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Disco, Peace, Music and Animal Lore by sauron_edithe

Description: a few bard skills with animal lore i used for my tamer.

# Name: Training Musicianship, Discordance, Peacemaking and Animal Lore. # Author: Richard Mills # Requirements: Lute # Hint: # 0-50 Vendor # 50-75 Target any training NPC at Shelter Island (1915,2633) # 75-100 Target any monster at Prevalia Zoo (1814,1521) # change line 15 to I.D. number for the animal your using. # i tamed a collosal frog and took to Prev zoo with me. if skill 'AnimalLore' < 100 useskill 'animallore' waitfortarget target 0x2F12B8 waitforgump 3280914284 endif if skill 'Peacemaking' = 100 and skill 'Discordance' = 100 and 'herding' = 100 overhead 'Congratulations, you finish your training!!!' unsetvar 'bardingTrainingTarget' stop endif if not varexist 'bardingTrainingTarget' overhead 'Select your training bard target' setvar 'bardingTrainingTarget' endif wait 500 if find 'bardingTrainingTarget' ground if skill 'Peacemaking' < 100 say overhead 'Peacemaking' skill 'Peacemaking' waitfortarget 1000 if insysmsg 'what instrument shall you play?' targettype '3763' backpack waitfortarget 1000 endif target bardingTrainingTarget endif if insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen' or insysmsg 'That is too far away' unsetvar 'bardingTrainingTarget' overhead 'Chose another target to train' replay endif wait 5150 if skill 'Discordance' < 100 overhead 'Discordance' skill 'Discordance' waitfortarget 1000 if insysmsg 'what instrument shall you play?' targettype '3763' backpack waitfortarget 1000 endif target bardingTrainingTarget endif if insysmsg 'Target cannot be seen' or insysmsg 'That is too far away' unsetvar 'bardingTrainingTarget' overhead 'Chose another target to train' replay endif wait 5150 loop else unsetvar 'bardingTrainingTarget' overhead 'Chose another target to train' replay endif