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Item names and serials (including wildlands expansion) by nev0r
Related: Snippet item id serial hue getlabel
1// Compendium of item names and serials from UO Outlands (format: getlabel-text "item name" item-id)
2// This is not an executable script.
4#Alchemy Potions, bottles, keg - all serials: 3846|3847|3848|3849|3850|3851|3852|3853|3854|6464
6 #a potion keg "keg" 6464
7 #empty Bottles "empty bottle%s%" 3854
8 #Greater Heal potion "Yellow Potion" 3852 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 253)
9 #Greater Cure potion "Orange Potion" 3847 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 44)
10 #Greater Strength potion "White Potion" 3849 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 956)
11 #Greater Agility potion "Blue Potion" 3848 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 93)
12 #Greater Magic Resist potion "Black Potion" 3846 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 1109)
13 #Greater Explosion potion "Purple Potion" 3853 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 419)
14 #greater poison potion, deadly poison potion, lethal poison potion "Green Potion" 3850 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 363)
15 #Total Refresh potion "Red Potion" 3851 (Potion hue 0, keg hue 37)
18#Armor - all serials: 5056|5059|5060|5061|5063|5070|5074|5075|5076|5078|5085|5089|5090|5101|5103|5105|5106|5129|5131|5132|5135|5138|5139|5142|5143|5144|5146|5201|5203|5204|5205|5207|7169|7170|7173|7175|7177|7179|7181|7610|7947|31003|31004|31005|31006|31007|31008|31009|31010|31011|31012|31015|31191
20 #Leather - all serials: 5061|5063|5070|5074|5075|7169|7175|7177|7179|7610|31191
21 #female leather chest "leather armor" 7175
22 #leather arms "leather sleeves" 5061
23 #leather chest "leather tunic" 5075
24 #leather gloves "leather Gloves" 5070
25 #leather gorget "leather gorget" 5063
26 #leather cap "leather cap" 7610
27 #leather bustier "leather bustier" 7179
28 #leather leggings "leather leggings" 5074
29 #leather shorts "leather shorts" 7169
30 #leather skirt "leather skirt" 7177
31 #leather jerkin "leather jerkin" 31191
33 #Bone Armor - all serials: 5078|5201|5203|5204|5205|5207|7177|31003|31004
34 #bone arms "bone arms" 5203
35 #bone chest "bone armor" 5204
36 #bone gloves "bone gloves" 5205
37 #bone gorget "studded gorget" 5078 (pre expansion)
38 #bone gorget "bone gorget" 31003
39 #bone helm "bone helmet" 5201
40 #bone legs "bone legs" 5207
41 #bone skirt "leather skirt" 7177 (pre expansion)
42 #bone skirt "bone skirt" 31004
44 #Studded Armor - all serials: 5076|5078|5085|5089|5090|7170|7177|7181|7610|31011|31012
45 #female studded chest "studded armor" 7170
46 #studded arms "studded sleeves" 5076
47 #studded gloves "studded gloves" 5085
48 #studded gorget "studded gorget" 5078
49 #studded cap "leather cap" 7610 (pre expansion)
50 #studded cap "studded cap" 31011
51 #studded leggings "studded leggings" 5089
52 #studded chest "studded tunic" 5090
53 #studded skirt "leather skirt" 7177 (pre expansion)
54 #studded skirt "studded skirt" 31012
55 #studded bustier "studded bustier" 7181
57 #Ringmail - all serials: 5078|5101|5103|5105|5106|5131|7177|7947|31009|31010
58 #orc helm "orc helm" 7947
59 #ringmail arms "ringmail sleeves" 5103
60 #ringmail chest "ringmail tunic" 5101
61 #ringmail gloves "ringmail gloves" 5106
62 #ringmail gorget "studded gorget" 5078 (pre expansion)
63 #ringmail gorget "ringmail gorget" 31009
64 #ringmail helm "helmet" 5131
65 #ringmail leggings "ringmail leggings" 5105
66 #ringmail skirt "leather skirt" 7177 (pre expansion)
67 #ringmail skirt "ringmail skirt" 31010
69 #Chainmail - all serials: 5056|5059|5060|5063|5103|5106|7177|31005|31006|31007|31015
70 #chainmail arms "ringmail sleeves" 5103 (pre expansion)
71 #chainmail arms "chain arms" 31005
72 #chainmail chest "chainmail tunic" 5060
73 #chainmail gloves "ringmail gloves" 5106 (pre expansion)
74 #chainmail gloves "chain gloves" 31015
75 #chainmail gorget "leather gorget" 5063 (pre expansion)
76 #chainmail gorget "chain gorget" 31006
77 #chainmail coif "chainmail coif" 5056
78 #chainmail leggings "chainmail leggings" 5059
79 #chainmail skirt "leather skirt" 7177 (pre expansion)
80 #chainmail skirt "chain skirt" 31007
82 #Platemail - all serials: 5129|5132|5135|5138|5139|5142|5143|5144|5146|7173|7177|31008
83 #platemail arms "platemail arms" 5143
84 #bascinet "norse helm" 5132
85 #close helm "close helm" 5129
86 #female platemail chest "plate armor" 7173
87 #platemail gloves "platemail gloves" 5144
88 #platemail gorget "platemail gorget" 5139
89 #platemail helm "plate helm" 5138
90 #platemail leggings "platemail legs" 5146
91 #platemail chest "platemail" 5142
92 #norse helm "bascinet" 5135
93 #platemail skirt "leather skirt" 7177 (pre expansion)
94 #platemail skirt "plate skirt" 31008
97#Books and Tomes - all serials: 3834|6238|8786|8787|8901|11881|11882|11883|11884|11885|11886|11887|11888|11889|11890|11891|11893|11895|29103|29104|29105|41471|42516|45340|45823
99 #a checkbook [blessed] "checkbook" 45823
100 #book of chivalry [blessed] "paladin spellbook" 8786
101 #book of grudges [blessed] "book" 45340 (hue 2261)
102 #book of grifts [blessed] "book" 45340 (hue 2207)
103 #book of necromancy [blessed] "necromancer book" 8787
104 #Codex - all serials 11884|11885|11886|11887|11888|11889|11890|11891|11893|11895
105 #a blessed arcane codex "arcane codex" 11893
106 #bard codex "bard codex" 11884
107 #codex of archery "archery codex" 11886
108 #codex of fencing "fencing codex" 11887
109 #codex of macing "macing codex" 11888
110 #codex of parrying "shield codex" 11889
111 #codex of swords "sword codex" 11890
112 #codex of wrestling "wrestling codex" 11891
113 #thieves codex "thief codex" 11885
114 #time dungeon codex "Time codex" 11895
115 #lore book "book" 29105
116 #poison kit "full vials" 6238
117 #research guide "book" 42516
118 #runebook "runebook" 8901 (rotated: 48985|48986|48987|48988|48989|48990|48991|48992|48993|48994)
119 #rune tome "runetome" 29103 (rotated: 48995|48996|48997|48998|48999|49000|49001|49002)
120 #spellbook "spellbook" 3834 (Hue of unaspected standard book: 0)
121 #Storage tomes "book" 29104
122 #an aspect item tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2618)
123 #a fishing map tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2722)
124 #a treasure map tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2990)
125 #a collectable card tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2141)
126 #a spell scroll tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2227)
127 #a lore page tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2910)
128 #a ship upgrade tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2877)
129 #an ore map tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2796)
130 #a lumber map tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2799)
131 #a skill mastery tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2963)
132 #a rare cloth tome "book" 29104 (hue: 1495)
133 #a dyes tome "book" 29104 (hue: 1494)
134 #a skinning map tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2651)
135 #a mastery chain link tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2091)
136 #an arcane rune tome "book" 29104 (hue: 2085)
137 #summoner's tome ' "summoners tome" 11882
138 #taming bestiary "taming bestiary" 11881
139 #tome of heroism "book" 41471
