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Animal Taming Script by DaKlue V3.0.5 (WIP) by daklue

Description: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

# Animal Taming Script by DaKlue

# Version: V3.0.4

# Added all tamable animals to skill check. If you find an animal is not taming correctly pls DM me on discord daklue in the Jaseowns channel. Some animals names start with A and some start with An so some might not be corrcet in the script.

# Modified: Shelter Dungeon Animal Taming by Jaseowns

# UO Outlands

# How to use: YOU NEED A TANK PET! Recomended a Scarab bonded

# as soon as possible.

# No longer requires warmode. Will Kill non tameable monster. Will Kill Release animals.

# Any questions PM DaKlue on Discord

# Grammer Mistakes Found by Maybacco - Thanks

2# Animal Taming Script by DaKlue
3# Version: V3.0.5
4# Added all tamable animals to skill check. If you find an animal is not taming correctly pls DM me on discord daklue in the Jaseowns channel. Some animals names start with A and some start with An so some might not be corrcet in the script.
5# Modified: Shelter Dungeon Animal Taming by Jaseowns
6# UO Outlands
7# How to use: YOU NEED A TANK PET! Recomended a Scarab bonded
8#   as soon as possible.  
9# No longer requires warmode. Will Kill non tameable monster. Will Kill Release animals. 
10# Any questions PM DaKlue on Discord
11# Grammer Mistakes Found by Maybacco - Thanks
12# fixed an overlooked if statement. 3.23.24
14###### Variables and Timers
17@setvar! doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive 1
18// Set Time For Taming
19@setvar! tamingTimerCd 13000
20// Healing Pet Timer
21@setvar! vetTimerCd 6000
22// Trigger to Drink Heal and Cure Pots
23@setvar! hpCheckToTrigger 25
24// Speech Timer
25@setvar! speechTimerCD 8000
26// Herding Timer
27@setvar! herdTimerCD 4000
30###### Heal Controllers
32@setvar! AutoHeal 1
33@setvar! hpCheckToTriggerGreaterHealSpell 30
34@setvar! hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell 60
35@setvar! hpCheckToTriggerHealPotion 45
37// Tankpet setup
38if followers = 0
39    overhead 'We need to tame a tank pet.'
40    wait 2000
41    overhead 'Rerun script when you have a tank pet.'
42    break
43elseif followers > 0
44    if not varexist tankpet 
45        overhead 'Please select your tanking pet' 88
46        @setvar! tankpet
47        wft 500
48    endif
49    if not find tankpet ground -1 -1 20
50        overhead 'Cant find tankpet reseting variable'
51        unsetvar tankpet
52    endif
56if not timerexists tamingTimer
57    createtimer tamingTimer
58    settimer tamingTimer tamingTimerCd
61if not timerexists sayTimer
62    createtimer sayTimer
63    settimer sayTimer speechTimerCD
66if not timerexists herdTimer
67    createlist herdTimer
68    settimer herdTimer herdTimerCD
71// Vet Bandage timer 
72if not timerexists vetTimer
73    createtimer vetTimer
74    settimer vetTimer vetTimerCd
77@setvar! overheadHelperTimerCd 2000
78if not timerexists overheadHelperTimer
79    createtimer overheadHelperTimer
80    settimer overheadHelperTimer overheadHelperTimerCd  
83@setvar! skillTimerCd 13000
84if not timerexists skillTimer
85    createtimer skillTimer
86    settimer skillTimer skillTimerCd
89@setvar! AllKillCd 5000
90if not timerexists AllKillTimer
91    createtimer AllKillTimer
92    settimer AllKillTimer AllKillCd
95if followers = 0
96    @setvar! myFollowers 0  
97    settimer sayTimer 0
98elseif followers = 1
99    @setvar! myFollowers 1
100elseif followers = 2
101    @setvar! myFollowers 2
102elseif followers = 3
103    @setvar! myFollowers 3
104elseif followers = 4
105    @setvar! myFollowers 4
106elseif followers = 5
107    @setvar! myFollowers 5
108    overhead "Too many followers - release some!" 88
109    //wait 2000
110    //replay
115@setvar! tameThisThing 0
118if insysmsg 'world is saving'
119    for 60
120        overhead 'Waiting for world save...'
121        wait 100
122        if insysmsg 'save complete'
123            overhead 'Save complete - continue on!' 88
124            break
125        endif
126    endfor
129// Trapped
130if paralyzed 
131    if findtype "pouch" backpack 38 
132        yell "[pouch"
133        wait minimumWaitForPing
134    else
135        overhead "Out of Pouches!" 34
136    endif
139if findbuff "weaken" and weight > maxweight 
140    if findtype "gold coin" backpack as item
141        lift item 2000
142        droprelloc 0 0
143        wait minimumWaitForPing
144        if insysmsg "cannot drop anything"
