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Safe Hiding & Stealth hotkey by golfinh0

# Name: Begin to Hiding than Stealth or Stealth when ready # Author: golfinho, Guilherme Ledes (Inspired by first Jaseowns thief live stream) # Description: Use only one hotkey to hide and stealth, and do not lose any # step when stealthing any more, with this script you will automaticaly begin to # stealth only after you do your last available step. # # Hint: # - Disable auto-stealth # - Check Razor Options -> Additional options -> Count stealth steps, Overhead # Format: [stealth {step}] # - Add these overheadmessage to help you to follow what is going on: # <overheadmessage searchtext="You feel comfortable enough to begin stealthing" message="READY" hue="68" /> # <overheadmessage searchtext="You begin to move quietly" message="stealth GO" hue="68" /> # <overheadmessage searchtext="You have 4 stealth" message="stealth LAST STEPS" hue="43" /> # <overheadmessage searchtext="You have been revealed" message="stealth REVEALED" hue="33" /> # <overheadmessage searchtext="You feel ready to continue stealth" message="stealth READY" hue="68" /> # <overheadmessage searchtext="You must hide first" message="stealth NOT HIDDEN" hue="33" /> @setvar! lag 200 if not timerexists 'stealth' createtimer 'stealth' endif settimer 'stealth' 0 if not hidden skill 'Hiding' wait lag while hidden and timer 'stealth' < 10000 overhead '[stealth WAIT]' 33 wait 2000 endwhile if hidden waitforsysmsg 'You feel comfortable enough to begin stealthing.' wait lag skill 'Stealth' endif else if timer 'stealth' > 10000 waitforsysmsg 'You feel ready to continue stealthing.' waitforsysmsg 'You have 0 stealth steps remaining.' endif wait lag skill 'Stealth' endif