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Bapeth's Ocean Ultimate Armageddon by barryroser

Description: This script will AoE storm an enemy ship with Necro and Bard Abilities (Bard not needed) until everything is dead.

1# Bapeths Ship Ultimate Armageddon 
3# This is a powerful one button deck wipe for fighting NPC ships
5# Script is desinged for Necromancers
6# Best aspect is "Madness" but many other spell focused aspects work as well
8# "****REQUIRED****"
9# Bapeths Ship Cooldowns xml file (copy paste into your characters Cooldown file)
10# "COPY" Link to get Bapeths Cooldowns ""
11# "PASTE" FILE PATH : C:\Program Files (x86)\Ultima Online Outlands\ClassicUO\Data\Profiles\"YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME"\UO Outlands\"YOUR-CHARACTER" Open file in notepad
12# The cooldowns with "Tigger Text" Must be adjusted to "your ships stats" and "your Wizard Grimoire upgrades" in the UO in game Options
14# Script will loop into 'Master Background' if you have it in your script library
16# This script will Mass curse, Necro Abilty, Chain Lightning, Meteor Swarm, and Pain spike
18# Script starts here
19if not timerexists leylinetimer 
20    createtimer leylinetimer
21    settimer leylinetimer 3000
23if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
24    say "[weaponability2"
25    settimer leylinetimer 0
28if mana <= 96
29    overhead 'Warning! Mana levels critical...' 39
31if followers = 0
32    overhead "No followers... this might hurt" 38
34if not dead
35    overhead 'Harr Harr!!' 56
36    hotkey '> Interrupt'
37    say 'all guard me' 56
38    pause 1000
39    getlabel backpack ping
40    hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
41    if skill "Alchemy" >= 80
42        //do nothing
43    elseif not cooldown "Telekinesis" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack and mana >= 9
44        cast "Telekinesis"
45        wft 3000
46        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
47        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
48        getlabel backpack ping
49        if insysmsg "any explosive potions thrown"
50            cooldown "Telekinesis" 60000
51            @setvar "TeleTarget" lasttarget 
52        endif
53        pause 250
54    endif
55    if not cooldown "Mass Curse"
56        cast 'Mass Curse'
57        wft 3000
58        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
59        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
60        cooldown "Mass Curse" 30000
61        pause 250
62    endif
63    if not cooldown "Chain Lightning"
64        cast "Chain Lightning"
65    endif
66    if hp < 70
67         hotkey 'Drink Heal'
68    endif
69    say '[SendBoarding'
70    wft 500
71    gumpresponse 5
72    getlabel backpack ping
73    target "Manual Override"
74    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
75    hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
76    getlabel backpack ping
78if insysmsg 'That ship is too far away to board'
79    overhead "Argh, Not close enough to board!" 47
80    gumpclose 2881168634
81    hotkey '> Interrupt'
82    script 'Master Background'
84if insysmsg 'Your boarding party fails to board the ship.'
85    overhead '*Boarding Failed*' 39
86    overhead '*Assault Aborted*' 39
87    hotkey '> Interrupt'
88    cooldown "Boarding Party" 15000
89    script 'Master Background'
91if insysmsg 'You successfully board the ship!'
92    overhead "Yar, enemies abound!" 88
93    cooldown "Boarding Party" 15000
96if not dead
97    overhead 'Get Your Position Ready!' 66
98    gumpclose 2881168634
99    pause 2400
100    if not cooldown "Strangle"
101        say '[Strangle'
102        cooldown "Strangle" 30000
103    endif
104    hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
105    hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
106    hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
107    pause 250
108    if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
109        say "[weaponability2"
110        settimer leylinetimer 0
111    endif
112    if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
113        clearsysmsg 
114        dclick purp
115        wft 500
116        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
117        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
118        getlabel backpack ping
119        if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
120            cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
121        endif
122        hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
123    elseif cooldown "Telekinesis" and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
124        clearsysmsg 
125        dclick purp
126        wft 500
127        target "TeleTarget"
128        getlabel backpack ping
129        if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
130            cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
131        endif
132        hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
133        cooldown "Telekinesis" 0
134    endif
136    if not cooldown 'Meteor Swarm'
137        cast 'Meteor Swarm'
138        if not cooldown "Evil Omen"
139            say '[EvilOmen'
140            cooldown "Evil Omen" 30000
141            pause 550
142        endif
143        if not cooldown "Corpse Skin"
144            say '[CorpseSkin'
145            cooldown "Corpse Skin" 30000
146        endif
147        if hp <= 70
148            hotkey 'Drink Heal'
149        endif
150        while poisoned and not targetexists and findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
151          dclick curepot
152        endwhile
153        wft 5000
154        hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
155        hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
156        hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
157        pause 250
158        if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
159            say "[weaponability2"
160            settimer leylinetimer 0
161        endif
162        if mana <= 73
163            if not cooldown 'Magic Mushroom'
164                dclicktype 'mushroom'
165                getlabel backpack ping
166            endif
167        endif
168    endif
170    if not timerexists damagetimer
171        createtimer damagetimer
172    endif
173    settimer damagetimer 0
174    while timer damagetimer <= 6000
175        if hp <= 32
176            cast 'Heal'
177            wft 1000
178            hotkey 'Target Self'
179            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' 
180            pause 250
181        elseif hp <= 33 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
182            dclick healpot
183        elseif hp <= 77
184            cast 'Greater Heal'
185            hotkey 'Target self'
186            wft 2400
187            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
188            pause 250
189        elseif hp <= 85
190            cast 'Heal'
191            wft 1000
192            hotkey 'Target Self'
193            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' 
194            pause 250
195        endif
197        while poisoned and not targetexists 
198            if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
199                dclick curepot
200            elseif mana >= 6
201                cast "Cure"
202                wft 2500
203                target self
204                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
205            endif
206        endwhile        
207    endwhile
209    while not findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 12
210        if hp <= 32
211            cast 'Heal'
212            wft 1000
213            hotkey 'Target Self'
214            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' 
215            pause 250
216        elseif hp <= 33 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
217            dclick healpot
218        elseif hp <= 77
219            cast 'Greater Heal'
220            hotkey 'Target self'