145            drop backpack -1 -1 -1
146        endif
147        wait minimumWaitForPingUnequipping
148    else
149        overhead "We are overweight and cannot drop anything" 34
150    endif
153if hp < maxhp
154// we need to heal
155    if findtype "veterinary supplies" backpack as item
156        dclick item
157        wait 650
158    elseif not bandaging and findtype 'clean bandage%s%'
159        hotkey 'bandage self'
160    endif
163if skill "Animal Taming" < 60
164    while findtype "a Goat|a barbed Prowler|a Chicken|a Bird|a Cat|a Dog|a Cow|a Hind|a Mongbat|a Giant Rat|a Bull|a Great Hart|a Eagle|a Walrus|a Elk|a Bison|a Giant Bat|a Guar|a Giant Frog|a Cougar|a Wolf|a Llama|a Horse|a Black Bear|a Brown Bear|a Colossal Frog|a Firebat|a Muck|a Primordial Whelp|a Monitor Hatchling|a Shallow Water|a Familiar|a Rock Guar|a Sand Crab|a Grizzly Bear|a Polar Bear|a Flamehound|a Swamp Spider|a Scorpion|a Corpse Eater|a Aegis Rat|a mongbat|a giant rat|a guar|a wolf|a familiar|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
165        getlabel janimal desc
166        if "released" in desc
167            // ignore them
168            @ignore janimal
169        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
170            // ignore them
171            @ignore janimal
172        else
173            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
174            break
175        endif
176    endwhile
177elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 70
178    while findtype "a Giant Spider|a Fire Salamander|a Silverback|a Primordial|a Monitor|a Fire Ant|a Imp|a Cave Bear|a Desert Ostard|a Searing Lizard|a Embear|a Jaguar|a Giant Swamp Slug|a Giant Scorpion|a Carrion Beetle|a Aegis Mongbat|a Winter Wolf|a primordial|a cave bear|a corpse eater|a familiar|a guar|a wolf|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
179        getlabel janimal desc
180        if "released" in desc
181            // ignore them
182            @ignore janimal
183        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
184            // ignore them
185            @ignore janimal
186        else
187            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
188            break
189        endif
190    endwhile
191elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 80
192    while findtype "a Searing Mantis|a Asp|a Scarab|a Cave Bat|a Minion|a Forest Ostard|a Fire Beetle|a Colossal Swamp Slug|a Drake Whelp|a Chameleon|a Aegis Slime|a Trapdoor Spider|a corpse eater|a primordial|a cave bear|a drake whelp|a chameleon" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
193        getlabel janimal desc
194        if "released" in desc
195            // ignore them
196            @ignore janimal
197        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
198            // ignore them
199            @ignore janimal
200        else
201            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
202            break
203        endif
204    endwhile
205elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 85
206    while findtype "a colossal frog|a Searing Imp|a Bullvore|a Ant Lion|a Adder|a Deep Crawler|a Wolfhound|a Devilbat|a deep crawler" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
207        getlabel janimal desc
208        if "released" in desc
209            // ignore them
210            @ignore janimal
211        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
212            // ignore them
213            @ignore janimal
214        else
215            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
216            break
217        endif
218    endwhile
219elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 90
220    while findtype "a Tundra Ostard|a Anaconda|a Drake|a Dragon Whelp|a Blood Ape|a Sabeartooth|a drake|a dragon whelp|a sabeartooth" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
221        getlabel janimal desc
222        if "released" in desc
223            // ignore them
224            @ignore janimal
225        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
226            // ignore them
227            @ignore janimal
228        else
229            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
230            break
231        endif
232    endwhile
233elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 95
234    while findtype "a Fire Minion|a Hellhound|a Giant Poison Dart Frog|a Flame Purger|a Sand Crawler|a Husk Crab|a Vampire Bat|a Skulker|a Stinger|a husk crab" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
