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Siv's Map Decoder by Siv

Description: Fixed issue with skipping maps - 7.23.2022

Simple tool that will use any spyglass in your backpack to decode/decipher any type of map in your backpack.

1#°º¤ø,¸¸,øThe Siv Scriptsø¤°º¤ø,¸¸
2#decode maps in your backpack
3#uses spyglass in backpack
5#close extra gumps
6for 5
7     gumpclose
9#create list for maps
10if not listexists 'maps'
11    createlist 'maps'
13clearlist 'maps'
14#make a list of undeciphered maps
15while findtype 5356 backpack as 'check_map'
16    overhead "Indexing maps..."
17    getlabel 'check_map' 'map_label'
18    if undeciphered in 'map_label'
19        overhead "Adding map to index..."
20        pushlist 'maps' 'check_map'
21        ignore 'check_map'
22    else 
23        ignore 'check_map'
24    endif
26#decode each map
27foreach map in 'maps'
28    getlabel 'map' 'map_progress'
29    if 'undeciphered' in 'map_progress'
30        #overhead 'Map is undeciphered!' 55
31        if findtype 'spyglass' backpack
32            usetype 'spyglass'
33            waitfortarget 
34            target 'map'
35            waitforgump 'any'
36            gumpresponse 4
37         else 
38             overhead "No Spyglass!" 33
39         endif
40         while not insysmsg 'you have reached'
41                gumpresponse 4
42                wait 1750
43                if insysmsg 'do not have any spyglasses of that'
44                    gumpclose
45                    wait 500
46                    if findtype 'spyglass' backpack
47                        dclicktype 'spyglass'
48                        waitfortarget 300
49                        target 'map'
50                        waitforgump 'any'
51                        gumpresponse 4
52                        wait 1750
53                    else 
54                        overhead "No spyglass!" 55
55                    stop
56                    endif
57                endif
58         endwhile
59         overhead 'Map decoded! Give me another!' 44
60     endif     
63removelist 'maps'
64overhead "All maps decoded!" 55