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Search a container or bag for trapped pouches with items inside by Jaseowns

1# Search a container or bag for trapped pouches with items inside by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
4# Requirements:
5# If an item exists in a pouch, 
6# we drop that pouch at the top left 
7# of your base backpack
8# You can remove line 22-24 if you dont want to move the pouch
10# This only works for bags on ground or your bag.. 
11# NOT other players backpacks or corpses
13@setvar! checkThisBagOnly
14@setvar! foundOne 0
15@setvar! foundRegular 0
18while findtype "pouch" checkThisBagOnly 0 as item
19    getlabel item desc
20    if "(0 items," in desc
21            // nothing
22    else
23        @setvar! foundRegular 1
24        overhead "Regular: {{desc}}" 88
25        lift item
26        drop backpack 100 100 0
27        wait 650
28        dclick item
29        wait 650
30    endif
31    @ignore item
33while findtype "pouch" checkThisBagOnly 38 as item
34    getlabel item desc
35    if "(0 items," in desc
36            // nothing
37    else
38        @setvar! foundOne 1
39        overhead "Trapped: {{desc}}" 88
40        lift item
41        drop backpack 0 0 0
42        wait 650
43    endif
44    @ignore item
46if foundRegular = 1 and foundOne = 1
47    overhead "All done - GOT REGULAR AND TRAPPED!" 88
48elseif foundOne = 1
49    overhead "All done - GOT TRAPPED!" 88
50elseif foundRegular = 1
51    overhead "All done - GOT REGULAR!" 88
53    overhead "All done - none found" 88