235        getlabel janimal desc
236        if "released" in desc
237            // ignore them
238            @ignore janimal
239        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
240            // ignore them
241            @ignore janimal
242        else
243            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
244            break
245        endif
246    endwhile
247elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 100
248    while findtype "a Frenzied Ostard|a Molten Mongbat|a Dragon|a Wyvern Hatchling|a Giant Trapdoor Spider|a dragon|a molten mongbat|a Wolfhound|a Blood Ape" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
249        getlabel janimal desc
250        if "released" in desc
251            // ignore them
252            @ignore janimal
253        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
254            // ignore them
255            @ignore janimal
256        else
257            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
258            break
259        endif
260    endwhile
261elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 105
262    while findtype "a Wisp|a Fire Crawler|a Colossal Poison Dart Frog|a Black Widow|a Army Ant|a Komodo|a Skeletal Dragon|a Nightmare|a Tidal Mantis|a Water Drake|a Reef Serpent|a Shade Wolf|a Devourer Beetle|a Aegis Imp|a Bloodwolf|a Aegis Scorpion|a Dusk Drake|a Arctic Bullvore|a Air Drake|a Rime Guar|a Snowdrift|a skeletal dragon|a dragon|a snowdrift|a wisp|a Wolfhound|a Blood Ape|a nightmare|a manticore" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
263        getlabel janimal desc
264        if "released" in desc
265            // ignore them
266            @ignore janimal
267        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
268            // ignore them
269            @ignore janimal
270        else
271            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
272            break
273        endif
274    endwhile
275elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 110
276    while findtype "a Arboreal Wisp|a Swamp Drake|a Wyvern|a Eldritch Drake|a Ember Drake|a Giant Sandroach|a Manticore|a Aegis Whelp|a Aegis Asp|a Ankheg|a Earth Drake|a Acarid|an eldritch drake|an ember drake|a nightmare|a earth drake|a acarid|a primordial" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
277        getlabel janimal desc
278        if "released" in desc
279            // ignore them
280            @ignore janimal
281        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
282            // ignore them
283            @ignore janimal
284        else
285            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
286            break
287        endif
288    endwhile
289elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 115
290    while findtype "a colossal frog|a giant frog|a Bonfire Wisp|a Giant Black Widow|a Smoke Drake|a Ruby Wyrmling|a Azure Wyrmling|a Sun Wyrmling|a Sphinx|a Cryptwing|a Colossal Searing Scorpion|a Water Dragon|a Corpse Purger|a Nightstalker|a Void Slime|a Aegis Minion|a Aegis Leech|a Blood Scorpion|a Blood Drake|a Blood Courser|a Dusk Dragon|a Air Dragon|a White Wyrmling|a Cave Gorger|a sphix|a aegis minion" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
291        getlabel janimal desc
292        if "released" in desc
293            // ignore them
294            @ignore janimal
295        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
296            // ignore them
297            @ignore janimal
298        else
299            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
300            break
301        endif
302    endwhile
303elseif skill "Animal Taming" < 120
304    while findtype "a Swamp Dragon|a Eldritch Dragon|a Ember Dragon|a Temple Guardian|a Colossal Sandroach|a Radiant Burrowbug|a Sand Muck|a Drowned Dragon|a Incubus|a Blood Serpent|a Blood Hunter|a Volt Wisp|a Earth Dragon|a Colossal Frost Scorpion|a Blood Mephit|a Earth Mephit|a Eldritch Mephit|a Fire Mephit|a Frost Mephit|a Poison Mephit|a Gravebug|a Searing Bullvore|a Colossal Black Widow|a Otyugh|a Smoke Dragon|a Harvestman|a Smoke Faerie Dragon|a Ruby Wyrm|a Azure Wyrm|a Sun Wyrm|a Black Cat|a Phoenix|a Colossal Blazing Beetle|a Fiery Leaper|a Fortress Beetle|a Blightmare|a Shadow Minion|a Entozoon|a Darkscale|a Bloodworm|a Blood Dragon|a Colossal Trapdoor Spider|a Lemura|a Barbed Prowler|a White Wyrm|a Frigid Hornbeast|a Corrupted Hornbeast|a earth dragon|a eldritch dragon|a colossal sandroach" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