140 #wizard's grimoire ' "wizards grimoire" 11883
143#Brewing - all serials: 50675|51078|51109|51111
145 #brewing cask "brewing barrel" 51111|51112
146 #brewing kettle "brewing kettle" 51109|51110
147 #brewing seeds "bag of seeds" 51078
148 #barley seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 2418)
149 #hops seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 2208)
150 #melloweed seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 0)
151 #cleansing brew "bottle" 50675
154#Commodity - all serials: 19226|19227|19228|19229|19232|19233|19234|19235|19236|19237|19239|19243|19244|19245|19246|19247|19248|19249|19250|19251|19252|19253|19254|19255|29382
156 #Boards commodity - all serials: 19227|19239
157 #board commodity "crate" 19239
158 #commodity "crate" 19227 (dullwood to avarwood, for hue info see material type)
160 #Leather commodity - all serials: 19234|19235
161 #leather commodity "crate" 19234
162 #commodity "crate" 19235 (dullhide to avarhide, for hue info see material type)
164 #Ingot commodity - all serials: 19236|19237
165 #iron ingot commodity "crate" 19236
166 #ingot commodity "crate" 19237 (dull copper to avarite, for hue info see material type)
168 #Regs commodity - all serials: 19246|19247|19248|19249|19250|19251|19252|19253
169 #black pearl commodity "crate" 19247
170 #bloodmoss commodity "crate" 19246
171 #garlic commodity "crate" 19248
172 #ginseng commodity "crate" 19249
173 #mandrake root commodity "crate" 19250
174 #nightshade commodity "crate" 19251
175 #sulfurous ash commodity "crate" 19252
176 #spiders silk commodity "crate" 19253
178 #Other commodity - all serials: 19226|19228|19229|19232|19233|19243|19244|19245|19254|19255|29382
179 #arrow commodity "crate" 19228
180 #bandage commodity "crate" 19229
181 #blank scroll commodity "crate" 19254
182 #bolt commodity "crate" 29382
183 #bottle commodity "crate" 19232
184 #cannon shot commodity "crate" 19226
185 #feather commodity "crate" 19233
186 #raw drumstick commodity "crate" 19244
187 #raw fish steak commodity "crate" 19243
188 #raw ribs commodity "crate" 19245
189 #shaft commodity "crate" 19255
192#Containers (a lot of them have two serials, depending on their rotation) - all serials: 2472|2473|2474|2475|2637|2639|2641|2643|2717|3644|3645|3646|3647|3648|3649|3650|3651|3701|3702|3705|3708|3709|3710|3712|4263|4266|11468|11473|11761|12215|18282|18283|24246|29077|29078|29086|29087|29832|29833|30765|41449|41450|41451|41452|41453|41454|41455|41456|41464
194 #a magic item vault "magic item chest" 11468|11473
195 #a prevalia trunk "rares chest" 4263|4266
196 #a storage locker "nightstand" 41464
197 #a storage shelf "storage shelf" 18282|18283
198 #adventurer's satchel ' "book bind" 24246
199 #armoire "armoire" 2637|2641
200 #armoire "armoire" 2639|2643
201 #backpack "backpack" 3701
202 #bag "bag" 3702
203 #distribution chest "ph chest" 41455|41456 (hue 2867)
204 #magic item recycler "ornate elven chest" 11761
205 #potion satchel "alchemists satchel" 31262
206 #pouch "pouch" 3705 (Hue 0)
207 #quiver "quiver" 12215
208 #trapped pouch "pouch" 3705 (Hue 38)
209 #wizard's satchel ' "reagent satchel" 30765
210 #wooden shelf "wooden shelf" 2717
212 #Tinker trapable boxes - all serials: 2472|2473|2474|2475|3644|3645|3646|3647|3648|3649|3650|3651|3708|3709|3710|3712|29077|29078|29086|29087|29832|29833|41449|41450|41451|41452|41453|41454|41455|41456
213 #small crate "small crate" 2473|3710 (weight 2)
214 #Bronze Metal Chest (Dyeable) "ph chest" 41451|41452 (weight 1)
215 #crate "crate" 3646|3647 (medium size, weight 2)
216 #crate "crate" 3644|3645 (large size, weight 1)
217 #Gold Metal Chest (Dyeable) "ph chest" 41449|41450 (weight 1)
218 #greater paragon chest "chest" 29832|29833
219 #lesser paragon chest "strong box" 3712 | "metal box" 2472
220 #metal treasure map chest "metal chest" 29077|29078
221 #paragon chest "metal chest" 2475|3648|3649|3708 | "wooden chest" 3650|3651
222 #Silver Metal Chest (Dyeable) "ph chest" 41453|41454 (weight 1)
223 #wooden box "wooden box" 2474|3709 (weight 2)
224 #wooden chest "wooden chest" 3650|3651 (weight 2)
225 #Wooden Chest (Dyeable) "ph chest" 41455|41456 (hue 0, weight 2)
226 #wooden treasure map chest "wooden chest" 29086|29087
229#Crafting tools - all serials of items storable in shelf (marked as standard if more than one per category): 2431|3739|3997|4027|4028|4031|4032|4148|4149|7864|7865
231 #Alchemy - all serials: 3739
232 #mortar and pestle "mortar and pestle" 3739
233 #Blacksmithing - all serials: 4020|4021|4027|4028|5091|5092
234 #smith's hammer ' "smith's hammer" ' 5091|5092
235 #tongs "tongs" 4027|4028 (standard)
236 #sledgehammer "sledge hammer" 4020|4021
237 #Cooking - all serials: 2431|4163
238 #rolling pin "rolling pin" 4163
239 #skillet "frypan" 2431 (standard)
240 #Carpentry - all serials: 4136|4137|4138|4144|4145|4148|4149|4324|4325|4326|4327
241 #dovetail saw "dovetail saw" 4136|4137
242 #drawing knife "draw knife" 4324
243 #froe "froe" 4325
244 #hammer "hammer" 4138
245 #inshave "inshave" 4326
246 #jointing plane "jointing plane" 4144|4145
247 #saw "saw" 4148|4149 (standard)
248 #scorp "scorp" 4327
249 #Cartography - all serials: 4031|4032
250 #mapmaker's pen ' "pen and ink" 4031|4032 (standard rotation 4031, hue 2575)
251 #Inscription - all serials: 4031|4032
252 #scribe's pen ' "pen and ink" 4031|4032 (standard rotation 4032, hue 0)
253 #Tailoring - all serials: 3997
254 #sewing kit "sewing kit" 3997
255 #Tinkering - all serials: 7864|7865
256 #tinker's tools ' "tool kit" 7864|7865
259#Currency - all serials: 2539|3821|3891|5360|16898
261 #doubloons "muffins" 2539 (pre expansion)
262 #doubloons "doubloon" 3891
263 #gold coin "gold coin" 3821
264 #prevalia coins "prevalia coin" 16898
265 #check "deed" 5360 (Hue: Gold coin 2125, Prev. Coin 2929, Doubloons 2414)
268#Delectable food - all serials 28879|28880|28881|28883|28885|28886|28888|29773|29774
270 #bacon feast "tray" 29774
271 #crab feast "tray" 28883
272 #fish feast "tray" 28885
273 #ham feast "tray" 28880
274 #lobster feast "tray" 28879
275 #meat shank feast "tray" 28888
276 #poultry feast "tray" 28886
277 #sausage feast "tray" 29773
278 #steak feast "tray" 28881
281#Ground items
283 #a trash barrel "barrel" 3703
284 #anvil "anvil" 4015|4016
285 #barred metal door "barred metal door" 8173|8175|8181|8183 (closed) | 8174|8176|8182|8184 (open)
286 #campfire "campfire" 3555
287 #fishing frenzy "koi" 42403
288 #flour mill "flour mill" 6432|6434|6444|6446 | crank "crank" 6436|6448
289 #forge "forge" 4017|6526|6538|6550|6562 (corner tiles of large forges: bellows "bellows" 6522|6534|6546|6558 )
290 #guildstone "gravestone" 3796
291 #metal door "metal door" 1653|1655|1661|1663 (closed) | 1654|1656|1662|1664 (open)
292 #Moongates - all serials: 3948|30528
293 #crimson moongate "blue moongate" 3948 (hue 2820)
294 #golden moongate "blue moongate" 3948 (hue 2822)
295 #moongate "blue moongate" 3948 (hue 0)
296 #moongate (leads to town moongates) "blue moongate" 3948 (hue 2821)
297 #sacred journey moongate "moongate" 30528 (hue 2091)
298 #Outlands map table (no getlabel info) "Outlands map table" 19189
299 #oven "oven" 2347|2348|2352|2353
300 #pickpocket dip "pickpocket dip" 7872|7875
301 #Red dot while fishing (no getlabel info) "dragon flame badge" 574
302 #scarecrow "scarecrow" 7732
303 #spinning wheel "spinning wheel" 4117|4121
304 #training dummy "training dummy" 4208|4212
