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Magic Mushroom Maker w/Storage Shelf by Burger Beagle

Description: You will need your grimoire create food points so you can make magic mushrooms, and a storage shelf that has a lot of mandrake root. This script will keep your mandrake root topped off and will constantly fill up your shelf with magic mushrooms.

Also recommended is a quality wizard's satchel to save on regs. The script also requires you to have at least 90 int.

if mana < 15 while mana < 90 if not findbuff "actively meditating" useskill 'meditation' endif wait 1000 endwhile elseif count 'Mandrake Root' > 10 cast 'create food' wait 100 elseif findtype "storage shelf" ground -1 -1 2 as shelf menu shelf 0 wft 500 target self wait 200 menu shelf 1 wait 200 endif loop