooldown "Corpse Skin" 30000
636                pause 550
637            endif
638            removetimer necroab
639        endif
640        if skill "Magery" >= 80
641            if not cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 4
642                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
643                cast "Magic Arrow"
644                wft 1000
645                if not timerexists changetarget
646                    hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
647                    hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster'
648                elseif timerexists changetarget
649                    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
650                    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
651                endif
652            elseif not cooldown "Harm" and mana >= 6
653                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
654                cast "Harm"
655                wft 1500
656                if not timerexists changetarget
657                    hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
658                    hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster'
659                elseif timerexists changetarget
660                    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
661                    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
662                endif
663            elseif not cooldown "Lightning" and mana >= 11
664                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
665                cast "Lightning"
666                wft 2500
667                if not timerexists changetarget
668                    hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
669                    hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster'
670                elseif timerexists changetarget
671                    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
672                    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
673                endif
674            elseif not cooldown "Chain Lightning" and cooldown "Lightning" and cooldown "Harm" and cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 40
675                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
676                cast "Chain Lightning"
677                wft 3000
678                if not timerexists changetarget
679                    hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
680                    hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster'
681                elseif timerexists changetarget
682                    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
683                    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
684                endif
685            elseif cooldown "Lightning" and cooldown "Harm" and cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 40
686                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
687                cast "Flamestrike"
688                wft 3000
689                if not timerexists changetarget
690                    hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
691                    hotkey 'Target Random Murderer Monster'
692                elseif timerexists changetarget
693                    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
694                    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
695                endif
696            endif
697            pause 150
698        endif
699    endif