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Wizards Grimoire Blasts by carl_os

Related: Magery

Description: Just some simple timers to match wizards grimoire

@setvar! castFireball 1 @setvar! cdFireball 40000 @setvar! castLightning 1 @setvar! cdLightning 20000 @setvar! castHarm 1 @setvar! cdHarm 20000 if not timerexists 'fireballTimer' createtimer 'fireballTimer' settimer 'fireballTimer' cdFireball endif if not timerexists 'lightningTimer' createtimer 'lightningTimer' settimer 'lightningTimer' cdLightning endif if not timerexists 'harmTimer' createtimer 'harmTimer' settimer 'harmTimer' cdHarm endif if pvpMode = 1 cast 'energy bolt' elseif castFireball = 1 and timer 'fireballTimer' >= cdFireball cast 'fireball' settimer 'fireballTimer' 0 elseif castLightning = 1 and timer 'lightningTimer' >= cdLightning cast 'lightning' settimer 'lightningTimer' 0 elseif castHarm = 1 and timer 'harmTimer' >= cdHarm cast 'harm' settimer 'harmTimer' 0 else cast 'energy bolt' endif wft 200 // Check if pvpMode and lasttarget is hostile? Then target again? @setvar! myKillTarget lasttarget // hotkey "Play Script: Loop"