305 #upright loom "upright loom" 4191|4192|4193|4194
306 #wooden door "wooden door" 1749|1751|1757|1759|1773|1775|1765|1767 (closed) | 1750|1752|1758|1760|1766|1768|1774|1776 (open)
309#Ground runes/Floor runes - all serials: 39889|39891|39892|39896|39897|39898|39905|39909|39911|39912|39916|39917|39918
311 #aggression rune "rune" 39892
312 #chemistry rune "rune" 39917
313 #empowerment rune "rune" 39891
314 #essence rune "rune" 39909
315 #focus rune "rune" 39912
316 #fortification rune "rune" 39918
317 #fury rune "rune" 39897
318 #healing rune "rune" 39896
319 #immunity rune "rune" 39898
320 #poison warding rune "rune" 39905
321 #spellshielding rune "rune" 39916
322 #toxicity rune "rune" 39911
323 #whirlwind rune "rune" 39889
326#Harvesting tools - all serials: 3520|3907|3908|3717|3718|11552|11564
328 #fishing pole "fishing pole" 3520
329 #hatchet "hatchet" 3907|3908
330 #pickaxe "pickaxe" 3717|3718
331 #skinning knife "Elven Spellblade" 11552|11564
334#Harvesting items - all serials: 2422|2426|2489|2496|2508|2515|2545|4225|5639|5641|6585|7121|7127|7133|7154|7708|7710|7711|17617|17619
336 #board "board%s" 7127
337 #iron ingot "iron ingot%s" 7154
338 #leather "cut up leather" 4225
339 #log "log%s" 7133
340 #ore "iron ore" 6585
342 #feather "feather%s" 7121
343 #raw bacon "slab%s% of bacon" 2422
344 #raw bird "raw bird%s%" 2489
345 #raw crab "Crab SOUTH" 17617
346 #raw drumstick "raw chicken leg%s%" 5639
347 #raw fish "cooked fish" 7710
348 #raw fish fillet "cooked fish" 7708 (hue 0)
349 #raw fish steak "raw fish steak%s%" 2426
350 #raw ham "ham%s%" 2515
351 #raw large fish "fish" 2508
352 #raw lobster "Lobster SOUTH" 17619
353 #raw meat shank "raw leg%s% of lamb" 5641
354 #raw ribs "cut%s% of raw ribs" 2545
355 #raw sausage "sausage%s%" 2496
356 #raw steaks "sliced ham" 7711
360 #Aspect
361 #Air 2263
362 #Arcane 1560
363 #Artisan 2096
364 #Blood 2087
365 #Command 1782
366 #Death 2155
367 #Discipline 2490
368 #Earth 2767
369 #Eldritch 2615
370 #Fire 2635
371 #Fortune 2843
372 #Frost 2234
373 #Gadget 2669
374 #Harvest 2086
375 #Holy 2153
376 #Lightning 2650
377 #Lyric 2241
378 #Madness 1060
379 #Poison 2897
380 #Shadow 1790
381 #Void 2599
382 #Water 1788
383 #War 2503
384 #Material types
385 #Leather/Board and log/Iron 0
386 #Dullhide/Dullwood/Dull Copper 2419
387 #Shadowhide/Shadowwood/Shadow Iron 2406
388 #Copperhide/Copperwood/Copper 2413
389 #Bronzehide/Bronzewood/Bronze 2418
390 #Goldenhide/Goldenwood/Gold 2213
391 #Rosehide/Rosewood/Agapite 2425
392 #Verehide/Verewood/Verite 2207
393 #Valehide/Valewood/Valorite 2219
394 #Avarhide/Avarwood/Avarite 1763
395 #Potion kegs see alchemy
398//Jewelry (for hues see Jewels) - all serials: 4230|4231|4232|4233|4234
400 #beads "necklace" 4233
401 #necklace "necklace" 4232
402 #ring "ring" 4234
403 #earrings "earrings" 4231
404 #signet ring "bracelet" 4230
407//Jewels - all serials: 3856|3859|3861|3862|3865|3873|3877|3878|3885
409 #citrine "citrine%s%" 3861 (hue 0)
410 #tourmaline "tourmaline%s%" 3885 (hue 2001)
411 #amber "piece%s% of amber" 3877 (hue 2438)
412 #amethyst "amethyst%s%" 3862 (hue 2643)
413 #ruby "rub%ies/y%" 3859 (hue 2080)
414 #sapphire "sapphire%s%" 3865 (hue 96)
415 #emerald "emerald%s%" 3856 (hue 2185)
416 #star sapphire "star sapphire%s%" 3873 (hue 2880)
417 #diamond "diamond%s%" 3878 (hue 2901)
420#Magery spells and spell scrolls - all scroll serials: 7981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988|7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996|7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004|8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012|8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020|8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028|8029|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036|8037|8038|8039|8041|8042|8043|8044
422 #1st Circle - all scroll serials: 7981|7982|7983|7984|7985|7986|7987|7988
423 #1 hotkey "Clumsy" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3963|3976 (Bloodmoss, Nightshade) | clumsy scroll "Clumsy Scroll" 7982
424 #2 hotkey "Create Food" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3974 (Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root) | create food scroll "Create Food Scroll" 7983
425 #3 hotkey "Feeblemind" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3976|3973 (Nightshade, Ginseng) | feeblemind scroll "Feeblemind Scroll" 7984
426 #4 hotkey "Heal" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3981 (Garlic, Ginseng, Spiders Silk) | heal scroll "Heal Scroll" 7985
427 #5 hotkey "Magic Arrow" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3980 (Sulfurous Ash) | magic arrow scroll "Magic Arrow Scroll" 7986
428 #6 hotkey "Night Sight" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3981|3980 (Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | night sight scroll "Night Sight Scroll" 7987
429 #7 hotkey "Reactive Armor" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3981|3980 (Garlic, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | reactive armor scroll "Reactive Armor Scr" 7981
430 #8 hotkey "Weaken" | Magery req. 0/30 - Mana Cost 4 - Casttime 0.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3976 (Garlic, Nightshade) | weaken scroll "Weaken Scroll" 7988
432 #2nd Circle - all scroll serials: 7989|7990|7991|7992|7993|7994|7995|7996
433 #9 hotkey "Agility" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3963|3974 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | agility scroll "Agility Scroll" 7989
434 #10 hotkey "Cunning" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3976|3974 (Nightshade, Mandrake Root) | cunning scroll "Cunning Scroll" 7990
435 #11 hotkey "Cure" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3972|3973 (Garlic, Ginseng) | cure scroll "Cure Scroll" 7991
436 #12 hotkey "Harm" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3976|3981 (Nightshade, Spiders Silk) | harm scroll "Harm Scroll" 7992
437 #13 hotkey "Magic Trap" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3972|3981|3980 (Garlic, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | magic trap scroll "Magic Trap Scroll" 7993
438 #14 hotkey "Magic Untrap" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3963|3980 (Bloodmoss, Sulfurous Ash) | remove trap scroll "Magic Untrap Scrol" 7994
439 #15 hotkey "Protection" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3980 (Garlic, Ginseng, Sulfurous Ash) | protection scroll "Protection Scroll" 7995
440 #16 hotkey "Strength" | Magery req. 20/40 - Mana Cost 6 - Casttime 0.75 sec - Regs: 3974|3976 (Mandrake Root, Nightshade) | strength scroll "Strength Scroll" 7996
442 #3rd Circle - all scroll serials: 7997|7998|7999|8000|8001|8002|8003|8004
443 #17 hotkey "Bless" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3972|3974 (Garlic, Mandrake Root) | bless scroll "Bless Scroll" 7997
444 #18 hotkey "Fireball" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3962 (Black Pearl) | fireball scroll "Fireball Scroll" 7998
445 #19 hotkey "Magic Lock" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3972|3980 (Bloodmoss, Garlic, Sulfurous Ash) | magic lock scroll "Magic Lock Scroll" 7999
446 #20 hotkey "Poison" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3976 (Nightshade) | poison scroll "Poison Scroll" 8000
447 #21 hotkey "Telekinesis" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | telekinisis scroll "Telekinisis Scroll" 8001
