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Stealth Wiz by AreYouKidden🐲

Description: For use when stealthing, to overhead system messages in color, as well as with a magical wizard hat in your back pack, to reduce your stamina so you can't walk through other hidden or non hidden NPC's/models and break stealth.

//Keep a magical wizhat in backpack //to keep stam below max when //stealthing. @clearsysmsg if not find 'MyHat' 'self' overhead 'Target your headgear.' pause 200 setvar 'MyHat' endif overhead 'Stealth Wiz Enabled' 44 if not timerexists 'hatTimer' settimer 'hatTimer' 0 endif while not dead 'self' while hidden 'self' if insysmsg 'You feel comfortable enough to begin stealth' or insysmsg 'You feel ready to continue stealthing' overhead 'Ready to Stealth' 63 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 10 stealth steps' overhead '10 steps remaining' 88 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 9 stealth steps' overhead '9 steps remaining' 88 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 8 stealth steps' overhead '8 steps remaining' 43 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 7 stealth steps' overhead '7 steps remaining' 43 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 6 stealth steps' overhead '6 steps remaining' 33 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 5 stealth steps' overhead '5 steps remaining' 33 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 4 stealth steps' overhead '4 steps remaining' 33 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 3 stealth steps' overhead '3 steps remaining' 32 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 2 stealth steps' overhead '2 steps remaining' 32 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 1 stealth steps' overhead '1 steps remaining' 37 clearsysmsg endif if insysmsg 'You have 0 stealth steps' overhead '0 steps remaining' 37 clearsysmsg endif if findtype '0x1718' 'self' as hat if stam == maxstam if timer 'hatTimer' > 2000 settimer 'hatTimer' 0 dclick hat pause 300 dclick 'MyHat' pause 300 endif endif endif endwhile endwhile