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TasteID, Healing, Anatomy, Armslore Trainer by psychotics88

Description: Will train TasteID, Healing, Anatomy, Armslore at the same time while attacking a trainer, pet etc. Shortens training time drastically. mainly used to prep for a poison dexxer, or poison build

setvar! myHealTarget setvar! food while not dead and not hidden // Bandaging if not bandaging hotkey "use bandage (no timer)" wft 500 target myHealTarget wait 2000 // Pause after bandaging endif // Armslore training if skill "armslore" < 100 useskill "armslore" wft 500 targettype "dagger" backpack wait 2000 // Pause after Armslore training endif // Anatomy training if skill "anatomy" < 100 useskill "anatomy" wft 500 target myHealTarget wait 2000 // Pause after Anatomy training endif // Taste Identification if skill "Taste Identification" < 100 useskill "TasteIdentification" wft 500 target food wait 2000 // Pause after Taste Identification training endif endwhile