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Training Camping, Spirit Speak, Hiding, Stealth and Detect Hidden by demlar

#Author: Demlar #Initial Script #Camping, Spirit Speak, Hiding, Stealth, Detect Hidden # Set values to 0 to skip #Version 1.3 #Last Modified: 10/25/24 # 1.0: initial adding of variables. # 1.1: Hiding check for stealth # 1.2 Added Shelter variable checks # 1.3 Once reaching 80 they turn off assuming your in shelter # 1.4 1) Fixed hiding to actually always hide. # 2) removed other checks allows to work after wait expires. # 1.5 1) added caps that will overwrite variables and stop once reached. ## !!! DETECT HIDDEN, HIDING, STEALTH REQUIRE being around someone DO NOT TRAIN THESE IN YOUR ROOM!!!!!!! #Stealth can be turned on but if you dont have good hiding it wont work. #Stealth needs to be 80 hiding to work. @setvar! isCamping 1 @setvar! isSpiritSpeak 1 @setvar! isHiding 1 @setvar! isStealth 1 @setvar! isDetectHidden 1 #set maximum values for stats #this will overwrite values above. @setvar! stealthMax 100 @setvar! campingMax 80 @setvar! spiritSpeakMax 80 @setvar! hidingMax 100 @setvar! detectHiddenMax 120 while not dead if isCamping = 1 if skill "Camping" < campingMax and findtype "kindling" backpack if not findtype "campfire" ground -1 1 2 dclicktype "kindling" backpack wait 1000 endif else @setvar! isCamping 0 endif endif if isSpiritSpeak = 1 if skill "Spirit Speak" < spiritSpeakMax useskill 'spiritspeak' else @setvar! isSpiritSpeak 0 endif endif for 5 wait 1500 if insysmsg 'You fail your attempt at' or insysmsg 'You establish contact' wait 1500 break endif endfor endif if isHiding = 1 if skill 'hiding' < hidingMax useskill "hiding" wait 11000 else @setvar! isHiding 0 endif endif if isStealth = 1 and skill 'hiding' > 80 if skill 'stealth' < stealthMax while hidden useskill "stealth" wft wait 11000 endwhile else @setvar! isStealth 0 endif endif if isDetectHidden = 1 and skill "Detect Hidden" < detectHiddenMax useskill 'detectinghidden' wft target 'self' wait 11000 else @setvar! isDetectHidden 0 endif endwhile