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Flu AFK Tamer to 120 by flutschi

# frog 'a colossal frog' # bear 'a cave bear' # scarab 'a scarab' clearignore @setvar! maxFollowers 2 #>info the tank, insert its ID @setvar! tank 0x1268ED warmode off if findtype "a cave bear" ground -1 -1 12 as tAnimal #overhead 'found new pet' @setvar! tameThisThing tAnimal pause 500 else hotkey 'Cancel current target' pause 500 endif if hp < 100 say 'all guard me' pause 500 if skill 'magery' > 40 cast 'Greater Heal' waitfortarget target 'self' pause 500 endif replay endif if find tank ground -1 -1 12 if not bandaging pause 200 dclicktype 3617 backpack waitfortarget pause 200 target tank endif else overhead 'no tank..' endif if followers < maxFollowers and varexist tameThisThing clearsysmsg if not timerexists 'tamingTimer' createtimer 'tamingTimer' settimer 'tamingTimer' 11000 endif if timer 'tamingTimer' > 11000 overhead 'taming Target..' if not find tameThisThing ground -1 -1 3 #this is to lure it closer.. say 'all kill' pause 500 target tameThisThing pause 500 endif say 'all follow me' pause 1000 while not targetexists useskill 'Taming' pause 1000 endwhile pause 1000 target tameThisThing settimer 'tamingTimer' 0 endif if insysmsg 'fail to' settimer 'tamingTimer' 12000 endif else say 'all kill' waitfortarget target tameThisThing pause 1000 endif replay