Anti-Tedium Gump Selector by alistormccoy
// Anti-Tedium Gump Selector
// Tired of clicking that little gem on Test Center a billion times cycling through
// options? Well, this is the script for you! Simply find the gump name in the list below,
// note the gumpID number and the gump option ID number (left or right) and plug them into
// their respective variables below on lines 11 and 12. Then enter the name of whatever
// you are looking for within quotes to the right of the word ingump on line 15 and press play :)
// Note: It works by pressing the button until it detects the words or numbers you
// entered ANYWHERE on the gump, so you might have to change another option to something
// else if it matches what you are searching for.
@setvar! gumpID 431030585
@setvar! gumpOption 19
// Replace with name of target
while not ingump 'Knee Socks'
gumpresponse gumpOption
waitforgump gumpID
// Gump Name
// GumpID
// Gump Option: GoLeftID,GoRightID
// Prevalia Market
// GumpID: 853007302
// Page: 3,4
// Category: 5,6
// Prevalian Stylist
// GumpID: 3292512722
// Skin Hue: 200,400
// Hairstyle: 201,401
// Hair Hue: 202,402
// Beard: 203,403
// Beard Hue: 204,404
// Backpack Hue: 205,405
// Face Tattoo: 206,406
// Face Tattoo Hue: 207,407
// Body Tattoo: 208,408
// Body Tattoo Hue: 209,409
// Player Editor: Gold
// GumpID: 2957884180
// Create Rare Cloth: 18,19
// Create Mastery Chain Link: 26,27
// Create Research Note: 29,30
// Player Editor: Purple
// GumpID: 431030585
// Create Tamed Creature: 3,4
// Create Clothing: 18,19