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Fast Travel by alcon188

Description: Use Moongate, Magery, Chivalry, or Camping to travel to a specified location using one button. Works on multiple characters if they have their favorite rune in the same slot of their respective books.

Feedback welcome, message me on Discord.

1# Fast Travel by Alcon
2# Use Moongate, Magery, Chivalry, or Camping to travel to a specified location using one button.
3# Works on multiple characters if they have their Favorite rune in the same slot of their respective books.
4# Last Edited 12/12/24
5// Cut the multiple runebook related variables, turns out they break everything in their current iteration
8#/#/# IMPORTANT #/#/#
9# There is a feature that automatically uses a Recall scroll if you are out of reagents
10# Relevant characters must have a cooldown named Regs with a Trigger for Overhead Message:
11# More reagents are needed for this spell
12# Recommend that the cooldown be 10 seconds
13// After additional testing I've found that in some cases the hotkey needs to be pressed multiple times for the switch to happen, haven't found a fix yet.
18# Set your Moongate preferences for all Moongate types (Blue, Red, Gold, Ghost)
21#Set this to 1 to return to whatever city you used last instead of a Favorite one
22@setvar! MoongateToLastCity 0
24@setvar! FavoriteCity 14
25# Anchors Rest 10
26# Andaria 11
27# Cambria 12
28# Horseshoe Bay 13
29# Outpost 14
30# Prevalia 15
31# Terran 16
32# Totem 17
33# Shelter Island 18
34# Corpse Creek 19
39# Set your Recall preferences for Runebooks and Rune Tomes
42@setvar! AlwaysUseScroll 0
44@setvar! BookFavoriteRune 5
45@setvar! BookFavoriteScroll 2
47@setvar! TomeFavoriteRune  200
48@setvar! TomeFavoriteScroll 100
50### Runebook Numbers
51# 1st Rune Slot 5        # 1st Scroll Slot 2
52# 2nd Rune Slot 11       # 2nd Scroll Slot 8     
53# 3rd Rune Slot 17       # 3rd Scroll Slot 14
54# 4th Rune Slot 23       # 4th Scroll Slot 20
55# 5th Rune Slot 29       # 5th Scroll Slot 26
56# 6th Rune Slot 35       # 6th Scroll Slot 32
57# 7th Rune Slot 41       # 7th Scroll Slot 38
58# 8th Rune Slot 47       # 8th Scroll Slot 44
59# 9th Rune Slot 53       # 9th Scroll Slot 50
60# 10th Rune Slot 59      # 10th Scroll Slot 56
61# 11th Rune Slot 65      # 11th Scroll Slot 62
62# 12th Rune Slot 71      # 12th Scroll Slot 68
63# 13th Rune Slot 77      # 13th Scroll Slot 74
64# 14th Rune Slot 83      # 14th Scroll Slot 80
65# 15th Rune Slot 89      # 15th Scroll Slot 86
66# 16th Rune Slot 95      # 16th Scroll Slot 92
68### Rune Tome Numbers
69# 1st Rune Slot 200      # 1st Scroll Slot 100
70# 2nd Rune Slot 201      # 2nd Scroll Slot 101
71# 3rd Rune Slot 202      # 3rd Scroll Slot 102
72# ...                    # ...  
73# 26th Rune Slot 225     # 26th Scroll Slot 125
78# Set your Hiking preferences
81@setvar! FavoriteHikingCategory 103
82@setvar! FavoriteHikingSpot 26
83@setvar! MyFavoriteHikingSpotIsOnTheFirstPage 1
86### Hiking Numbers, set category and location
87# Dungeons 101              # For location, the top of the page is 20
88# Healer Caravans 102       # and it counts up as you go down the page    
89# Moongates 103             #  
90# New Player 104            #
91# Personal 105              #
92# Points of Interest 106    # E.G. I want to go to Prevalia Bog Caravan
93# Shrines 107               # @setvar! FavoriteHikingCategory 102
94# Sub-Dungeon 108           # @setvar! FavoriteHikingSpot 30
95# Townships 109             # @setvar! MyFavoriteHikingSpotIsOnTheFirstPage 0
98###### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS UNLESS YOU WANT TO BREAK THE SCRIPT ##################################
100@setvar! ChivGateBlocked 0
102if findtype "blue moongate" true as gate
103    while not gumpexists 3773199800
104        dclick gate
105    endwhile
106    if MoongateToLastCity = 0
107        waitforgump 3773199800
108    gumpresponse FavoriteCity
109    endif
110    waitforgump 3773199800
111    gumpresponse 2
114elseif skill "Chivalry" >= 90 and SwitchToRecall = 0
115    while ChivGateBlocked = 0
116        clearsysmsg 
117        say '[sacredjourney'
118        wait 150
119        if insysmsg "You must wait another"
120            @setvar! ChivGateBlocked 1
121            @setvar SwitchToRecall 1
122            loop
123        endif
124        waitforgump 1482653814
125        gumpresponse 4
126        wait 150
127        if insysmsg "You have been in combat too recently"
128            @setvar! ChivGateBlocked 1
129            @setvar SwitchToRecall 1
130            gumpclose
131            loop
132        elseif insysmsg "A mysterious force prevents your spell"