448 #22 hotkey "Teleport" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | teleport scroll "Teleport Scroll" 8002
449 #23 hotkey "Unlock" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3980 (Bloodmoss, Sulfurous Ash) | unlock scroll "Unlock Scroll" 8003
450 #24 hotkey "Wall of Stone" | Magery req. 30/50 - Mana Cost 9 - Casttime 1.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3972 (Bloodmoss, Garlic) | wall of stone scroll "Wall of Stone Scro" 8004
452 #4th Circle - all scroll serials: 8005|8006|8007|8008|8009|8010|8011|8012
453 #25 hotkey "Arch Cure" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3974 (Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root) | arch cure scroll "Archcure Scroll" 8005
454 #26 hotkey "Arch Protection" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3974|3980 (Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | arch protection scroll "Arch Protection Sc" 8006
455 #27 hotkey "Curse" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3972|3976|3980 (Garlic, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash) | curse scroll "Curse Scroll" 8007
456 #28 hotkey "Fire Field" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3962|3981|3980 (Black Pearl, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | fire field scroll "Fire Field Scrol" 8008
457 #29 hotkey "Greater Heal" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3972|3973|3974|3981 (Garlic, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | greater heal scroll "Greater Heal Scrol" 8009
458 #30 hotkey "Lightning" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3974|3980 (Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | lightning scroll "Lightning Scroll" 8010
459 #31 hotkey "Mana Drain" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 1.25 sec - Regs: 3962|3974|3981 (Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | mana drain scroll "ManaDrain Scroll" 8011
460 #32 hotkey "Recall" | Magery req. 40/60 - Mana Cost 11 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3963|3974 (Black Pearl, Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | recall scroll "Recall" 8012
462 #5th Circle - all scroll serials: 8013|8014|8015|8016|8017|8018|8019|8020
463 #33 hotkey "Blade Spirits" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3974|3976 (Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade) | blade spirits scroll "Blade Spirits Scro" 8013
464 #34 hotkey "Dispel Field" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3962|3972|3981|3980 (Black Pearl, Garlic, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | dispel field scroll "Dispel Field Scrol" 8014
465 #35 hotkey "Incognito" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3963|3972|3976 (Bloodmoss, Garlic, Nightshade) | incognito scroll "Incognito Scroll" 8015
466 #36 hotkey "Magic Reflection" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3974|3981 (Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | magic reflect scroll "Magic Reflection S" 8016
467 #37 hotkey "Mind Blast" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3962|3974|3976|3980 (Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash) | mind blast scroll "Mind Blast Scroll" 8017
468 #38 hotkey "Paralyze" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3972|3974|3981 (Garlic, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | paralyze scroll "Paralyze Scroll" 8018
469 #39 hotkey "Poison Field" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 1.50 sec - Regs: 3962|3976|3981 (Black Pearl, Nightshade, Spiders Silk) | poison field scroll "Poison Field Scrol" 8019
470 #40 hotkey "Summ. Creature" | Magery req. 50/70 - Mana Cost 14 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | summon creature scroll "Summon Creature Sc" 8020
472 #6th Circle - all scroll serials: 8021|8022|8023|8024|8025|8026|8027|8028
473 #41 hotkey "Dispel" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3972|3974|3980 (Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | dispel scroll "Dispel Scroll" 8021
474 #42 hotkey "Energy Bolt" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3962|3976 (Black Pearl, Nightshade) | energy bolt scroll "Energy Bolt Scroll" 8022
475 #43 hotkey "Explosion" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3963|3974 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | explosion scroll "Explosion Scroll" 8023
476 #44 hotkey "Invisibility" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3963|3976 (Bloodmoss, Nightshade) | invisibility scroll "Invisibility Scrol" 8024
477 #45 hotkey "Mark" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3962|3963|3974 (Black Pearl, Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root) | mark scroll "Mark Scroll" 8025
478 #46 hotkey "Mass Curse" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3972|3974|3976|3980 (Garlic, Mandrake Root, Nightshade, Sulfurous Ash) | mass curse scroll "Mass Curse Scroll" 8026
479 #47 hotkey "Paralyze Field" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3962|3973|3981 (Black Pearl, Ginseng, Spiders Silk) | paralyze field scroll "Paralyze Field Scr" 8027
480 #48 hotkey "Reveal" | Magery req. 60/80 - Mana Cost 20 - Casttime 1.75 sec - Regs: 3963|3980 (Bloodmoss, Sulfurous Ash) | reveal scroll "Reveal Scroll" 8028
482 #7th Circle - all scroll serials: 8029|8031|8032|8033|8034|8035|8036
483 #49 hotkey "Chain Lightning" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3963|3974|3980 (Black Pearl, Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | chain lightning scroll "Chain Lightning Sc" 8029
484 #50 hotkey "Energy Field" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3974|3981|3980 (Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | energy field scroll "Chain Lightning Sc" 8029
485 #51 hotkey "Flamestrike" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3981|3980 (Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | flamestrike scroll "Flamestrike Scroll" 8031
486 #52 hotkey "Gate Travel" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 4.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3974|3980 (Black Pearl, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | gate travel scroll "Gate Travel Scroll" 8032
487 #53 hotkey "Mana Vampire" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3963|3974|3981 (Black Pearl, Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | mana vampire scroll "Mana Vampire Scrol" 8033
488 #54 hotkey "Mass Dispel" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3972|3974|3980 (Black Pearl, Garlic, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | mass dispel scroll "Mass Dispel Scrol" 8034
489 #55 hotkey "Meteor Swarm" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981|3980 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | meteor swarm scroll "Meteor Storm Scrol" 8035
490 #56 hotkey "Polymorph" | Magery req. 70/90 - Mana Cost 40 - Casttime 2.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | polymorph scroll "Polymorph Scroll" 8036
492 #8th Circle - all scroll serials: 8037|8038|8039|8041|8042|8043|8044
493 #57 hotkey "Earthquake" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 3.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3973|3974|3980 (Bloodmoss, Ginseng, Mandrake Root, Sulfurous Ash) | earthquake scroll "Earthquake Scroll" 8037
