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Dump all reagents to a container and collect a defined amount to satchel. by Necromunger

Description: 1. Update the amount of reagents you wish to have.

2. Run the script and select the container where you store all of your reagents, like a bag in your bank or chest.

overhead 'Select main reagent storage.' setvar 'sourceContainer' @setvar! requiredReagentCount 70 @setvar! globalWaitTime 650 removelist Reagents createlist Reagents clearignore // Blood Moss @pushlist Reagents 3963 // Sulfurous Ash @pushlist Reagents 3980 // Mandrake Root's @pushlist Reagents 3974 // Ginseng @pushlist Reagents 3973 // Spider's Silk @pushlist Reagents 3981 // Black Pearl's @pushlist Reagents 3962 // Nightshade @pushlist Reagents 3976 // Garlic @pushlist Reagents 3972 if findtype 'reagent satchel' self as satchel foreach reagentID in Reagents // Dump all of held reagent from satchel into storage container if findtype reagentID satchel as reagent and counttype reagentID satchel as reagentCount lift reagent reagentCount drop sourceContainer -1 -1 -1 wait globalWaitTime endif // Pickup the amount we want from storage container if findtype reagentID sourceContainer as getReagent lift getReagent requiredReagentCount drop satchel -1 -1 -1 wait globalWaitTime endif endfor endif