133            @setvar! ChivGateBlocked 1
134            @setvar SwitchToRecall 1
135            gumpclose
136            loop
137        else
138            // do nothing
139        endif
140        waitforgump 1387930325
141        while not findtype "moongate" true
142        endwhile
143        dclicktype "moongate" true
144        waitforgump 3899019871
145        gumpresponse 2
146        stop
147    endwhile
150elseif findtype "runebook" backpack
151    if skill "Magery" >= 60 and AlwaysUseScroll = 0 and OutOfRegs = 0
152        if findlayer self righthand as found
153            @setvar! weapon_equipped found
154        endif
155        if findlayer self lefthand as found
156            @setvar! shield_equipped found
157        endif
158        dclicktype 'runebook' backpack
159        waitforgump 1551740969
160        gumpresponse BookFavoriteRune
161        wait 500
162        if cooldown Regs > 1
163            @setvar OutOfRegs 1
164            wait 500
165            loop
166        endif
167        wait 2000
168        if not findlayer self righthand and weapon_equipped = found
169            dclick weapon_equipped
170        endif
171        if not findlayer self lefthand and shield_equipped = found
172            wait 500
173            dclick shield_equipped
174        endif
175    else
176        if findlayer self righthand as found
177            @setvar! weapon_equipped found
178        endif
179        if findlayer self lefthand as found
180            @setvar! shield_equipped found
181        endif
182        dclicktype 'runebook' backpack
183        waitforgump 1551740969
184        gumpresponse BookFavoriteScroll    
185        wait 2500
186        if not findlayer self righthand and weapon_equipped = found
187            dclick weapon_equipped
188        endif
189        if not findlayer self lefthand  and shield_equipped = found
190            wait 500
191        dclick shield_equipped
192        endif
193    endif
194    @setvar SwitchToRecall 0
195    @setvar OutOfRegs 0
198elseif findtype "runetome" backpack
199    if skill "Magery" >= 60 and AlwaysUseScroll = 0 and OutOfRegs = 0
200        if findlayer self righthand as found
201            @setvar! weapon_equipped found
202        endif
203        if findlayer self lefthand as found
204            @setvar! shield_equipped found
205        endif
206        dclicktype 'runetome' backpack
207        waitforgump 167090027
208        gumpresponse TomeFavoriteRune
209        waitforgump 167090027
210        gumpresponse 10
211        wait 500
212        if cooldown Regs > 1
213            @setvar OutOfRegs 1
214            wait 500
215            loop
216        endif
217        wait 2000
218        if not findlayer self righthand and weapon_equipped = found
219            dclick weapon_equipped
220        endif
221        if not findlayer self lefthand and shield_equipped = found
222            wait 500
223            dclick shield_equipped
224        endif
225    else
226        if findlayer self righthand as found
227            @setvar! weapon_equipped found
228        endif
229        if findlayer self lefthand as found
230            @setvar! shield_equipped found
231        endif
232        dclicktype 'runetome' backpack
233        waitforgump 167090027
234        gumpresponse TomeFavoriteScroll
235        wait 2500
236        if not findlayer self righthand and weapon_equipped = found
237            dclick weapon_equipped
238        endif
239        if not findlayer self lefthand and shield_equipped = found
240            wait 500
241            dclick shield_equipped
242        endif
243    endif
244    @setvar SwitchToRecall 0
245    @setvar OutOfRegs 0
248elseif skill "Camping" >= 60
249    while not findtype "campfire" ground 0 1 8 
250        if not findtype "kindling" backpack
251            overhead "No kindling" 34
252            stop
253        endif
254        dclicktype "kindling" backpack
255        clearsysmsg
256        wait 5000
257    endwhile
258    while findtype "campfire" ground 0 1 8
259        while not insysmsg "Your campfire is now secure."
260        endwhile
261        dclicktype 'atlas' backpack
262        waitforgump 341416395
263        gumpresponse FavoriteHikingCategory
264        waitforgump 341416395
265        if MyFavoriteHikingSpotIsOnTheFirstPage = 0
266        gumpresponse 16     
267        waitforgump 341416395
268        endif
269        gumpresponse FavoriteHikingSpot    
270        waitforgump 341416395
271        gumpresponse 14     
272        stop
273    endwhile
275    overhead 'No way home' 34