494 #58 hotkey "Energy Vortex" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3962|3963|3974|3976 (Black Pearl, Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Nightshade) | energy vortex scroll "Energy Vortex Scro" 8038
495 #59 hotkey "Resurrection" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 5.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3973|3972 (Bloodmoss, Ginseng, Garlic) | resurrection scroll "Resurrection Scrol" 8039
496 #60 hotkey "Air Elemental" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | summon air elemental scroll "Summon Earth Eleme" 8042
497 #61 hotkey "Summon Daemon" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981|3980 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | summon daemon scroll "Summon Daemon" 8041
498 #62 hotkey "Earth Elemental" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | summon earth elemental scroll "Summon Earth Eleme" 8042
499 #63 hotkey "Fire Elemental" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981|3980 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk, Sulfurous Ash) | summon fire elemental scroll "Summon Fire Elemen" 8043
500 #64 hotkey "Water Elemental" | Magery req. 80/100 - Mana Cost 50 - Casttime 6.00 sec - Regs: 3963|3974|3981 (Bloodmoss, Mandrake Root, Spiders Silk) | summon water elemental scroll "Summon Water Eleme" 8044
503#Mount breeding - all serials: 29030|20498|20499|20500|25669|25670|25730|25731|29064|29065|40800
505 #a tacking shelf (mount breeding item) "wall display" 25669|25670
506 #feeding trough "feeder trough" 40800
507 #fertility serum - all serials: 20498|20499|20500
508 #fertility serum (mount breeding item) "bottle" 20498
509 #superior fertility serum (mount breeding item) "bottle" 20499
510 #exceptional fertility serum (mount breeding item) "bottle" 20500 (hue 2642)
511 #grooming tools (mount breeding item) "wall shelf" 25730|25731
512 #growth tablets (mount breeding item) "bottle" 29030 (hue 2642)
513 #stables cart (mount breeding item) "cart" 29064|29065
514 #sterilization tablets (mount breeding item) "bottle" 29030 (hue 2915)
516 #Feeding items - all serials: 2452|2485|2512|2513|2514|2544|3164|3173|3174|3178|3181|3184|3186|3188|3191|3195|3199|3350|3386|5919|5923|5928|5930
517 #apple "apple%s%" 2512
518 #banana "banana%s%" 5919
519 #cabbage "head%s% of cabbage" 3195
520 #carrot "carrot%s%" 3191
521 #coconut "coconut%s%" 5923
522 #corn "ear%s% of corn" 3199
523 #eggs "eggs" 2485
524 #figs "gourd%s%" 3173
525 #gourd "gourd%s%" 3174
526 #grapes "grape bunch%es%" 2513
527 #honeydew "honeydew melon%s%" 3188
528 #lemon "lemon%s%" 5928
529 #lettuce "head%s% of lettuce" 3184
530 #lime "lime%s%" 5930
531 #mushroom "mushroom" 3350
532 #onion "onion%s%" 3181
533 #peach "peach%es%" 2514 (hue 0)
534 #pear "pear%s%" 2452
535 #pitcher "milk" 2544
536 #pumpkin "pumpkin%s%" 3178
537 #squash "squash" 3186
538 #Tomato "peach%es%" 2514 (hue 2117)
539 #turnip "turnip" 3386
540 #watermelon "watermelon%s%" 3164
543#Mount tokens - all serials: 8417|8438|8478|8479|8480|8481|8484|8488|8501|8502|8503|9052|43320
545 #desert ostard mount token "desert ostard" 8501
546 #direwolf mount token "statue" 43320
547 #forest ostard mount token "forest ostard" 8503
548 #frenzied ostard mount token "frenzied ostard" 8502
549 #grizzly bear mount token "grizzly bear" 8478
550 #horse mount token "horse" 8479|8480|8481|8484
551 #llama mount token "llama" 8438
552 #polar bear mount token "Polar Bear Frame" 8417
553 #skeletal mount token "skeletal mount token" 8488
554 #tundra ostard mount token "desert ostard" 8501
555 #unicorn mount token "unicorn" 9052
558#Plant items - all serials: 2323|3703|3707|3715|4090|4154|4550|4551|5344|5453|6187|6193|6327|6328|6330|6333|6334|6335|6337|6338|6341|11942|19403|20498|20499|20500|20501|20502|20503|22326|25570|28719|28741|28987|29030|29217|29343|29345|29372|29868|51078|51098|51188|53611|54062|55139|56408|56410|56413|56415|56416|56417|58196|59449
560 #a garden shelf "garden shelf" 51188
561 #brewing seeds "bag of seeds" 51078
562 #barley seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 2418)
563 #hops seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 2208)
564 #melloweed seed "bag of seeds" 51078 (Hue 0)
565 #clay plant bowl - all serials: 4550|4551|6327|6328|6330
566 #tiny clay plant bowl "flower pot" 4550
567 #small clay plant bowl "flower pot" 6327
568 #average clay plant bowl "flower pot" 4551
569 #large clay plant bowl "flower pot" 6328
570 #huge clay plant bowl "flower pot" 6330
571 #defoliant "flask" 6187
572 #eggplant seeds "eggplant seeds" 59449
573 #farmer's alamanac ' "books" 29343
574 #fertilizer - all serials: 4154|19403|29217
575 #basic fertilizer (plant equipment) "open sack of flour" 4154
576 #superior fertilizer (plant equipment) "flour" 19403
577 #exceptional fertilizer (plant equipment) "open sacks of flour" 29217
578 #fungicide "flask" 6193
579 #growth serum - all serials: 20498|20499|20500
580 #growth serum (plant equipment) "bottle" 20498
581 #superior growth serum (plant equipment) "bottle" 20499
582 #exceptional growth serum (plant equipment) "bottle" 20500 (hue 0)
583 #heat filter - all serials: 11942|28719|28741
584 #basic treated heat filter (plant equipment) "grate" 28741
585 #superior treated heat filter (plant equipment) "grate" 11942
586 #exceptional treated heat filter (plant equipment) "grate" 28719
587 #large wooden planter "planter" 6341
588 #plant chemicals "bottle" 29030 (hue 2141)
589 #plant guide "books" 29345
590 #plant restoratives (plant equipment) "crate" 29372
591 #plant seeds "dungeon seed" 51098
592 #aegis keep dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 1779)
593 #cavernam dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2338)
594 #darkmire temple dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2099)
595 #inferno dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 1909)
596 #kraul hive dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2841)
597 #mount petram dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2089)
598 #nusero dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2796)
599 #ocean seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 1183)
600 #ossuary dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2091)
601 #pulma dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2085)
602 #shadowspire cathedral dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2093)
603 #the mausoleum dungeon seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 2092)
604 #wilderness seed "dungeon seed" 51098 (hue 1182)
605 #plant seeds "seed of renewal" 22326
606 #extremely common seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 2401)
607 #very common seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 2882)
608 #common seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 2451)
609 #uncommon seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 63)
610 #rare seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 1266)
611 #very rare seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 2661)
612 #extremely rare seed "seed of renewal" 22326 (hue 2465)
613 #plant soil "dirt patch" 2323
614 #planter's spade ' "spade" 29868
615 #purified water solution - all serials: 20501|20502|20503
616 #basic purified water solution (plant equipment) "bottle" 20501
617 #superior purified water solution (plant equipment) "bottle" 20502
618 #exceptional purified water solution (plant equipment) "bottle" 20503
