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Bapeth's Reveal Spell + Auto Hide / Smokebomb Degeneracy by barryroser

Description: Use this if you are looking to inflict emotional damage

# Bapeths Reveal Spell + Auto Hide / Smokebomb Degeneracy # # "In Warmode" : # Play the script to Reveal + Smokebomb / Auto hide # The faster you target the Reveal, the higher the chance your character will hide if smokebomb is not available # If your bombs are on cooldown and you fail to hide.. RUN # # "In Peacemode" : # The script will act as a normal reveal spell if warmode and skill "Magery" >= 60 and mana >= 20 hotkey "Cancel Current Target" overhead "Arcane tricks..." 2843 cast "Reveal" wft 2500 overhead "Quickly Target!" 88 while targetexists //donothing endwhile if findtype 52149 backpack as trollbombs dclick trollbombs getlabel backpack ping endif if not hidden skill "Hiding" getlabel backpack ping endif if not hidden overhead "All hides fail, time to bail!" 38 endif else cast "Reveal" endif