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Trolling and Trawling the Seas by rustedrook

Description: Set sail and catch fish, search for fishing spots and enter war mode to toss nets!

# Run another script in a loop # Trolling the Ocean /Fishing&Glassing Out of War/Harpoon&Nets in War/Auto Healer # Requirements: Harpoon, Fishing Nets, Fishing Pole, Spyglass, Pots # Additional Info: Call another script after this one finishes //Set timers if not timerexists "healpot" createtimer "healpot" settimer "healpot" 11000 endif if not timerexists "bandage" createtimer "bandage" settimer "bandage" 11000 endif if not timerexists "warning" createtimer "warning" settimer "warning" 31000 endif if not timerexists "curepot" createtimer "curepot" settimer "curepot" 11000 endif if not timerexists "nets" createtimer "nets" settimer "nets" 4500 endif if not timerexists "fishingpole" createtimer "fishingpole" settimer "fishingpole" 8000 endif if not timerexists "spyGlassTimer" createtimer "spyGlassTimer" settimer "spyGlassTimer" 6600 endif //Begin Script while not dead // Never steal a target cursor if targetexists wait 1000 loop endif //Auto Healer/Cure...Bandaids, Pots if poisoned and timer 'curepot' > 11000 potion 'cure' wait 200 settimer 'curepot' 0 endif if poisoned or hp < maxhits if targetexists continue endif if timer 'bandage' > 10250 hotkey 'Use Bandage (No Timer)' wft 200 hotkey 'Target Self' wait 200 if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'bandage' 0 endif endif endif if insysmsg 'You begin applying the bandages' settimer 'bandage' 0 endif if not findtype 'Yellow Potion' backpack and timer 'warning' > 30000 overhead 'No heal pots!' 34 wait 200 settimer 'warning' 0 endif if hp < 39 and timer 'bandage' < 8000 if findtype "Yellow Potion" backpack if timer "healpot" > 11000 overhead 'Drinking heal!' wait 200 potion "heal" wait 200 settimer "healpot" 0 endif endif endif //Trolling...Harpoon/Nets in Warmode if warmode if findtype "Fishing Pole" hand or lhandempty if findtype 31169 backpack as jarpoon dclick jarpoon wait 100 endif else if timer 'nets' > 4000 if findtype "fishing net" backpack as net wait 100 dclick net backpack waitfortarget 200 target "self" settimer 'nets' 0 endif endif endif //Fishing/Glassing in Peace else if timer 'fishingpole' > 7500 if findtype "harpoon" hand or lhandempty if findtype "Fishing Pole" backpack dress "Fishing Pole" wait 100 endif else hotkey "Use item in hand" waitfortarget 1000 target "self" settimer 'fishingpole' 0 endif endif wait 200 // Never steal a target cursor if targetexists wait 1000 loop endif if not findtype "spyglass" backpack overhead "No spyglass" stop endif if timer "spyGlassTimer" > 6500 if targetexists wait 1000 loop endif gumpclose 2890020940 gumpclose 2890020940 if targetexists wait 1000 loop endif dclicktype "spyglass" backpack wft 1000 if targetexists neutral target 'self' endif waitforgump 2890020940 gumpresponse 11 2890020940 waitforgump 2890020940 gumpresponse 4 2890020940 waitforgump 2890020940 settimer 'spyGlassTimer' 0 cooldown Spyglass endif endif wait 200 loop endwhile