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Fishing frenzy by Nevor

Description: Script to continously scan for fishing frenzy spots and clear them

1//This script is continously checking for a fishing frenzy within range of sight
2//If in range it will automatically start fishing as long as there is a fishing pole equipped or in backpack
3//For players with tracking skill it will activate hunting mode and stop if an enemy is detected
4//You can input the name of your 'escape script' down below at the '//--->' marked areas if you want to use auto escape with tracking
5//Unfortunately it is not possible to discriminate between real and house-deco koi, since they have the same serial and hue
9say 'Mornin`!' 100
10@setvar! speechCycle 1 
12//activate hunting mode
13if skill 'Tracking' > 0 and not findbuff 'Tracking Hunting'
14    skill 'Tracking'
15    waitforgump 4267467659
16    gumpresponse 6
17    waitforgump 4267467659
18    gumpclose 4267467659
19    wait 200
22//main loop, remove this while and the endwhile at end of script in case you do not want the script to cycle
23while not dead
25    //tracking detection check
26    if insysmsg 'now tracking'
27        overhead '*** RED ALERT ***' 33
28//--->  insert the name of your escape script and remove the // below if you want to use auto escape
29        //script 'myEscapeScript'
30        stop
31    endif
33    //check for a fishing frenzy, standard range of sight is 18 tiles, range for fishing is 8 tiles
34    if findtype 'koi' ground -1 -1 18 as myFrenzy
36        //equip fishing pole if necessary, stop if we do not have one in our backpack
37        if lhandempty and findtype 'fishing pole' backpack as myStick
38            lift myStick
39            drop self lefthand
40            while queued
41                wait 50
42            endwhile
43        elseif lhandempty and not findtype 'fishing pole' backpack
44            overhead 'No fishing pole' 33
45            stop
46        endif
48        //frenzy in range, fishing
49        if find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 8
50            dclick myFrenzy
51            //fishing time for a frenzy is 3 seconds, this for loop can potentially be reduced to 4 if you suffer less lag than I am (there is another 1 sec anti-spam wait below)
52            for 5
53                //tracking detection check while fishing
54                if insysmsg 'now tracking'
55                    overhead '*** RED ALERT ***' 33
56//--->              insert the name of your escape script and remove the // below if you want to use auto escape
57                    //script 'myEscapeScript'
58                    stop
59                else
60                    wait 500
61                endif
62            endfor
63        //frenzy out of range notification
64        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 9
65            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 9 tiles' 68
66            overhead 'Move closer...' 68
67        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 10    
68            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 10 tiles' 58
69            overhead 'Move closer...' 58
70        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 11
71            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 11 tiles' 56
72            overhead 'Move closer...' 56    
73        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 12
74            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 12 tiles' 54
75            overhead 'Move closer...' 54
76        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 13
77            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 13 tiles' 50
78            overhead 'Move closer...' 50
79        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 14
80            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 14 tiles' 45
81            overhead 'Move closer...' 45
82        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 15
83            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 15 tiles' 43
84            overhead 'Move closer...' 43
85        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 16
86            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 16 tiles' 41
87            overhead 'Move closer...' 41
88        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 17
89            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 17 tiles' 39
90            overhead 'Move closer...' 39
91        elseif find myFrenzy ground -1 -1 18
92            overhead 'Fishing frenzy 18 tiles' 37
93            overhead 'Move closer...' 37
94        endif
96        //role playing addition for high quality fishing
97        //video suggestion for maximum fishertainment:
98        if speechCycle = 0
99            say 'Mornin`!' 100
100            @setvar! speechCycle 1 
101        elseif speechCycle = 1
102            say 'Nice day for fishing ain`t it!' 100
103            @setvar! speechCycle 2
104        elseif speechCycle = 2
105            say 'Hu ha!' 100
106            @setvar! speechCycle 0
107        endif
109    endif
111    //anti-spam wait
112    wait 1000
114    //frenzy done check
115    if insysmsg 'The fishing frenzy subsides'
116        overhead 'Frenzy done'
117    endif