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Lazy Gardener by SINGsingFan

Description: Lazy ass gardening script to estimate your heat, water, soil and set them to desired amount.

//Estimating Heat, Water and Soil gumpresponse 3 3224608375 wait 450 gumpresponse 4 3224608375 wait 450 gumpresponse 5 3224608375 wait 450 //Set Soil gumpresponse 2 3224608375 waitfortarget targettype "dirt patch" backpack wait 450 gumpresponse 2 4024474571 wait 450 gumpclose 4024474571 wait 450 //Set Water gumpresponse 2 3224608375 waitfortarget targettype "watering can" backpack wait 450 gumpresponse 2 3929333591 wait 450 gumpclose 3929333591 wait 450 dclicktype "watering can" //Toil gumpresponse 2 3224608375 waitfortarget targettype "spade" wait 450 gumpresponse 6 1429840072 wait 450 gumpclose 1429840072 wait 450