Newbie Guard Bot by Jaseowns
# Newbie Guard Bot by Jaseowns
# UO Outlands
# Requirements:
# This script assumes you have a shield in your hand and are standing near the entrance
# to the shelter dungeon to protect the newbies!
# Description:
# It attempts to run a saying outloud every 30 seconds and targets monsters within a certain
# tile range. You can change the range but the default is 6.
@setvar! guardTarget 0
@setvar! triggerRange 6
// harpy
if findtype 30 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// giant bat
elseif findtype 317 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// zombie
elseif findtype 3 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// mongbat
elseif findtype 39 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// colossal frog
elseif findtype 80 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// giant rat
elseif findtype 215 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
// headless one
elseif findtype 31 ground -1 1 triggerRange as targ
@setvar! guardTarget targ
if guardTarget != 0
hotkey 'Set Last Target'
wft 500
target guardTarget
getlabel guardTarget desc
overhead "Have at thee {{desc}}"
hotkey 'use item in left hand'
wft 500
hotkey 'target self'
attack lasttarget
if not timerexists chatTimer
createtimer chatTimer
settimer chatTimer 30000
if timer chatTimer >= 30000
say 'Stand behind me for safety fellow adventurers' 88
settimer chatTimer 0
wait 5000