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Move Regs to your satchel by Jaseowns

1# Move regs to your satchel by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Description:
4#   Moves regs to your satchel wether 
5#   its equipped or not
6@setvar! globalWaitTime 650
9if findtype "reagent satchel" self as satchel
10    overhead "Organizing Satchel..." 24
11    while findtype 3963|3980|3974|3973|3981|3962|3976|3972 backpack as reg
12        getlabel reg regDesc 
13        overhead "Moving {{regDesc}}" 66
14        lift reg 60000
15        drop satchel -1 -1 -1
16        wait globalWaitTime
17        ignore reg
18    endwhile
19    overhead "Satchel Organized!" 24
20    clearignore
22    overhead "No satchel found" 34