305        getlabel janimal desc
306        if "released" in desc
307            // ignore them
308            @ignore janimal
309        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
310            // ignore them
311            @ignore janimal
312        else
313            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
314            break
315        endif
316    endwhile
317elseif skill "Animal Taming" >= 120
318    while findtype "a Goat|a barbed Prowler|a Chicken|a Bird|a Cat|a Dog|a Cow|a Hind|a Mongbat|a Giant Rat|a Bull|a Great Hart|a Eagle|a Walrus|a Elk|a Bison|a Giant Bat|a Guar|a Giant Frog|a Cougar|a Wolf|a Llama|a Horse|a Black Bear|a Brown Bear|a Colossal Frog|a Firebat|a Muck|a Primordial Whelp|a Monitor Hatchling|a Shallow Water|a Familiar|a Rock Guar|a Sand Crab|a Grizzly Bear|a Polar Bear|a Flamehound|a Swamp Spider|a Scorpion|a Corpse Eater|a Aegis Rat|a mongbat|a giant rat|a guar|a wolf|a familiar|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling|a Giant Spider|a Fire Salamander|a Silverback|a Primordial|a Monitor|a Fire Ant|a Imp|a Cave Bear|a Desert Ostard|a Searing Lizard|a Embear|a Jaguar|a Giant Swamp Slug|a Giant Scorpion|a Carrion Beetle|a Aegis Mongbat|a Winter Wolf|a primordial|a cave bear|a corpse eater|a familiar|a guar|a wolf|a giant frog|a primordial whelp|a colossal frog|a giant bat|a monitor hatchling|a Searing Mantis|a Asp|a Scarab|a Cave Bat|a Minion|a Forest Ostard|a Fire Beetle|a Colossal Swamp Slug|a Drake Whelp|a Chameleon|a Aegis Slime|a Trapdoor Spider|a corpse eater|a primordial|a cave bear|a drake whelp|a chameleon|a Searing Imp|a Bullvore|a Ant Lion|a Adder|a Deep Crawler|a Wolfhound|a Devilbat|a deep crawler|a Tundra Ostard|a Anaconda|a Drake|a Dragon Whelp|a Blood Ape|a Sabeartooth|a drake|a dragon whelp|a sabeartooth|a Fire Minion|a Hellhound|a Giant Poison Dart Frog|a Flame Purger|a Sand Crawler|a Husk Crab|a Vampire Bat|a Skulker|a Stinger|a husk crab|a Frenzied Ostard|a Molten Mongbat|a Dragon|a Wyvern Hatchling|a Giant Trapdoor Spider|a dragon|a molten mongbat|a Wolfhound|a Blood Ape|a Wisp|a Fire Crawler|a Colossal Poison Dart Frog|a Black Widow|a Army Ant|a Komodo|a Skeletal Dragon|a Nightmare|a Tidal Mantis|a Water Drake|a Reef Serpent|a Shade Wolf|a Devourer Beetle|a Aegis Imp|a Bloodwolf|a Aegis Scorpion|a Dusk Drake|a Arctic Bullvore|a Air Drake|a Rime Guar|a Snowdrift|a skeletal dragon|a dragon|a snowdrift|a wisp|a Wolfhound|a Blood Ape|a nightmare|a manticore|a Arboreal Wisp|a Swamp Drake|a Wyvern|a Eldritch Drake|a Ember Drake|a Giant Sandroach|a Manticore|a Aegis Whelp|a Aegis Asp|a Ankheg|a Earth Drake|a Acarid|an eldritch drake|an ember drake|a nightmare|a earth drake|a acarid|a primordial|a Bonfire Wisp|a Giant Black Widow|a Smoke Drake|a Ruby Wyrmling|a Azure Wyrmling|a Sun Wyrmling|a Sphinx|a Cryptwing|a Colossal Searing Scorpion|a Water Dragon|a Corpse Purger|a Nightstalker|a Void Slime|a Aegis Minion|a Aegis Leech|a Blood Scorpion|a Blood Drake|a Blood Courser|a Dusk Dragon|a Air Dragon|a White Wyrmling|a Cave Gorger|a sphix|a aegis minion|a Swamp Dragon|a Eldritch Dragon|a Ember Dragon|a Temple Guardian|a Colossal Sandroach|a Radiant Burrowbug|a Sand Muck|a Drowned Dragon|a Incubus|a Blood Serpent|a Blood Hunter|a Volt Wisp|a Earth Dragon|a Colossal Frost Scorpion|a Blood Mephit|a Earth Mephit|a Eldritch Mephit|a Fire Mephit|a Frost Mephit|a Poison Mephit|a Gravebug|a Searing Bullvore|a Colossal Black Widow|a Otyugh|a Smoke Dragon|a Harvestman|a Smoke Faerie Dragon|a Ruby Wyrm|a Azure Wyrm|a Sun Wyrm|a Black Cat|a Phoenix|a Colossal Blazing Beetle|a Fiery Leaper|a Fortress Beetle|a Blightmare|a Shadow Minion|a Entozoon|a Darkscale|a Bloodworm|a Blood Dragon|a Colossal Trapdoor Spider|a Lemura|a Barbed Prowler|a White Wyrm|a Frigid Hornbeast|a Corrupted Hornbeast|a earth dragon|a eldritch dragon|a colossal sandroach" ground -1 -1 3 as janimal
319        getlabel janimal desc
320        if "released" in desc
321            // ignore them
322            @ignore janimal
323        elseif "tame" in desc or "bonded" in desc
324            // ignore them
325            @ignore janimal
326        else
327            @setvar! tameThisThing janimal
328            break
329        endif
330    endwhile
333if tameThisThing != 0
335    if timer overheadHelperTimer >= overheadHelperTimerCd
