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Move Unidentified Items by Jaseowns

1# Move Unidentified Items by Jaseowns
2# UO Outlands
3# Requirements:  Loot!
4# Additional Info: 
5#   Use this script as a basic template.  
6#   Add items to the loot_items list as you get more.  (use >info in game on the item)
7#   If you are lazy :D use one of my other scripts that contain a HUGE list of items.
8removelist loot_items
9createlist loot_items
10pushlist loot_items 3740
11pushlist loot_items 3834
12pushlist loot_items 5146
13pushlist loot_items 5143
15if not varexist my_loot_to_id_bag
16    setvar my_loot_to_id_bag
19foreach loot in loot_items
20    sysmsg loot
21    while findtype loot backpack as item
22        overhead item
23        getlabel item description
24        overhead description 88
25        if unidentified in description
26            lift item
27            wait 250
28            drop my_loot_to_id_bag -1 -1 -1
29        else
30            ignore item
31            wait 250
32        endif
33    endwhile