619 #mushroom spore "mushroom spore" 53611|55139|58196
620 #rustic planter "flower box" 56413|56415
621 #rustic window planter "window planter" 56408|56410
622 #small wooden planter "trough" 28987
623 #steel plant bowl - all serials: 6333|6334|6335|6337|6338
624 #tiny steel plant bowl "flower pot" 6334
625 #small steel plant bowl "flower pot" 6333
626 #average steel plant bowl "flower pot" 6337
627 #large steel plant bowl "flower pot" 6335
628 #huge steel plant bowl "flower pot" 6338
629 #watering equipment (empty | full) - all serials: 3703|3707|3715|4090|5344|5453|25570
630 #a watering can "watering can" 25570
631 #a painted watering can "watering can" 56416|56417
632 #water barrel "barrel" 3703 | water barrel "water barrel" 5453
633 #water bucket "bucket" 5344 | water bucket "bucket of water" 4090
634 #water tub "empty tub" 3715 | water tub "water tub" 3707
635 #watermelon seeds "bag of seeds" 54062
638#Plants - all serials:
640#Regs - all serials: 3962|3963|3972|3973|3974|3976|3980|3981
642 #black pearl "Black Pearl%s%" 3962
643 #bloodmoss "Blood Moss" 3963
644 #garlic "Garlic" 3972
645 #ginseng "Ginseng" 3973
646 #mandrake root "Mandrake Root%s%" 3974
647 #nightshade "Nightshade" 3976
648 #spider's silk ' "Spider's Silk" ' 3981
649 #sulfurous ash "Sulfurous Ash" 3980
652#Ship - all serials: 5188|5189|5370|3530|3699|9917|25758|31169|31172
654 #a large ship bomb "barrel" 5188
655 #a small ship bomb "barrel" 5189
656 #boarding rope "rope" 5370 (Hue 0)
657 #cannon shot "cannon ball" 3699
658 #fishing net "fishing net" 3530 (for hues see Material type hues)
659 #harpoon "bladed staff" 9917 (for hues see Material type hues) (pre expansion)
660 #harpoon "harpoon" 31169
661 #ship repair kit "ship repair kit" 25758
662 #trident "trident" 31172
665#Tailoring/Crafted clothing items - all serials: 5397|5398|5399|5422|5431|5433|5435|5437|5440|5441|5443|5898|5899|5901|5903|5905|5907|5908|5909|5910|5911|5912|5913|5914|5915|5916|7933|7935|7937|7939|8059|8095|8097|8189|21787|21797|21799|21809|21826|21831|21838|21853|21863|21879|21925|21931|21943|21950|22184|22185|22429|30608
667 #Artisan Clothing - all serials: 21787|21797|21799|21809|21826|21831|21838|21853|21863|21879|21925|21931|21943|21950|22184|22185|22429|30608
668 #archer's cap ' "archers cap" 30608
669 #blindfold "headband" 21799
670 #braced collar "braced collar" 22184
671 #cowled hood "hood" 21787
672 #fur skin boots "winter boots" 21809
673 #leather belt "belt" 21879
674 #long overcoat "long coat" 21826
675 #mage's robe ' "male mages robe" 21838
676 #neck guard "neck guard" 22185
677 #nobleman's shirt ' "female pirate blouse" 21853
678 #pleated skirt "flowing skirt" 21950
679 #ruffled cloak "cloak" 21943
680 #ruffled dress "simple fancy dress" 21831
681 #scarf "scarf" 21797
682 #slim trousers "skinny jeans" 21863
683 #tunic with sash "draped tunic" 21931
684 #trilby hat "trilby hat" 21925
685 #waxed leather gauntlets "gloves" 22429
687 #Hats - all serials: 5440|5443|5898|5907|5908|5909|5910|5911|5912|5913|5914|5915|5916
688 #a bandana "bandana" 5440
689 #a bonnet "bonnet" 5913
690 #a cap "cap" 5909
691 #a farmer's hat ' "farmers hat" 5898
692 #a feathered hat "feathered hat" 5914
693 #a jester's hat ' "jester hat" 5916
694 #a skullcap "skullcap" 5443
695 #a straw hat "straw hat" 5911
696 #a tall straw hat "tall straw hat" 5910
697 #a tricorne hat "tricorne hat" 5915
698 #a wide-brim hat "wide-brim hat" 5908
699 #a wizard's hat ' "wizard's hat" ' 5912
700 #floppy hat "floppy hat" 5907
702 #Other Wearables - all serials: 5397|5435|5437|5441|5899|5901|5903|5905
703 #body sash "body sash" 5441
704 #boots "boots" 5899 (standard hue 0)
705 #cloak "cloak" 5397
706 #cloth boots "boots" 5899 (standard hue 0)
707 #cloth sandals "sandals" 5901 (standard hue 0)
708 #cloth shoes "shoes" 5903 (standard hue 0)
709 #cloth thigh boots "thigh boots" 5905 (standard hue 0)
710 #full apron "full apron" 5437
711 #half apron "half apron" 5435
712 #sandals "sandals" 5901 (standard hue 0)
713 #shoes "shoes" 5903 (standard hue 0)
714 #thigh boots "thigh boots" 5905 (standard hue 0)
716 #Pants - all serials: 5422|5431|5433|5398
717 #kilt "kilt" 5431
718 #long pants "long pants" 5433
719 #short pants "short pants" 5422
720 #skirt "skirt" 5398
722 #Shirts - all serials: 5399|7933|7935|7937|7939|8059|8095|8097|8189
723 #doublet "doublet" 8059
724 #fancy dress "fancy dress" 7935
725 #fancy shirt "fancy shirt" 7933
726 #jester suit "jester suit" 8095
727 #plain dress "plain dress" 7937
728 #robe "robe" 7939
729 #shirt "shirt" 5399
730 #surcoat "surcoat" 8189
731 #tunic "tunic" 8097
734#Unique fish types (aquarium & catch of the week) - all serials: 9775|15106|15107|15108|15124|17155|17157|17159|17604|17606|17637|28819|28820|28821|28822|28823|28824|28825|28826|28827|28828|28829|28830|28831|28833|28834|28835|28836|28837|28838|28839|28840|28841|28842|28843|28844|28845|44209|44211|44212|44214|44215|44218|44221|44223|44224|44226|44227|44229|44230|44242|44244|44245|44248|44251|44256|44257|44260|47231|47232|47233|47234|47235|47236|47237|47238|47239|47240|47241|47242|47243|47244|47245|47246|47247|47248|47249|47251|47252|47253|47254|47255|47256|47257|47258|47259|47260|47262|47263|47267|47268|47271|47283|47284|47285
736 #Freshwater Fish - all serials: 9775|15107|17155|17159|17604|17637|28824|28826|28827|28831|28834|28844|44211|44212|44214|44215|44223|44224|44229|44226|44230|44239|44242|44244|44245|44254|44256|44257|47239|47242|47244|47248|47260
737 #a cod "fish" 44211
738 #a crawfish "lobster" 28831
739 #a daggerhorn "fish" 44242
740 #a goldcrown "fish" 44254
741 #a goldfish "fish" 15107
742 #a largemouth bass "fish" 28827
743 #a minnowhead "fish" 47248
744 #a norhtern pike "Barracuda EAST" 17604
745 #a primordial carp "fish" 44230
746 #a river trout "Grouper EAST" 17159
747 #a rock bass "fish" 44239
748 #a sauger "fish" 44257
749 #a smelt "Salmon EAST" 17155
750 #a sunfish "fish" 28844
751 #a walleye "fish" 28824
752 #a waterbug "fish" 47260
754 #Saltwater Fish - all serials: 15106|15108|15124|17157|17606|28819|28820|28821|28822|28823|28825|28826|28828|28829|28830|28833|28835|28836|28837|28838|28839|28840|28841|28842|28843|28845|44209|44218|44221|44227|44248|44251|44260|47231|47232|47233|47234|47235|47236|47237|47238|47240|47241|47243|47245|47246|47247|47249|47251|47252|47253|47254|47255|47256|47257|47258|47259|47262|47263|47267|47268|47271|47283|47284|47285
755 #Courtesy of [Sir.] Dabiri
757 #Anemonefish "fish" 28837
758 #Angelfish "fish" 28839
759 #Arbiterfish "fish" 47247
760 #Argent Roundfin "fish" 47253
761 #Azure Idol "fish" 47231
762 #Barracuda "fish" 44227
763 #Batfish "fish" 28838
764 #Bloodfin "fish" 47243
765 #Blue Chromis "fish" 28836
766 #Bluehead "fish" 47256
767 #Bream "fish" 44248
768 #Bulletfish "fish" 47233
769 #Butterflyfish "fish" 15106
770 #Cardinalfish "fish" 47238
771 #Clownfish "fish" 47234
772 #Colossal Krill "fish" 47259
773 #Colossal Seahorse "seahorse" 28819
774 #Coral Tang "fish" 28835
775 #Cuttlefish "fish" 47268
776 #Damselfish "fish" 28842
777 #Eel "fish" 28830
778 #Electric Eel "fish" 28830
779 #Goby "fish" 47240
780 #Golden Idolfish "fish" 28833
781 #Goliath Lobster "fish" 47258
782 #Greencrest "fish" 47255
783 #Halfmoon Tuna "fish" 44260
784 #Hawkfish "fish" 15108
785 #Hermit Crab "fish" 47263
786 #Jellyfish "fish" 47271
787 #Juvenile Crab "crab" 28822
788 #Juvenile Cuttlefish "octopus" 28828
789 #Juvenile Octopus "fish" 47267
790 #Juvenile Seahorse "seahorse" 28845