221            wft 2400
222            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
223            pause 250
224        elseif hp <= 85
225            cast 'Heal'
226            wft 1000
227            hotkey 'Target Self'
228            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target' 
229            pause 250
230        endif
232        if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
233            say "[weaponability2"
234            settimer leylinetimer 0
235        endif
237        while poisoned and not targetexists 
238            if findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
239                dclick curepot
240            elseif mana >= 6
241                cast "Cure"
242                wft 2500
243                target self
244                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
245            endif
246        endwhile
248        if not cooldown "Chain Lightning" and mana >= 40
249            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
250            cast "Chain Lightning"
251            while not targetexists 
252                if poisoned and findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
253                    dclick curepot
254                endif
255                if hits <= 70 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
256                    dclick healpot
257                endif
258            endwhile
259            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
260            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
261            pause 250
262        elseif not cooldown "Meteor Swarm" and mana >= 40
263            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
264            cast "Meteor Swarm"
265            while not targetexists 
266                if poisoned and findtype "Orange Potion" backpack as curepot
267                    dclick curepot
268                endif
269                if hits <= 70 and findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack as healpot
270                    dclick healpot
271                endif
272            endwhile
273            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
274            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
275            pause 250
276        elseif not cooldown "Magic Arrow" and mana >= 4
277            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
278            cast "Magic Arrow"
279            wft 1000
280            hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
281            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
282            pause 250
283        elseif not cooldown "Harm" and mana >= 6
284            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
285            cast "Harm"
286            wft 1500
287            hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
288            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
289            pause 250
290        elseif not cooldown "Lightning" and mana >= 11
291            hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
292            cast "Lightning"
293            wft 2500
294            hotkey 'Target Random Grey Monster'
295            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
296            pause 250
297        endif
299        if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
300            say "[weaponability2"
301            settimer leylinetimer 0
302        endif
304        if mana <= 73
305            if not cooldown 'Magic Mushroom'
306                dclicktype 'mushroom'
307                getlabel backpack ping
308            endif
309        endif
311        if skill "Alchemy" >= 80
312            //do nothing
313        elseif not cooldown "Telekinesis" and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack and mana >= 9
314            clearsysmsg 
315            cast "Telekinesis"
316            wft 3000
317            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
318            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
319            getlabel backpack ping
320            if insysmsg "any explosive potions thrown"
321                cooldown "Telekinesis" 60000
322                @setvar "TeleTarget" lasttarget 
323            endif
324            pause 250
325        endif
326        if skill "Alchemy" >= 80 and not queued and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
327            clearsysmsg 
328            dclick purp
329            wft 500
330            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
331            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
332            getlabel backpack ping
333            if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
334                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
335            endif
336            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
337        elseif cooldown "Telekinesis" and not queued and not cooldown "Explosion Potion" and findtype "Purple Potion" backpack as purp
338            clearsysmsg 
339            dclick purp
340            wft 500
341            target "TeleTarget"
342            getlabel backpack ping
343            if insysmsg "Your explosion potion sticks to your target."
344                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
345                cooldown "Telekinesis" 0
346            else 
347                cooldown "Explosion Potion" 15000
348                hotkey '> Interrupt'
349                hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
350                dclicktype "Purple Potion"
351                wft 500
352                while targetexists 
353                    overhead "THROW IT OVERBOARD!!!" 38
354                endwhile
355            endif
356            hotkey "Cancel Current Target"
357        endif
358    endwhile
360    if mana <= 96 and timer leylinetimer >= 3000 
361        say "[weaponability2"
362        settimer leylinetimer 0
363    endif
365    while not gumpexists 622436516
366        say [necromancyhotbar
367        getlabel backpack ping
368    endwhile
370    if findtype "corpse" ground -1 -1 12
371        if ingump '20/' 622436516
372            createtimer pain
373        elseif ingump '19/' 622436516
374            createtimer pain
375        elseif ingump '18/' 622436516
376            createtimer pain
377        elseif ingump '17/' 622436516
378            createtimer pain
379        elseif ingump '16/' 622436516
380            createtimer pain
381        elseif ingump '15/' 622436516
382            createtimer pain
383        elseif ingump '14/' 622436516
384            createtimer pain
385        elseif ingump '13/' 622436516
386            createtimer pain
387        elseif ingump '12/' 622436516
388            createtimer pain
389        elseif ingump '11/' 622436516
390            createtimer pain
391        elseif ingump '10/' 622436516
392            createtimer pain
393        elseif ingump '9/' 622436516
394            createtimer pain
395        elseif ingump '8/' 622436516
396            createtimer pain
397        elseif ingump '7/' 622436516
398            createtimer pain
399        elseif ingump '6/' 622436516
400            createtimer pain
401        elseif ingump '5/' 622436516
402            createtimer pain
403        endif
404        if timerexists pain and find "oceantarget" ground -1 -1 12 and not findbuff "Actively Meditating" and not cooldown 'Pain Spike'
405            clearsysmsg
406            if targetexists 
407                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
408            endif
409            say '[Painspike'
410            wft 500
411            hotkey 'Target Closest Grey Monster'
412            hotkey 'Target Closest Murderer Monster'
413            getlabel backpack ping
414            if insysmsg "Unholy"
415                cooldown "Pain Spike" 30000
416            endif
417            removetimer pain
418        endif
419    endif
421warmode on
422script "Master Background"