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Mod: Ultimate Lumberjacking Script by Jaseowns V1.0.1 by daklue

2# Ultimate Lumberjacking Script by Jaseowns V1.0.1 
3# Modified By Daklue for Kernelfault
4# UO Outlands
5# Requirements: 
6#   organizer 1 as lumber and wood planks
7#   setup weight checks (default diff weight 30)
9# For Recall with magery = 0 
10# For Hiding = 1
11# For Recall with runebook but use scroll in book = 2
12# For Recall with scroll in backpack on to a rune in backpack = 3
14@setvar! redsnearby 2
16if not varexist jase_lumber_runebook
17    overhead "Select your escape runebook" 88
18    setvar jase_lumber_runebook
21if redsnearby = 3 and not varexist jase_rune
22	overhead "Select your escape rune" 88
23	setvar jase_rune
26if not listexists "jase_lumber_actions"
27    createlist "jase_lumber_actions"
30if inlist "jase_lumber_actions" "red_alert"
31    overhead "Red Alert!" 34
32    if redsnearby = 0 and skill "Magery" >= 40 
33        overhead 'Recalling...'
34        while not targetexists
35            cast "Recall"
36            wft 500
37        endwhile
38        target jase_lumber_runebook
39    elseif redsnearby = 1 and skill "Hiding" >= 40
40        useskill "Hiding"
41	elseif redsnearby = 2
42		overhead 'Recalling with scrolls in runebook...'
43		while not targetexists
44			dclick jase_lumber_runebook
45			waitforgump 1551740969
46			gumpresponse 2
47			wft 500
48		endwhile
49	elseif redsnearby = 3
50		overhead 'Recalling with a scrolls in backpack on a rune...'
51		while not targetexists
52            dclick "Recall"
53            wft 500
54        endwhile
55        target jase_rune
56    endif
57    poplist "jase_lumber_actions" "red_alert"
58    overhead "Stopping script..." 34
59    stop
60    # replay
65if diffweight <= 30
66    organizer 1
67    while queued
68        overhead 'Moving items...'
69        wait 500
70    endwhile
71    if diffweight <= 30
72        overhead "Too heavy still.. check organizer agent 1" 34
73        replay
74    endif
77if lhandempty ?? 0 
78    if findtype "hatchet" backpack
79        dclicktype 'hatchet' backpack
80        wait 200
81    endif
84if lhandempty ?? 0 
85    overhead "No more hatchets!" 34
86    replay
89wait 500
90overhead 'Lumberjacking' 0
91hotkey 'Use item in hand'
92wft 1000
93hotkey 'Target Self'
94for 75
95    wait 100
96    if insysmsg 'world is saving'
97        for 30
98            overhead 'Waiting for world save...'
99            wait 1000
100            if insysmsg 'save complete'
101                overhead 'Save complete - continue on!' 88
102                clearsysmsg 
103                wait 250
104                replay
105            elseif insysmsg "now tracking"
106                pushlist "jase_lumber_actions" "red_alert"
107                clearsysmsg 
108                wait 250
109                replay
110            endif
111        endfor
112    elseif insysmsg "now tracking"
113        pushlist "jase_lumber_actions" "red_alert"
114        replay
115    elseif lhandempty ?? 0 
116        overhead "Broke axe" 34
117        replay
118    elseif insysmsg 'You do not see any' or insysmsg 'You cannot produce any wood'
119        overhead 'Move to next spot' 88
120        wait 250
121        replay
122    elseif insysmsg "travel"
123        overhead 'Waiting for travel...'
124        wait 1000
125        replay
126    else
127        if insysmsg "any harvestable" or insysmsg "jase_lumber_actions"
128            // No Ore
129            overhead 'Move to next spot' 88
130            replay
131        elseif insysmsg "skillgain" or insysmsg "harvesting is not allowed"
132            // Gained skill
133            replay
134        elseif insysmsg "world is saving" or insysmsg 'World save complete'
135            // World Save
136            replay
137        elseif insysmsg "You hack"
138            // Failed
139            replay
140        elseif insysmsg "You chop"
141            // Success
142            replay
143        elseif insysmsg "You must wait"
144            // Wait message
145            overhead 'You must wait..' 34
146            wait 500
147            replay
148        endif
149    endif
152if insysmsg "You must wait"
153    // Wait message
154    overhead 'You must wait..' 34
155    wait 500
156    replay
159overhead 'Captcha break!' 34
160for 20
161    overhead 'Awaiting Captcha...' 34
162    wait 1000
163    if insysmsg 'Captcha successful'
164        overhead 'Success - continue on!' 88
165        wait 1000
166        replay
167    endif
169overhead 'Stopping script' 34