791 #Juvenile Swordfish "Marlin EAST" 17157
792 #King Crab "crab" 28821
793 #Lanternfish "fish" 47241
794 #Lionfish "fish" 28840
795 #Manta Ray "fish" 47251
796 #Needlefish "fish" 44221
797 #Nightscale "fish" 47245
798 #Octopus "fish" 44251
799 #Parrotfish "fish" 28843
800 #Pilotfish "fish" 47232
801 #Prismfin "fish" 47246
802 #Puffer "fish" 47249
803 #Red Dart "fish" 47237
804 #Reef-Tender "fish" 47236
805 #Royal Tang "fish" 47283
806 #Royal Basslet "MahiMahi EAST" 17606
807 #Sawfish "swordfish" 28823
808 #Sea Bass "fish" 28826
809 #Sea Spider "fish" 47262
810 #Silvertail "fish" 47257
811 #Speckled Niswa "fish" 47235
812 #Starfish "fish" 47285
813 #Startassle Jelly "fish" 47284
814 #Steelcap "fish" 44209
815 #Stingray "fish" 47252
816 #Swordfish "swordfish" 28820
817 #Thornback Ray "flounder" 28829
818 #Tiger Prawn "NoName" 15124
819 #Treasurefish "fish" 47254
820 #Triggerfish "fish" 28841
821 #Two-Stripe "fish" 44218
822 #White Shark "shark" 28825
825#Valuables, special items, rare items - all serials: 576|2472|2475|2594|2597|2744|2750|2760|2771|2778|2799|3648|3649|3650|3651|3708|3712|3735|3736|3737|3738|3827|3836|3838|3839|3842|3843|3985|4026|4248|5356|5359|5981|8826|12686|15296|15297|17087|17686|19717|22244|22336|23996|23997|24343|24434|29025|29036|29040|29832|29833|43166|43179|43206|48405|48407
827 #a chromatic core "chroma core" 4025
828 #arcane essence "" 12686
829 #arcane scroll "blank scroll%s%" 3827
830 #Aspect Core "aspect core" 3985
831 #Aspect Distillation "flask" 17686
832 #Aspect Extract "bottle" 3836
833 #black market goods "black market goods" 24343
834 #carpet | rug - all serials (standard rotation): 2744|2750|2760|2771|2778|2799|4248|19717|22244|43166|43179|48405|48407
835 #gold carpet tile "carpet" 2778 (rotated: 2779|2780|2781|2782|2783|2784|2785|2786|25786|25787|25788|25794)
836 #red carpet tile "carpet" 2760 (rotated: 2758|2759|2761|2762|2763|2764|2765|2766|2767|2768|25778|25779|25784|25785)
837 #navy carpet tile "carpet" 19717 (rotated: 19708|19709|19710|19711|19712|19713|19714|19715|19716|19719|30236|30237|30238|30239|30240)
838 #blue carpet tile "carpet" 2750 (rotated: 2749|2751|2752|2753|2754|2755|2756|2757|2806|2807|2808|2809|2810|25780|25781|25782|25783)
839 #brown carpet tile "carpet" 22244 (rotated: 22243|22245|22246|22247|22248|22249|22250|22251|22252|25770|25771|25772|25773)
840 #blue and gold carpet tile "carpet" 2771 (rotated: 2769|2770|2772|2773|2774|2775|2776|2777|25774|25775|25776|25777)
841 #blue and tan carpet tile "carpet" 2799 (rotated: 2795|2797|2798|2800|2801|2802|2803|2804|2805|25774|25775|25776|25777)
842 #dyeable carpet tile "carpet" 48407 (rotated: 48357|48358|48359|48360|48361|48362|48363|48364|48365|48366|48367|48368|48381|48382|48383|48384|48389|48391|48393|48395|48397|48398|48399|48400|48405|48406)
843 #dyeable gilded blue carpet tile "carpet" 43179 (rotated: 43161|43174|43175|43176|43177|43178|43180|43181|43182|48709|48710|48711|48712)
844 #dyeable gilded carpet tile "carpet" 48405 (rotated: 48369|48370|48371|48372|48373|48374|48375|48376|48377|48378|48379|48380|48385|48386|48387|48388|48390|48392|48394|48396|48401|48402|48403|48404|48406|48407)
845 #dyeable gilded gold carpet tile "carpet" 43166 (rotated: 43159|43160|43162|43163|43164|43165|43167|43168|43169|43170|43171|43172|43173)
846 #dyeable rug tile "carpet" 4248 (rotated: 4249|4250|4251|4252|4253|4254|4255|4256|4258|4259)
847 #olive rug carpet tile "rug" 2744 (rotated: 2739|2740|2741|2742|2743|2745|2746|2747)
848 #chromatic distillation "chroma distil" 4026
849 #Different dye items - all serials: 3843|3838|3839|3842|15296|15297|29025|29034|29036
850 #accessory dye "bottle" 3843
851 #backpack dye "bottle" 3839
852 #carpet dye "bottle" 29036
853 #facial hair dye "bottle" 3843
854 #furniture dye "bottle" 29025
855 #mastery chain dye "bottle" 29034
856 #hair dye "bottle" 3843
857 #headwear dye "bottle" 3842
858 #mount gear dye "dye bottle" 15296
859 #runebook dye "bottle" 3838
860 #tattoo dye "dye bottle" 15297
861 #immaculate stone "immaculate stone" 23997
862 #lantern "lantern" 2594 (lit) | 2597 (not lit)
863 #map "map" 5356
864 #fishing map "map" 5356 (Hue 2904)
865 #lumber map "map" 5356 (Hue 2799)
866 #ore map "map" 5356 (Hue 2796)
867 #skinning map "map" 5356 (Hue 2651)
868 #treasure Map "map" 5356 (Hue 0)
869 #mastercrafting diagram "Book of Truth" 17087
870 #Mastery Chain - all serials: 3735|3736|3737|3738|29040|43206
871 #mastery chain link "chain link" 43206 (bronze hue: 2750, silver hue: 2875, gold hue: 2091, corrupted hue: 2846)
872 #mastery chain link reforging tool "spool of yarn" 29040 (bronze hue: 2750, silver hue: 2875, gold hue: 2091
873 #a corrupted link reforging tool "spool of yarn" 29040 (corrupted hue: 2846)
874 #an exquisite mastery chain "Mastery Chain" 3737
875 #a gilded mastery chain "Mastery Chain" 3735
876 #a twin loop mastery chain "Mastery Chain" 3738
877 #a fashionable mastery chain "Mastery Chain" 3736
878 #Paragon chests (for details see containers section) - all serials: 2472|2475|3648|3649|3650|3651|3708|3712|29832|29833
879 #phylactery "phylactery" 576 (for hue see aspect hues section)
880 #pristine lumber "pristine lumber " 23996
881 #rare cloth "folded cloth" 5981
882 #research materials "research materials" 24434
883 #skill ball "void orb" 22336
884 #skill scroll "scroll of calling" 8826
885 #spell hue deed "spell hue deed" 5359|11858
886 #survival gear "dig tools" 37181
889#Weapons, Arcane Staffs, Spellbook, Wands, Instruments and Shields - all serials: 3568|3570|3571|3572|3573|3713|3719|3721|3740|3742|3762|3763|3834|3909|3911|3913|3915|3917|3920|3922|3932|3934|3937|3938|5040|5042|5044|5046|5049|5112|5115|5117|5119|5121|5123|5125|5127|5177|5179|5181|5182|5185|5187|7026|7027|7029|7031|7033|7034|7035|7107|7109|10245|20006|20008|20010|20012|20014|20016|22187|30988|30989|30990|30991|30992|30993|30994|30995|30996|30997|30998|30999|31000|31001|31002|31014|31017|31019|31021|31023|31025|31027|31029|31031|31033|31035|31037|31038|31041|31043|31045|31047|31049|31051|31053|31055|31128|31130|31141|31142|31176|31178|31180|31182|31184|31186|31188|31190
891 #Arcane Staffs - all serials: 31017|31019|31021|31023|31025|31027|31029|31031|31033|31035|31037|31038|31041|31043|31045|31047|31049|31051|31053|31055
892 #abyssal staff "abyssal staff" 31053
893 #ancestral staff "ancestral staff" 31033
894 #angelspire staff "angelspire staff" 31025
895 #boneshard staff "boneshard staff" 31043
896 #burial staff "burial staff" 31041
897 #celestial staff "celestial staff" 31017
898 #chaos staff "chaos staff" 31049
899 #darklight staff "darklight staff" 31021
900 #dragonbone staff "dragonbone staff" 31055
901 #druid staff "druid staff" 31027
902 #fiendish staff "fiendish staff" 31051
903 #helix staff "helix staff" 31019
904 #nautilus staff "nautilus staff" 31037
905 #necromancer staff "necromancer staff" 31045
906 #paradox staff "paradox staff" 31035
907 #prismatic staff "prismatic staff" 31038
908 #razorcrest staff "razorcrest staff" 31023
909 #shaman staff "shaman staff" 31031
910 #summoner staff "summoner staff" 31047
911 #vine staff "vine staff" 31029
913 #Archery - all serials: 3920|5042|5117|30990|30993|30994|30995|31184|31186
914 #balestra "balestra" 30993
915 #bow "bow" 5042
916 #crossbow "crossbow" 3920
917 #great bow "long bow" 30990
918 #heavy crossbow "heavy crossbow" 5117
919 #hunting bow "composite bow" 30994
920 #pistol crossbow "stubnose crossbow" 31184