336        overhead "!! attempting to tame !!" 88 tameThisThing 
337        settimer overheadHelperTimer 0
338    endif
340    if skill 'magery' > 50 and findtype "Garlic" 
341        if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerGreaterHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1
342            if targetexists 
343                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
344            endif
345            while not targetexists 'beneficial'
346                if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell
347                    cast 'Heal'
348                else
349                    cast 'Greater Heal'                
350                endif
351                wait 50
352                if hp = maxhp
353                    hotkey '> Interrupt'
354                    break
355                endif
356            endwhile
357            if targetexists 'beneficial'
358                hotkey 'Target Self'
359            endif
360        endif
361    elseif skill 'veterinary' > 50 and not bandaging and diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1 
362        if findtype "veterinary supplies" backpack as item
363            dclick item
364            wait 650
365        elseif not findtype "veterinary supplies" and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack and not bandaging
366            say '[bandageself'
367        endif 
368    endif
369    // Bandage tankpet every 8 seconds
370    if timer vetTimer > vetTimerCd
371        if not bandaging and findtype "clean bandage%s%|veterinary supplies" backpack as item
372            dclick item
373            wft 500
374            target tankpet
375            wait 200
376            hotkey 'Cancel current target'
377        endif
379        if insysmsg 'not damaged'
380            settimer 'vetTimer' 4000
381        else
382            settimer 'vetTimer' 0
383        endif
384    endif   
385    clearsysmsg 
387    settimer tamingTimer 0
388    @setvar! sayTimerCd 2000
390    if not timerexists sayTimer
391        createtimer sayTimer
392        settimer sayTimer sayTimerCd
393    endif
394    @setvar! isTamed 0
395    @setvar! isTaming 0
396    if isTaming = 0
398        if followers > 0 and timer sayTimer < sayTimerCd
399            wait 200
400            warmode 'on'
401            say "all kill"
402            wft 500
403            if targetexists 
404                target tameThisThing
405            endif
406            settimer sayTimer 0
407        endif
408        @setvar! isTaming 1
409    endif
411    if isTaming = 1
414        if not find tankpet ground -1 -1 2 and timer sayTimer > sayTimerCd
415            overhead "Waiting for tankpet to be closer Bro!" 88
416            settimer sayTimer 0
417        else
419            say "all stop"
420            wait 2000
421            say "all follow me"
422            wait 2000
423            if find tankpet ground -1 -1 2
424                warmode off  
425            endif
426        endif
428        if dead 
429            replay
430        endif
432        if skill 'magery' > 50 and findtype "Garlic"
433            if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerGreaterHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1
434                if targetexists 
435                    hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
436                endif
437                while not targetexists 'beneficial'
438                    if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell
439                        cast 'Heal'
440                    else
441                        cast 'Greater Heal'                
442                    endif
443                    wait 50
444                    if hp = maxhp
445                        hotkey '> Interrupt'
446                        break
447                    endif
448                endwhile
449                if targetexists 'beneficial'
450                    hotkey 'Target Self'
451                endif
452            endif
453        elseif skill 'veterinary' > 50 and not bandaging and diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1 
454            if findtype "veterinary supplies" backpack as item
455                dclick item
456                wait 650
457            elseif not findtype "veterinary supplies" and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack and not bandaging
458                say '[bandageself'
459            endif 
460        endif
