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Tame Outlands by Ace Mason

Description: Visit for setup instructions, and to check for the most up to date taming script and guide.

2// TamingDragons v1.2
3// Written by: Zell
6// This requires you to have a dagger in your backpack
8// You require a tank for this
9// Create a script variable called tank
10// Make sure that tank is on follow, not guard
12// 50-72.5 use rock guar as tank
13// 75-102.5 use scarab as tank
14// 105-120 use sand roach as tank
16// The important thing here is to not use
17// a scarab as a tank when taming scarabs
21// This is enforces selection of tank on client launch
22if not listexists 'tankcount'
23  createlist 'tankcount'
24  overhead 'Please select your tanking pet'
25  setvar 'tank'
27// Bandage timer creation
28if not timerexists 'bandageTimer'
29  createtimer 'bandageTimer'
30  settimer 'bandageTimer' 0
32// Bandage my tank every 10 seconds, change as required
33if timer 'bandageTimer' > 10000
34  @dclicktype 3617 backpack
35  pause 500
36  target 'tank'
37  pause 1000
38  if insysmsg 'not damaged'
39    settimer 'bandageTimer' 4000
40  else
41    settimer 'bandageTimer' 0
42  endif
44// In case for some reason bandage doesnt get used on tank
45// cancels target so bandage doesnt target grey untamed
46hotkey 'Cancel current target'
47// Apply pets to tame at specific levels, feel free to add
48// them, see user doc for how
49if skill 'Taming' < 60
50  removelist 'pets'
51  createlist 'pets'
52  // Frog
53  pushlist 'pets' '80'
54elseif skill 'Taming' < 70
55  removelist 'pets'
56  createlist 'pets'
57  //Cave Bear
58  pushlist 'pets' '213'
59elseif skill 'Taming' < 75
60  removelist 'pets'
61  createlist 'pets'
62  //Scarab
63  pushlist 'pets' '169'
64elseif skill 'Taming' < 80
65  removelist 'pets'
66  createlist 'pets'
67  // Drake Whelp
68  pushlist 'pets' '718'
69  // or Aegis Slime
70  pushlist 'pets' '51'
71elseif skill 'Taming' < 85
72  removelist 'pets'
73  createlist 'pets'
74  // Deep Crawler
75  pushlist 'pets' '315'
76elseif skill 'Taming' < 90
77  removelist 'pets'
78  createlist 'pets'
79  // Drake red body
80  pushlist 'pets' '61'
81  // Drake grey body
82  pushlist 'pets' '60'
83elseif skill 'Taming' < 95
84  removelist 'pets'
85  createlist 'pets'
86  // Husk Crab
87  pushlist 'pets' '729'
88elseif skill 'Taming' < 100
89  removelist 'pets'
90  createlist 'pets'
91  // or Dragon grey body
92  pushlist 'pets' '12'
93  // or Dragon red body
94  pushlist 'pets' '59'
95  // Dragon whelp
96  //pushlist 'pets' '718'
97elseif skill 'Taming' < 105
98  removelist 'pets'
99  createlist 'pets'
100  // Snow Drift
101  pushlist 'pets' '51'
102elseif skill 'Taming' < 110
103  removelist 'pets'
104  createlist 'pets'
105  // Drake grey body
106  pushlist 'pets' '60'
107  // Drake red body
108  pushlist 'pets' '61'
109  // Acarid
110  //pushlist 'pets' '385'
111elseif skill 'Taming' < 115
112  removelist 'pets'
113  createlist 'pets'
114  // Aegis Minion
115  pushlist 'pets' '776'
116  // or Sphinx
117  pushlist 'pets' '293'
118elseif skill 'Taming' < 120
119  removelist 'pets'
120  createlist 'pets'
121  // Grey Dragon body value
122  pushlist 'pets' '12'
123  // Red Dragon body value
124  pushlist 'pets' '59'
125  // or Colossal Sandroach
126  pushlist 'pets' '388'
128  overhead 'STOP! You have finished your journey'
129  pause 1000
130  replay
133// Search for appropriate pet to tame
134overhead 'Searching'
135if skill 'taming' < 70
136  foreach pet in pets
137    if findtype pet any any any 2
138      @dclicktype 3922 backpack
139      pause 1000
140      @targettype pet any any any 2
141      pause 500
142      if skill 'herding' > 0
143        menu 'last' 11
144      else
145        menu 'last' 10
146      endif
147      pause 1000
148      hotkey 'Cancel current target'
149      if insysmsg 'person'
150          say 'all kill'
151          pause 2500
152          @target 'last'
153          break
154      else
155        if insysmsg 'bladed item'
156          if not timerexists 'tamingTimer'
157            createtimer 'tamingTimer'
158            settimer 'tamingTimer' 13000
159          endif
160          if timer 'tamingTimer' > 13000
161            useskill 'Taming'
162            pause 750
163            @target 'last'
164            settimer 'tamingTimer' 0
165          endif
166        endif    
167      endif
168    else
169      if findtype pet
170        overhead 'Fetching tame sub 70'
171        pause 550
172        say 'all kill'
173        wft 1000
174        @targettype pet
175        pause 2500
176        say 'all follow me'
177      endif
178    endif
179  endfor
181  foreach pet in pets
182    @dclicktype 3922 backpack
183    pause 1000
184    @targettype pet any any any 2
185    pause 500
186    if skill 'herding' > 0
187      menu 'last' 11
188    else
189      menu 'last' 10
190    endif
191    pause 1000
192    hotkey 'Cancel current target'
193    if insysmsg 'person'
194        say 'all kill'
195        pause 1000
196        @target 'last'
197        break
198    else
199      if insysmsg 'bladed item'
200        if not timerexists 'tamingTimer'
201          createtimer 'tamingTimer'
202          settimer 'tamingTimer' 13000
203        endif
204        if timer 'tamingTimer' > 13000
205          useskill 'Taming'
206          pause 750
207          @target 'last'
208          settimer 'tamingTimer' 0
209        endif
210      endif    
211    endif
212  endfor