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Siv's Map Decoder by Siv

Description: Fixed issue with skipping maps - 7.23.2022

Simple tool that will use any spyglass in your backpack to decode/decipher any type of map in your backpack.

#°º¤ø,¸¸,øThe Siv Scriptsø¤°º¤ø,¸¸ #decode maps in your backpack #uses spyglass in backpack clearignore #close extra gumps for 5 gumpclose endfor #create list for maps if not listexists 'maps' createlist 'maps' endif clearlist 'maps' #make a list of undeciphered maps while findtype 5356 backpack as 'check_map' overhead "Indexing maps..." getlabel 'check_map' 'map_label' if undeciphered in 'map_label' overhead "Adding map to index..." pushlist 'maps' 'check_map' ignore 'check_map' else ignore 'check_map' endif endwhile #decode each map foreach map in 'maps' getlabel 'map' 'map_progress' if 'undeciphered' in 'map_progress' #overhead 'Map is undeciphered!' 55 if findtype 'spyglass' backpack usetype 'spyglass' waitfortarget target 'map' waitforgump 'any' gumpresponse 4 else overhead "No Spyglass!" 33 endif while not insysmsg 'you have reached' gumpresponse 4 wait 1750 if insysmsg 'do not have any spyglasses of that' gumpclose wait 500 if findtype 'spyglass' backpack dclicktype 'spyglass' waitfortarget 300 target 'map' waitforgump 'any' gumpresponse 4 wait 1750 else overhead "No spyglass!" 55 stop endif endif endwhile overhead 'Map decoded! Give me another!' 44 endif endfor gumpclose removelist 'maps' overhead "All maps decoded!" 55 clearignore