462        if doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive = 1 and skill "veterinary" > 0
463            if find tankpet ground -1 -1 2 and timer vetTimer > vetTimerCd
464                if not bandaging and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
465                    dclick item
466                    wft 200
467                    target tankpet
468                    settimer healPetCheckTimer 0
469                    if targetexists 
470                        hotkey "Cancel current target"
471                    endif
472                endif        
473            endif
474        endif
475        @setvar! isTaming 2
476    endif
478    if isTaming = 2 
480        if timer skillTimer >= skillTimerCd
481            while not targetexists and not dead
482                useskill "taming"
483                wft 500
484            endwhile
485            if targetexists 
486                target tameThisThing
487                settimer skillTimer 0
488            endif
489        endif
490        clearsysmsg 
492        getlabel tameThisThing isItTamedYetDesc
493        if "tame" in isItTamedYetDesc
494            @setvar! isTamed 1    
495            @setvar! isTaming 0
496            break
497        endif
498        if followers > 2 and isTamed = 1 
499            while not gumpexists 2426193729
500                menu tameThisThing 9
501                wait 50
502            endwhile
503            while gumpexists 2426193729
504                gumpresponse 1 2426193729
505                wait 50
506            endwhile
507        endif
509        wait 200
510    endif 
512    if insysmsg 'You have already received the maximum taming skill gain possible from this individual creature.'
513        @setvar! tameThisThing myKillTarget
514        say 'All Kill"
515        wft 500
517        while targetexists 
518            target myKillTarget 
519        endwhile
520        while find myKillTarget -1 -1 4
521        endwhile
522    endif
525    if skill 'magery' > 50 and findtype "Garlic" 
527        if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerGreaterHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1
528            if targetexists 
529                hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
530            endif
531            while not targetexists 'beneficial'
532                if diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell
533                    cast 'Heal'
534                else
535                    cast 'Greater Heal'                
536                endif
537                wait 50
538                if hp = maxhp
539                    hotkey '> Interrupt'
540                    break
541                endif
542            endwhile
543            if targetexists 'beneficial'
544                hotkey 'Target Self'
545            endif
546        elseif skill 'veterinary' > 50 and not bandaging and diffhits >= hpCheckToTriggerMiniEmergencyHealSpell and AutoHeal = 1 
547            if findtype "veterinary supplies" backpack as item
548                dclick item
549                wait 650
550            elseif not findtype "veterinary supplies" and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack and not bandaging
551                say '[bandageself'
552            endif 
553        endif
554    endif
556    @hotkey 'Target Closest Non-Friendly Monster'
557    @setvar myKillTarget lasttarget 
558    wait 200
559    say 'All Kill"
560    wft 500
562    while targetexists 
563        target myKillTarget 
564    endwhile
566    settimer AllKillTimer 0
567    while timer AllKillTimer < AllKillCd
568        // Do nothing
569    endwhile
571    if find tankpet ground -1 -1 12
572        overhead "● Guarding ●" 88 tankpet
573        if skill "Herding" > 0
574            menu tankpet 3
575        endif
576    endif
578    if targetexists 
579        hotkey 'Cancel Current Target'
580    endif
582    if doYouWantATankPetToTryAndStayAlive = 1 and skill "veterinary" > 0
583        if find tankpet ground -1 -1 2 and timer vetTimer > vetTimerCd
584            if not bandaging and findtype "clean bandage%s%" backpack as item
585                dclick item
586                wft 200
587                target tankpet
588                settimer healPetCheckTimer 0
590                if targetexists 
591                    hotkey "Cancel current target"
592                endif
593            endif        
594        endif
595    endif
601wait 100