Drink Strength if Overweight (with two hand check) by FewUnderstandThis
Description: If overweight or close to overweight, drink strength potion
1# If overweight or close to overweight, drink strength potion
2if diffweight > 10
3 overhead 'Not Overweight' 1150
6 if not findtype 'white potion' backpack
7 overhead 'OUT OF STRENGTH POTS!!!' 34
8 overhead 'OUT OF STRENGTH POTS!!!' 34
9 overhead 'OUT OF STRENGTH POTS!!!' 34
10 else
12 # If hands are not free to drink potion
13 if not lhandempty
14 # Switch to one handed weapon (sub any wep for war mace)
15 if findtype 'war mace' backpack as wep
16 overhead 'to One-Hand...' 1150
17 dclick wep
18 else
19 overhead 'Unequip...' 1150
20 hotkey 'undress left hand'
21 endif
22 endif
24 overhead 'Drinking Strength!' 1150
25 potion 'strength'
26 wait 200
27 endif