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Fishing frenzy V2 by nev0r

1//Script to detect and harvest fishing frenzy spots in the world of UO Outlands
2//You can input the name of your "escape script" down below ("//--->" marked area) if you want to use auto escape with tracking
4#   globalWaitForServerResponse: your latency in ms
5    setvar! globalWaitForServerResponse 500
7//Activate Tracking
8if skill "Tracking" >= 50 and not findbuff "Tracking Hunting" 
9    clearsysmsg
10    while not gumpexists 4267467659
11        skill "tracking"
12        wait globalWaitForServerResponse
13    endwhile
14    gumpresponse 6 4267467659
15    waitforgump 4267467659 globalWaitForServerResponse
16    gumpclose 4267467659
19settimer speechTimer 10000
22while not dead
23    //Tracking detection check
24    if insysmsg "now tracking"
25        overhead "|*** RED ALERT ***|" 33
26//--->  insert the name of your escape script and remove "//" below if you want to use auto escape
27//        hotkey "Play Script: EscapeScript"
28        stop
29    endif
30    //Check for a fishing frenzy, standard range of sight is 18 tiles, range for fishing is 8 tiles
31    if findtype "koi" ground -1 -1 18 and not findtype "dragon flame badge" ground -1 -1 8
32        while 18 > index
33            if 0 = index 
34            elseif findtype "koi" ground -1 -1 index as myFrenzy
35                getlabel myFrenzy myFrenzyLabel
36                if "fishing frenzy" in myFrenzyLabel
37                    if 8 >= index
38                        if not findtype "fishing pole" lefthand and findtype "fishing pole" backpack as myStick
39                            while not lhandempty or not rhandempty
40                                hotkey "Magic Lock"
41                                wait globalWaitForServerResponse
42                            endwhile
43                            @drop backpack -1 -1 -1
44                            lift myStick
45                            wait globalWaitForServerResponse
46                            drop self lefthand                            
47                        elseif not findtype "fishing pole" self
48                            if timer speechTimer > 3000
49                                overhead "No fishing pole" 33
50                                settimer speechTimer 0
51                            endif
52                            break
53                        endif
54                        overhead "Fishing" 68 myFrenzy
55                        overhead "" 68 myFrenzy
56                        dclick myFrenzy
57                        if timer speechTimer > 3000
58                            settimer speechTimer 10000
59                        endif
60                        wait 1000
61                        break
62                    else
63                        overhead "Found frenzy: {{index}} tiles" 43
64                        overhead "Move closer" 43 myFrenzy
65                        overhead "     ▼▼    " 43 myFrenzy
66                        wait 1000
67                        break
68                    endif
69                else
70                    @ignore myFrenzy
71                endif
72            endif
73        endwhile
74    endif
75    if timer speechTimer > 10000
76        if not varexist speechCycle or speechCycle = 0
77            say "Mornin`!" 100
78            setvar! speechCycle 1 
79        elseif speechCycle = 1
80            say "Nice day for fishing ain't it!" 100
81            setvar! speechCycle 2
82        elseif speechCycle = 2
83            say "Hu ha!" 100
84            setvar! speechCycle 0
85        endif
86        settimer speechTimer 0
87    endif