921 #pistol crossbow "tower guard crossbow" 31186
922 #recurve bow "recurve bow" 30995
924 #Fencing - all serials: 3719|3922|3938|5121|5123|5125|30989|30992|30996|30997|30998|31176|31188
925 #assassin's knife ' "assassins dagger" 30996
926 #dagger "dagger" 3922
927 #epee "epee" 30989
928 #fencing sabre "sabre" 30998
929 #hunting knife "tracker knife" 31188
930 #kryss "kryss" 5121
931 #kukri "kukri" 31176
932 #pitchfork "pitchfork" 3719
933 #rapier "rapier" 30997
934 #sarissa "sarissa" 30992
935 #short spear "short spear" 5123
936 #spear "Long Spear" 3938
937 #war fork "war fork" 5125
939 #Instruments - all serials: 3740|3742|3762|3763|10245|20006|20008|20010|20012|20014|20016
940 #bamboo flute "bamboo flute" 10245
941 #drums "drum" 3740
942 #gemshorn "gemshorn" 20006
943 #harp "lap harp" 3762
944 #hurdy-gurdy "hurdy gurdy" 20008
945 #lute "lute" 3763
946 #psaltery "psaltery" 20010
947 #sackbut "sackbut" 20012
948 #shawm "shawm" 20014
949 #tambourine "tambourine" 3742
950 #Vielle "vielle" 20016
952 #Mace Fighting - all serials: 3568|3713|3721|3932|5040|5044|5112|5127|5177|5179|5181|30991|30999|31000|31001|31014|31178|31180|31182
953 #black staff "black staff" 3568
954 #club "club" 5044
955 #cudgel "cudgel" 31014
956 #flail "flail" 30999
957 #flanged mace "flanged mace" 30991
958 #giant club "giant club" 31178
959 #giant spiked mace "giant spiked club" 31182
960 #gnarled staff "gnarled staff" 5112
961 #great mace "great mace" 31180
962 #great sledge "sledgehammer" 31001
963 #hammer pick "hammer pick" 5181
964 #mace "mace" 3932
965 #maul "maul" 5179
966 #quarter staff "quarter staff" 3721
967 #shepherd's crook ' "shepherd's crook"" 3713
968 #skull club "skull club" 31000
969 #war axe "war axe" 5040
970 #war hammer "war hammer" 5177
971 #war mace "war mace" 5127
973 #Magery - all serials: 3570|3571|3572|3573|3834
974 #spellbook "spellbook" 3834
975 #beware: standard spellbook has same serial and id as magic or material spellbooks, standard book hue 0
976 #wand "wand" 3570|3571|3572|3573
978 #Shields - all serials: 7026|7027|7029|7031|7033|7034|7035|7107|7109|31002|31130
979 #bone shield "bone shield" 31130
980 #bronze shield "bronze shield" 7026
981 #buckler "buckler " 7027
982 #chaos shield "Chaos shield" 7107
983 #heater shield "heater shield" 7031
984 #metal kite shield "kite shield" 7029
985 #metal shield "metal shield" 7035
986 #order shield "Order shield" 7109
987 #parry dagger "parrying gauche" 31002
988 #wooden kite shield "kite shield" 7033
989 #wooden shield "wooden shield" 7034
991 #Swordsmanship - all serials: 3909|3911|3913|3915|3917|3934|3937|5046|5049|5115|5119|5182|5185|5187|30988|31128|31190
992 #axe "axe" 3913
993 #bardiche "bardiche" 3917
994 #battle axe "battle axe" 3911
995 #broadsword "broadsword" 3934
996 #cutlass "cutlass" 5185
997 #double axe "double axe" 3915
998 #executioners axe "executioner's axe" ' 3909
999 #great axe "giant axe" 31190
1000 #halberd "halberd" 5182
1001 #katana "katana" 5119
1002 #large battle axe "large battle axe" 5115
1003 #longsword "longsword" 3937
1004 #norse axe "norse axe" 31128
1005 #scimitar "scimitar" 5046
1006 #two handed axe "two handed axe" 5187
1007 #viking sword "viking sword" 5049
1008 #zweihander "zweihander" 30988
1010 #Training weapons - all serials: 5042|5044|5049|5121
1011 #wooden training kryss "kryss" 5121 (hue 2417)
1012 #wooden training sword "viking sword" 5049 (hue 2417)
1013 #wooden training club "club" 5044 (hue 2417)
1014 #wooden training bow "bow" 5042 (hue 2417)
1016 #Wrestling - all serials: 22187|31141|31142
1017 #cestus "caesti" 31141
1018 #fistblade "fistblade" 31142
1019 #martial manual "martial arts scroll" 22187
1022//Other items
1024 #a bank deposit safe "bank deposit safe" 41517|41518|41519|41460
1025 #a bolt of cloth "bolt%s% of cloth" 3989
1026 #a chest key "iron key" 4112
1027 #a clothing alteration kit "tinker kit" 39517 (hue 2913)
1028 #a disguise kit "hat stand" 42564
1029 #a glowing rune "glowing rune" 24919|24923|24939|24959|24971|25027
1030 #a large smoking pipe "large pipe" 22197
1031 #a leather cap restyle kit "tinker kit" 39517 (hue 0)
1032 #a repair bench "repair bench" 29354|29355
1033 #a resource stockpile "resource container" 23034
1034 #a small smoking pipe "short pipe" 22198
1035 #a wig stand "wig stand" 3591
1036 #an umbermare key "iron key" 4112
1037 #adventurers rope "rope" 5370 (Hue 2799)
1038 #ammo bundle "bolt and arrow keg" 24345 (for hue see aspect hue types)
1039 #archeology desk "dig desk" 37752|37753
1040 #arrow "arrow" 3903
1041 #aspect kit "kit" 42519
1042 #aspect triumph "aspect triumph" 36752
1043 #bandage "clean bandage%s%" 3617
1044 #bedroll "bedroll" 2647
1045 #beeswax "Beeswax" 5154
1046 #black market poster "black goods board" 2413|2414
1047 #blank Commodity "books" 7715
1048 #blank map "map" 5356 (Hue 2955)
1049 #blank scroll "blank scroll%s%" 3827
1050 #bolt "crossbow bolt" 7163
1051 #brazier "brazier" 3633
1052 #candelabra "candlabra" 2599 (not lit) | "candelabra" 2845 (lit)
1053 #candle "candle%s%" 2600 (not lit) | "candle" 2575 (lit)
1054 #cheese "wedge%s% of cheese" 2429
1055 #cloth "cut cloth" 5990
1056 #collectable card "parchment" 27611
1057 #copper key "copper key" 4110
1058 #crafting manual "Book of Truth" 7187 (blacksmithing hue: 2873 | carpentry hue: 2913 | tailoring hue: 2826 | tinkering hue: 2912)
1059 #deed (different types): "deed" 5359|5360
1060 #detective lens "magnifying glass" 44328
1061 #donation map "map of Outlands" 28961|28962
1062 #dress form "dress form" 3782
1063 #dyes "dyes" 4009
1064 #dye tub "dyeing tub" 4011 (Faction hues: andaria 1078, cambria 1088, prevalia 1076, terran 1086)
1065 #fish bait "full jars" 3657
1066 #flour "bowl of flour" 2590
1067 #gift certificate "gift certificate" 48836
1068 #gold key "gold key" 4111
1069 #heating stand "heating stand" 6217 (not lit) |6218 (lit)
1070 #home surveying tool "spyglass" 39521
1071 #interior decorator "wall shelf" 27538
1072 #iron key "iron key" 4112
1073 #item identification wand "wand" 20496
1074 #jousting lance "lance" 9920
1075 #jousting shield "kite shield" 7029 (hue 0)
1076 #key ring "key ring" 4113|5994
1077 #kindling "kindling" 3553
1078 #lockpicks "lockpicks" 5373
1079 #locksmith training box "strong box" 3712
1080 #magic mushroom "mushroom" 29012
1081 #melloweed cigarettes "joint" 21939
1082 #oil cloth "folded cloth" 5981 (hue 2001)
1083 #painter's touch up kit ' "art supply kit" 2593
1084 #painter's removal kit ' "paint removal kit" 2644
1085 #pile%s% of wool 3576
1086 #recall Rune "recall rune" 7956 (Hue: Blank recall rune 2882, Marked rune 0)
1087 #rental vendor contract "rolled maps" 29389
1088 #repair kit "tool kit" 7866 (blacksmithing hue: 2825 | carpentry hue: 2990 | inscription hue: 2875 | tailoring hue: 2901)
1089 #scissors "scissors" 3998|3999
1090 #shaft "shaft%s" 7124
1091 #shovel "shovel" 3897
1092 #smoke bomb "bombs" 52149
1093 #spell focus "" 48261 (for hue see aspect hue types)
1094 #spyglass "spyglass" 5365
1095 #torch "torch%es%" 3947
1096 #trap detonator "music box" 29447
1097 #trap tool "drill" 29001
1098 #trap wire "gold wire" 6264
1099 #veterinary supplies "veterinary supplies" 25750
1100 #wardrobe "tailor clothing rack" 32986|32987|32988|32989
1101 #water pipe "bong" 51100
1102 #weapon oil "bottle" 45285 (for hue see aspect hue types)
1103 #wood frame donation map "map of Outlands" 28963|28964
1105 #To be continued ... (maybe)