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Bapeth's Ocean Simple Boarding by barryroser

Description: Bind this script to a hotkey and play it when you wish to board an enemy ship.

1# Bapeths Simple Boarding Script
3# "****REQUIRED****"
4# Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file)
5# "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns ""
6# "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad
7# The cooldowns with "Tigger Text" Must be adjusted to "your ships stats" and "your Wizard Grimoire upgrades" in the UO in game Options
9# Script will loop into 'Master Background' if you have it in your script library
10# Script will make use of "Manual Override" if you have it in your script library
12# This is script will attempt to board any ship
13# Bind it to a hotkey and play it when you wish to board
15# Script starts here
16if gumpexists 2881168634
17    gumpclose 2881168634
20if findtype 5370 backpack 0 as boardrope
21    if not cooldown "Boarding Party"
22        clearsysmsg 
23        dclick boardrope
24        waitforgump 2881168634 500
25        gumpresponse 5
26        wft 500
27        target 'Manual Override'
28        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
29        hotkey 'Target Closest Enemy Monster'
30        hotkey 'Next Enemy Player Target'
31        getlabel backpack ping
32    else
33        overhead "The crew needs more time..." 38
34    endif
36    overhead "I am out of boarding rope..." 38
38if targetexists 
39    overhead "Manual Target..." 88
41while targetexists 
42    //donothing
44if insysmsg 'That ship is too far away to board'
45    overhead '*Argh, Not close enough to board!*' 47
46    gumpclose 2881168634
48if insysmsg "Your boarding party fails"
49    overhead "Yar, these ropes are no good!" 38
50    cooldown "Boarding Party" 15000
52if insysmsg 'You are already on that ship.'
53    overhead 'We are boarded!' 45
54    overhead 'Use Manual Override!' 39
56if insysmsg 'You successfully board the ship!'
57    overhead "Yar, enemies abound!" 88
58    cooldown "Boarding Party" 15000
59    warmode on
61if insysmsg 'The ship seems devoid of life'
62    overhead 'Easy come easy go...' 79
63    warmode on
65script 'Master Background'